Why didn't you buy Tsubasa's game?
Why didn't you buy Tsubasa's game?
Tsubasa a shit, it's Itsuki's game and Kiria is his one true love.
Because Tsubasa is literally the worst girl in her game, even as a party member she's nearly useless. So I bought Kiria's game.
>70k copies worldwide
Nice beak
>26k physical copies sold in the first week in Japan
>50k copies sold in the first week in the west
>70k copies worldwide
Playing it right now. Just got to the second chapter's dungeon. I really wish the game had 4 party member slots instead of 3 with 1 character who can't be switched out. Other than that the game's pretty fun. Maiko is best girl, closely followed by Kiria
Also Kiria's battle clothes are stupid, but her regular outfit is great.
i want to sit down behind tsubasa and massage her aching breasts
I would have if it wasn't censored. This game got me to mod my Wii U.
I just finished chapter 3
I don't care.
>I really wish the game had 4 party member slots instead of 3 with 1 character who can't be switched out
Classic SMT did it best, 6 character slots, 1-3 of the slots will be occupied by main characters who switch out as determined by the story, the rest are DEMONS
I know you've got more
you have like every female videogame character ever
You'll be somewhat disappointed in me. I actually don't have much if any #FE stuff.
I wouldn't really mind the 3 slot thing so much if I could rotate the entire party instead of always having Itsuki and having 2 free slots, especially since DDS already did exactly that
Of course you don't. Nobody does because Japan is incompetent.
>that feel
So any porn yet
>Censorshit with only 70k sales
it's dead. Stop shilling it
Comiket 90
That's also true.
This is why nips don't draw noses on their girls. It looks awful when they do.
Literally not popular enough in nipland to warrant any
>50k copies sold in the first week in the west
I'm playing it now, I've been having lots of fun, 80 hours in and I think I'm close to finishing the game, I'm at the part with the trial of the 3 statues, I just went back to finish the coliseum because I have the feeling I'll get locked out of everything soon.
Kiria and Touma are my favorite characters to this point.
Even Akiba's Trip got some like come on man
That's probably the worst fanart I've seen of any game that's not Advance Wars.
Then you haven't been to pixiv much.
le hit on weaknesses to win
Hey man even AW has good fanart.
What are you talking about, there's porn of this game, found some in like 30 seconds.
No need to thank me.
I have never played a FE game, never had a waifu, never sucked a dick but there's something about Tsubasa's design that really gets me
I think she is my waifu
Because it's $50 for a censored to hell, and back, and mostly likely average at best jrpg.
>Twitter "source"
>At absolute best it sold slightly more then 80k
But I did buy Kiria's game and I am loving it!
Tsubasa is good though.
Nice, thats barry good.
What's your source for 70k worldwide?
Kiria is for rape
yeah, but shit like SMT4 let you have up to 4 on screen and then another 20 party members for different situations
Holy shit what did they do to her nose?
>People actually thought this trash would get a sequel
Moved it under her right eye.
>has now outsold Digital Devil Saga
Feels weird man.
DDS got a sequel and sold less.
So I wouldn't be surprised, especially if they want to pay off the engine development.
DDS broke 100k
Because I wanted an SMT x FE crossover, not this idolshit trash with Fire Emblem costumes and masks slapped on.
Whoever thought this thing was a good idea should have their fingers cut off and be fired on the spot.
>DDS got a sequel and sold less.
What's the next game NoA's gonna censor?
Not in its first week.
>game accurately represents modern FE
>still complaining
You asked for this the moment you supported Awakening
What's the next game getting released?
lol ok? and?
I don't buy weeb games. Gameplay and story is subjected around fucking children and incest. Please delete this thread.
>DDS got a sequel and sold less.
This was my point.
Color Splash and Zelda.
Former's probably safe.
it didn't sell less
Tsubasa has no porn, why did this happen
TTYD got censored a bit, so don't count on it.
Yes it did.
What's it like as an actual game? Is it just not-Persona?
>actual delusion
damn nigger you need help
>facts are delusion
Because I don't fall for waifu marketing like the cucks who shill it for free.
DDS broke 100k #FlopEmblem didn't.
cry more bitch niggaaa
Not really, it's more like DDS with a bit of SJ. Even the "Social Links" are different from what's in Persona.
Too pure
no sales no porn
dems the rules
literally what she's holding
i don't hoes bait and switch cuking me out of tits in vidya too!
>you will never be a busty animu
Just trucking kill me already.
>DDS got a sequel and sold less.
DDS was half a story, half a game, so they couldn't really just leave it hanging. It was a planned duology. On top of that DDS2 came out a year or less after the first one, because it used mainly the same assets and was quick and cheap to make.
Upturned noses exist user.
i unironically want tsubasa in the next smash
>draw anime style
>with that nose
ones on the right side of her head doesn't
censored so i stole it
What did you do with the money you saved by not buying Tsubasa's game?
For one reason and one reason only. I do not want to support Nintendo's censorship.
I used it to buy her game.
Mamori's game.
But I did.
I bought The Wonderful 101 & Tropical Dong
Anyone have a link to patch the game without hacking your WiiU. I heard you could but couldnt find anything on google.
da fuck is with that arm?
I want to impregnate Tsubasa
It's a broken arm.
but i did
sounds like something impossible, but id like to know if this is true.
I bought Ellie's game.
Because I buy games with my brain, not my dick.