>that empty feeling you get when you're walking the deserted maps on your favorite dead multiplayer game.
What's her name Sup Forums?
>that empty feeling you get when you're walking the deserted maps on your favorite dead multiplayer game.
What's her name Sup Forums?
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Big Fat Awesome House Party
Most Wanted 2012.
The best racing game ever made.
I've gotten similar melancholic feelings from games I haven't played in ages.
If there's some single player RPG I haven't touched in years and I load it up I find it interesting to start up a character I made years ago and wander around for some reason.
Sometimes i wonder around the island where there is nothing else to do and nothing else to see and the world is complete and I just stand still... Quite still. Everything is finished: youtube.com
Ragnarok Online
Halo 3
Nice meme
Halo: CE and 2
Careful with that... you just might find someone.
Hello Blizzard!
>mfw going through Catherby on Runescape now
>remembering all the people who used to spend days fishing and shooting the shit there
>Completely empty, except for one guy doing a tree run
Red Dead Redemption
Halo on PC is still active
I still see plenty of people in the leveling areas. what server?
The crew.
Kill yourself it's not even the best game of it's name. By a loooong shot.
>walking around high ground
>go into the tunnel near the gate
>suddenly fucking flashback of me and my high school friends playing, them driving a mongoose through the tunnel with the flag, everyone going fucking crazy trying to battle in this tiny space
>everyone's laughing and yelling
>realize I'm not really friends with any of them anymore
>nobody plays xbox anymore
>alone in the tunnel with the background wind noises playing
>turn off game
Block n load. ;-;
You are almost implying Halo 1 had online.
H1-H4 have tons of players on MCC. Almost too many considering how populated H5 is.
Sven Co-op
A game I will always miss and can never revisit is voar.io.
It was always hype as fuck and fun when the moon came in and the leader got killed and everyone scrambled for his position.
>visiting Kaer Morhen after the end
>Looking at Diablo 2's server browser when it's not the first week of a ladder reset.
Damn son, don't remind me.
Same for me
I also feel that way when look at my older save file in animal crossing
Why does pain like this exist?
>You are almost implying Halo 1 had online.
On PC it did, servers are filled with Brazilians though
>live alone in a city centre
>constantly rains
>completely alone, I don't have anyone in the world to talk to
>just sit alone and watch the lights flash on the rain in my room
>Open Crysis
>Open the console
>map multiplayer
>play a random map
I didn't even play the multiplayer but the lonely feel of Crysis is multiplied by thousands
Mount and Blade: With Fire and Sword
>No entries found
Gaeirch used to be fucking PACKED. Campfires, hunting trolls in Reidnhart or whatever it was called
people meeting up for dungeon runs outside Fiodh dungeon
the world is just so empty. Mabinogi's one of my favorite games and it sucks seeing it so empty.
Screw the devs so much for making Moon Gates insta fast travel. Fuck them so much.
It was a good time. The game with its suit powers really lends itself to multiplayer matches, and the SPRAWLING fucking power struggle maps are miles ahead of the shit they put in Crysis 2 and 3.
I remember Red Dead Redemption being pretty dead last time I tried playing online on PS3 but that was so long ago. I would like to do another round of boxing matches with people on of small but high places like water towers again, that was always fun. Though you had to do the honor system to make sure everyone went in the order they were supposed to and stuff.
your favorite DEAD MULTIPLAYER game you SHIT
I have return to all of those multiplayer games I played mostly being MMOs and theyre still packing with people. Altough when I go to certain maps or such and im completly alone I remember when such areas were full of players chatting and buying suppyls.
Even the hang spot the ol' guild used to have. Sometimes I wonder how they all are nowaday and how such good times just seemed to fade away and drift everybody apart.
sometimes I see a dot on the map, and I get happy because I think its another player, but its just an NPC
Anarchy Online
seeing everything in the new lighting engine is cool, the dailies have been taking me to places I have not been when I was younger. It's quite active too, to my surprise, but not filled like other games these days are.
Now this is an user I can respect. :^)
Asheron's Call.
Quake Wars. Frontlines Fuel of War... Both died too soon...
>Live in a city centre
>There's nobody in the world to talk to
Whose fault is that, user?
Going to buy GW1 soon. Still worth playing? Add me on steam if you want, I'm completely new and need somebody to play it with. steamcommunity.com/id/muatra
>join UT2k4 server
>join UT3 server
>join UT99 server
>oh cool not bo-
>9999 ping
>join nuUT server