Skull knight will bring the god hand to guts level and they will fight

One game with shitty hit detection, one game that's actually 9/10 material, and one musou. Not bad, but not Great either

And that's more than 90% of what most anime get, as most of the good ones get shit despite being perfect vidya material.

It's almost embarassing that only /m/anime gets 90% of the vidya shit and everything else gets a VN or nothing.

And then we have Evangelion, which has one playable, but hard as fuck game, with 30 shit games and like 3 VNs. Fuck Evangelion

>inb4 Naruto, One Piece, and DBZ
One good "anime" game doesn't salvage a sea of shit

is this not a good thing?
>from what I've seen games get worse after too many titles

what neon genesis game is the good one I was going to look into them

Why can't I be a skeleton

>be skull knight cant kill vord
>cant kill zod
>fuck the world by trying to kill griffih

who is the real struggler

makes you thinks huh

> hit detection

you mean the dreamcast game?

the only problem with that is it made you play through narrow areas causing your sword to bounce off walls unless youre in berserk mode

My friend...
you are

It's just my opinion, but Battle Orchestra, the pseudo Smash Bros clone, is pretty much the closest to a good Eva game

It's a fighter with the original EVAs 00-04, several Angels, Jet Alone, and two new EVAs made specifically for the game

It's also one of the hardest fucking games I've ever played because the hit detection is bad and there's no fluidity in the movement, making it feel clunky and slow.

I will give you a warning that unlocking the last two or 3 characters is pure fucking Hell
>that hard mission where you and 00 have to fight Ramiel on sterioids and Ramiel can wreck Rei in mere seconds because he starts with a full special and does double damage. He also has double health. If she dies, you have to restart
>Gunbuster can only be unlocked by doing survival mode and killing 41 or so enemies.
>enemies can wombo combo juggle, and grow so lethal in damage and health that by the time you get to Gunbuster, Gunbuster can kill you in two regular punches and takes almost 8 minutes of continous knocking down to kill
And that's nothing to say of Berserk 01, Zeruel, green EVA, and Gunbuster being broken beyond belief

The same reason Conan has a bunch of shitty video games.

They can't take literally GOAT source material that would take a group of retards to fuck up and churn out great games. They somehow continue to find ways to just shit all over it.

More like bonehead knight lol

Fucking finally


The one segment of that game forever burned into my memory is the part where you have to fight zombies and ghosts in a graveyard and it's fucking nuts because of the tombstones in the way

I mean, you'd think Dragonslayer would shatter them in to pieces, but whatever I guess

>Not including Dragons Dogma and Dark Souls as Berzerk games

Thanks dude i'll look into it

No problem. It tends to be pretty cheap too

What does Skeleton bro do when not saying ominous shit?

because they arent you spastic

Yes they are you fucking cunt, shut the fuck up

is it possible to mod those "assests" or "clothes" and items back into the pc version?

I haven't fired up my copy of DDDA yet, but heard the PC version doesn't have them.

Those clothes are a mod.

remove that shit enb


He will be playable in Berserk Musou right?

>Pulls out his behelit sword.
>Fucks the worlds shit up.

Strugglers gotta stick together, know what I'm saying?

No skeletons allowed.

The sword too senpai?

Stop putting us down you fucking monsters! ;-;