So, is this worth a shit at its current price?

So, is this worth a shit at its current price?

I heard that it got updated so it doesn't run completely poorly. Then again I also heard that the batmobile can get tiring. What do you think?

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If you don't have 16GB of RAM and 4GB on your GPU, the game will stutter for you no matter what settings you play on.

And even if you have those, there is still no guarantee the game won't randomly crash.

Oh and it still has memory leaks.

>memory leaks


Well shite. I do have 16GB of RAM but only 3GB of VRAM. I use an i5 4460 and a 280x.

i have 2bg ram on my gpu, and i run it smoothly with almost everything on high, so stop lying.

OP, it's a great batman game, if you played the others. you'll love this one.

>avoided arkham knight because people said it was shit, despite liking asylum and city
>pick it up on a sale a couple weeks ago anyways
>turns out being my favorite in the series

Maybe its just me. I fucking loved the b-mobile bits, fyi.

No. Even with the problems on the PC, the core game itself is just dull

2gb vram gpu*

if current price is 10 or under of your regional currency than yes
the game is actually playable now
still fucked a lil bit in the performance department but if you have an average to good pc you should be able to get dem 60fps

It's 15 muslimdollars (€) currently here

I'm willing to drop down them settings but I remember trying this at a mall and having an ok time with it

people needs to stop being fucking spoiled little faggots.

pirated it when back a year ago, ran ok, but stuttered some times, even crashed a few times too. still a great game, it didnt bother me.

bought it on sale yesterday, runs better, dosnt crash, still a fucking great and amazing game.

if you dont like this game, and liked the other 2 (forget origins) you literally cant like anything. scrubs

stealth tank segments fucking sucked

wish the car could wallride. would have made traversing in it way more fun

It runs better but memory leaks are still a thing as well as several other issues. If you have to play it get the PS4 version as that's the only version Rocksteady and WB gave a fuck about.

$0.25 has been deposited into your bank account


The Batmobile sections get tiring pretty damned quick, and the core gameplay is a hot mess of badly mishmashed ideas built on top of something great.

Rocksteady should have gone back to a tighter, more focused experience like Asylum rather than trying to continuously make everything bigger and bigger.

what if that guy doesnt play interactive experiences but games instead ?

Same, m8. I think it's because i played on pc and aiming in batmobile is much more enjoyable with mouse

play world of tanks, and just pretend your batman. you'll get the same experience as knight for free.

That, I will give you that. Those sucked dick, especially the mission with Arkham Knight's tank.

You can wall-ride in tunnels.

i played with controller and was fine for me, and this was back when it was unplayable with constant stuttering

Why is it always console wars with you faggots? the PC version is fucked, and will always be fucked, but the PS4 version actually runs and with the effects that are still missing on PC. I'm not going to recommend an inferior version of a game just because it's on PC you cuck.

Fun game, but it stutters like mad even on a i7 3770/8GB 390X. So take that however you wish.

Oh, and Harley has a sweet ass.

>no 1v1 against the arkham niggit
>no 1v1 against slade
>no good boss fights at all

when arkham origins does better boss fights than rocksteady you KNOW there is a problem

guys, need some info on arkham city.
i want to get arkham knight just for harley's ass. literally, that's the only reason. i actually hate batman and comic books in general, but i can't resist harley. i tried arkham asylum, but harley looked like shit in that game so i dropped it quick.
know for sure harley (and her ass) look great in knight, but how is she in city?
this is serious

the only good boss fight in any of these games was the one where batman went full ninja

would've been cool to have that sword as a cheat in normal game

>i want to get arkham knight just for harley's ass.

why dont you just go download her models for sfm and pose her in that?


because it makes me feel better when im pretending im enjoying a video game

>i tried arkham asylum, but harley looked like shit in that game so i dropped it quick.

Wow, shit taste detected. Nurse Harley best Harley.

on an unrelated note I started using SFM last night to make anims and holy fuck its fucking hard I might just drop it and learn how to use a DAW instead

didn't show off her ass well. key. vital

>ah fuck, he's up on the ledge, whadda we do?
>i dunno, flip him off?

All jokes aside, Asylum is fucking GOAT and I don't know why they went open world after it

Yeah it's great but I still think City and Asylum are better. Maybe because Knight was too similar to them, the batmobile stuff wasn't too different

What's a memory leak?. I love this game on my PS4, and i want to buy it for PC, as i want to free roam with all the characters.

Open world would have been the right direction had they not closed off Gotham and filled the streets with criminals not once but twice. What's the point of taking down the bad guys if there are no civilians around to protect? what's the point of adding the batmobile if I can't just cruise around and pick up a disturbance on the police radio? and what's the point of open world if I can never visit the fucking batcave or Wayne Manor?

Asylum is the best because it has none of these issues.

>and what's the point of open world if I can never visit the fucking batcave or Wayne Manor?
You can't? I mean you could do that in Origin.

Say the games ram requirement is 4gb, a memory leak would keep raising the requirement and wouldn't stop. So a 4gb requirement would become 8, then 16, then 24 and so on until you turned off the game or it crashed. MKX also had the same problem on PC which was also WB.
As for the mod to free roam as anyone, it's really not worth it. A novelty sure but it wears off when you realize you can't actually do anything.

Hey, City open world is great, and you need open world for the Batmobile. Origins open world is the only shit one, because it doesn't feel like a real city (the streets doesn't seem to be wide enough for traffic, the excuse for having no civilians is worse than the Knight one, it has an unrealistic ammount of radio towers and the Nygma shit doesn't worth the effort).

I think the open world just kills the tight focus Asylum had. It's compelling because every time you finish an objective, it funnels you right into the next and makes you never want to stop.

Whereas in City, you fly around the city looking for the objective place, you go into a building, you do the objective inside the building, then you leave and go flying around looking for the next.
The movement is amazing and I can honestly see people liking City better than Asylum just for the fun of speed grappling like a madman, but the tension of Asylum just can't be beat.

And seeing a little bit more of Batman's costume get torn up each time you complete a major objective just adds that extra dose of "you're really dragging on through the night and going on a non-stop adventure, you can't just stop playing."

You could visit the cave in Origin but you couldn't really explore the place, or Wayne Manor and uncover lots of secrets. In both City and Knight, the play area is contained away from the mansion so you can see it in the distance, but you can't touch.

City was done so that they wouldn't have to. It's part of old Gotham that is closed off. Origins didn't really have a good reason not to have civilians. As for Knight they didn't want you to be able to hit them with a car.

Also Both Origins and Knight had "Batcaves" Or HQs.

Clayface bossfight, you mean?.

Both Harley and Catwoman looks at her best in Knight. In City they also look sexy, but not as in Knight. Ivy looks better in Asylum.

>but the tension of Asylum just can't be beat.

I agree completely Asylum will always be my favourite of the Arkham series for many reasons, that being one of them. It's no coincidence that after Dini left, it started to go downhill.

It's all excuses and piss poor ones at that, City I can forgive because they were trying something, but Knight? nah. Making that City ver2 was a huge mistake, that should have been the game that finally let us be the bat in all aspects, instead we just got the violence.

They should have treated the Wayne Manor like the Croft Mansion of the good old Tomb Raiders, that you could explore it just for fun, and even go down to the Batcave to do the combat and predator challenges.

I always say that this games still have lots of potential, and i have tons of ideas for them. Sadly, i'll never see them come true.

>Ivy looks better in Asylum

Honestly I disagree. In the other games she looked too cartoony/anime compared to everyone else and it was a bit jarring but in Knight she was finally a part of the cast and I think she looked pretty good for it.

Exactly what I was thinking, it would have been excellent to just explore his estate and find all kinds of shit or just use the facilities to improve/do challenges as you say. Ah well it just wasn't meant to be.

There's no way they will let Batman run people over and there's no way to stop the player from doing so. If you played Knight it's too hard to not hit people with the car. They added the Shock bumper but even that would be fucked up to do to civilians. As long as the Batmobile is part of the game they couldn't let Innocent people on the streets. Unless they were on the side walk and there was invisible walls but that ruin the experience. So Knight actually had the best excuse not to have them there from a Batmobile gameplay stand point. Origins is the one that doesn't make sense.

Player control perhaps? In the AC games you can go mad and kill civilians but they don't remove them out of fear a player will do that, they just punish you by taking your health for every life you take.
Also if we were actually using the batmobile and not a slip and slidey bat tank, we wouldn't be crashing into everyone.

She looks like Kate Mara

I would be fine with a game over for running over someone.

I actually play like that in Knight, if i run over a thug, it's a voluntary game over for me. I have other autistic restrictions, like with explosions, and letting people unconsious on the streets.

I had no problems with it.

>"oh boy Arkham Asylum is on sale I can finally replay it and get 100%"
>remember there's no reward for getting 100%

Man this is some weird modern bullshit, what happened to how it used to work in Mario being the standard?
I wanna blast down to Peach's castle and see the shittiest 3D Yoshi ever man, I wanna play as Luigi, I want a different picture in the credits.

Now show me footage of you actually playing the game without it stuttering.

>there's no reward for getting 100%

Well, you can hear Riddler being caught.

Riddler ranking:

City > Knight > Asylum > Origins

i7 GTX970, runs fucking awesome, no stutters, max everything. Spread your bullshit somewhere else cunt.

Game is "fixed" afaik, I have no issues and it's pretty fun. Definitely the best in the series.

You do need a nice PC to enjoy it, truth, but if you have a nice PC it'll be perfectly fine.

Oh yeah, I'm totally going to believe you, user.

I mean, they just left that option for refund if you played more than 2 hours just for laughs, right? Not because the game is a shitshow in terms of optimization or anything.

Look at this mad baby who built a shit PC.
All I had to do was disable the smoke effects and the stutter which was only present a couple of times when inside the batmobile or when going apeshit with the grapple and the game ran flawlessly with everything on ultra and at constant 60fps.

Game is good, runs smooth, but batmobile is absolute cancer. And you'll be forced to use it very often.

>they do it for free

I believe in the user, 'cause pic related. Also, more recent Steam reviews say that it currently runs fine.

Is Origins worth five bucks?

I bought City even though I never thought it was amazing or anything, and I've heard a lot of bad shit about Origins
Not buying Knight though, 15 bucks for a game that probably wouldn't even start on my computer isn't happening

Yeah user, Im marketing a game that came out a year ago. At least work on your bait instead of just parroting shit If you wanna be a pro memer.

Who's hype?


Just finished it yesterday. Seemed like a fitting end to the series. The good bits of City are still there.

I didn't appreciate the tank and racing bits though because I'm not particularly good at either.

Some things like what's "arkham" about Arkham Knight and Deathstroke's final showdown ending in a tank-fight are letdowns.

You're still shilling while claiming shit that just isn't true. The memory leak was never fixed for example so even if it runs great, it doesn't run great for long which is a deal breaker for many that you continently left out of your shill blog.

So did he fake his death? Is he using fear toxin now? What a shitty ending. MGSV had a better "ending" than this.

I liked them a lot actually

i love how much grumpier batman looks on the left. like, the right one just looks like normal batman time, but the left one is like the joker just took a shit on his front porch, almost as if he realizes how fucking bad the remaster looks.

>MGSV had a better "ending" than this

Just no. As for Knight it's usually agreed upon that Batman faked his death and turned "Batman" back into a myth to be feared. One supporting line for this is when you save Catwoman and Batman says "I need to become something more"

Yeah definitely, it actually has combat that's a little tighter and punishing compared to the Rocksteady ones. It doesn't really feel like it has any business being open-world, though.

Wasn't the joke that the left one is the remaster?

>replaying Asylum on hard a few years after my first playthrough

This feels so much better. Countering is more satisfying without the spidey sense shit above enemies' heads and I actually have to bother getting good at the combat because enemies can kill me in like 3-5 hits.

And getting caught against armed enemies is insta-death, can't just shake off the bullets and fly back up.

See, you can get retards mad just by stating the truth, no need for just repeating what daddy Sup Forums told you to say. Too bad you can't play the game tough.

No. just play injustice mobile and get arkham characters there, much more fun.

Yup. Left image is the remaster and it was so universally hated that they pushed back the release date so they could "polish" it.

If only they added latin american dub, as in Origins and in Knight, i would be. Conroy and Hamill are THE voices, but muh dubs. I fucking love the voice they choose for Batman, it's like Conroy, but in spanish. Here's the ending in spic runes voice acting

I love the box art, so it's tempting.

But then again, those worsen graphics man. They should have used Knight engine, instead of UE4.

Lies. It's the worst one.

Wasn't the reason the remaster looked worse because instead of prerendered they went with real time cutscenes?

Asylum was fucking perfect.
Cty tried to hard to add as many batman references as possible and make an open wold i bearly noticed. And i don't know what the fuck Origins and knight was.
>Still no proper open world batman game with civilians to help out.

i was so pissed gettin the trophies in knight. the hamfisted tank puzzles

having to interrogate all the fuckin thugs

just to fight riddler and get some stupid ending that adds nothing.

even the dlc added nothing besides harley's sweet ass

>Muh baloon

>if you dont like this game, and liked the other 2 (forget origins) you literally cant like anything. scrubs
You seem to have the impression that Sup Forums likes anything.

>Asylum was fucking perfect

Except for the boss battles which were half of the time just killing thugs on titan. That was some boring shit I tell you what.

Still struggles to attain 60 FPS in my i7 980ti so yeah, avoid it

I love this game. i love the Batmobile, and am probably one of the few people that do. I came back to the game recently. I bought the game and the season pass on launch, and did a 100% clear to get the 'real' ending and put the game down. I came back to the game to do a New Game Plus and a shitload of content was waiting for me. The Batmobile is just an extension of Batman. I don't think of it like another gadget. I think of it as another character. Personally this game was my favorite out of all they have done, but it is a your milage may vary situation. I still haven't bought it on my PC so I'm not sure what it is like on there. If you enjoyed Asylum and Ctiy, I think you'll enjoy this as well.

Bullshit. I run it on an i7 2600k with an R9 390 (with 16GB RAM) @1080p and I run it with usually 90 fps.

Just don't be retarded and put max settings

Even when it have objective negative aspects (mainly, the lacking of bossfights), it's my favorite too, for the improved basic combat and predator, the gorgeous visuals and of course, the batmobile.

I want the computer they used for this shit.

>Almost best hardware available on the market
>Game struggles to fucking mantain full speed on high settings
Yeah, nah, fuck Arkham Knight

>Almost best hardware available on the market

wut? the CPU is from 2011 and it is a midrange GPU.

Then show me footage of your game running flawlessly.

>Wasn't the reason the remaster looked worse because instead of prerendered they went with real time cutscenes?

I have a hard time believing this. On PC, the cutscenes always looked worse than the game itself.

bought it for 15 euros, worth that price, the game is nice but the occasional stutters even on a 480 with 8 gigs make me a bit upset.

i7 GTX970 as well, but it still stuttered when Batman was gliding.

Not on unplayable mind you, but still a shame.

people don't know how to use hardware v-sync, so they have a bad experience with pretty much every game they play.
it must suck to be uninformed.