The greatest launch ever

Will Scorpio be able to beat it?

Wasn't Persona 4 Golden available around launch for the VITA? I'm not sure, I just remember that being the biggest excuse for buying the handheld, and still the only reason for owning it.

1) Persona games are bad
2) I don't know what people see in persona games
3) The only thing I can think of is the "obscure/occult" meme they throw every 30 seconds

>8 sports games
>best launch ever

>8 sports games
Your favorite console I bet didn't feature 8 games at launch

Yes, I know who you are. A Ps3 sonygger.

>implying XSHIT can compete with the SNES and PS2 library or launch titles

Micro$hill millennial please fuck off, you have to be 18+ to post on this site.

>The idiot really thinks that Evergrace and Wild Wild Racing are good games because MUH NOSTALGIA

let's face all shovelware except for Timesplitters

>millennial thinks shitty sports title #1,2,3,4 and faggot ass MLG Halo can compete with Super Mario World, F-Zero, Unreal Tournament, Tekken, TimeSplitters, and Dynasty Warriors

And this is how I know you're an underage faggot. Just stop posting before you embarrass yourself any further.

>implying 18 out of those 20 games in OP image aren't shovelware

Another underage faggot detected.

As a Christian, I'm glad the Persona games toned down the occult references. It still uses "contracts" and tarot cards, but isn't as questionable as mainline SMT games.


$5 dollar has been deposited in your PSN account.

Don't forget to answer our survey!

>much's oddysee
>gotham racing
>tony hawk
>artic thunder
>cel damage
>fusion frenzy


SMW and F-zero great but still the Xbox launch was better

I can't compare to PS2 because let's face save for Timesplitters there is nothing worth on PS2DVD cheapo DVD launch.

>this what neo-Sup Forums actually believes

I think it's heavily occult series but anyway you know what's right or wrong right?

>neoGAF trying to play the old-fag meme card by saying PS2 launch was great

That's older than your mom.

Pilotwings Tech Demo, Super Mario 4 and F-1-in-the-future

What's wrong with sports games?

To this day Mario World is my 2 favorite game of all time but SNES had bad launch titles other than Mario and F-zero.

Reminder, that people were disapointed with Mario World, many stating that nothing it did couldn't have been on the NES, especially contrasted by the beautifully smooth Sonic the Hedgehog.

Sonyggers will never recover from this truth

A western console released the best weeb game in the 2000s and it was on Xbox

That "Only on Xbox" stamp still hurts them.

I'll be quite honest: Mario World is the best 2D mario game and they are simply retard people that for some obscure reason think Mario 3 was better
Super Mario World had better visuals, amazing 10/10 soundtrack, Yoshi, secret areas and Star World was hard as fuck!

Nothing can top this launch

fucking kek

F-Zero and Mario World are so gud though, but honestly the TG16 had better launch
>Monster World
>Legendary Axe
>Dungeon Explorer
>Alien Crash

>it comes with a free full 2 hour in game cutscene DVD

>Sup Forums has literally turned into IGN

Nah, it's just people pretending to be shills for the ebin shitposting and maybe getting some sick screencaps to post on r/Sup Forums for tons of upboats


Xbox had 200 exclusive games
still hurts sonygaf.

These fuckers think that Sup Forums is reddit

>You have to go back

>exclusive shitty racing title


EDIT: Oh wow thanks for the gold autismo.

Yeah but did the SNES have Shrek

No, they are perfectly aware that Sup Forums is different, but their idea of Sup Forums comes from the epic screencaps they see on imgur, that's why they avoid normal discussion and would rather reply with memes or sick one-liners, going for the "ice burn" that will net them the biggest amount of replies consisting only of memes and reaction images

Sure if you like easy games with baby-mode rubberbanding.

For one moment I thought you were forgot that Sup Forums was not reddit.


That can't be bait
Another lost soul...

>defending rubberbanding this hard in a racing game

Yeah it's pretty sad. Everything has to do with meta critic scores and sales.

Imagine if God hand came out now? Nu/v/ would complain it's too hard and too wacky and bitch about the 3/10 before going back to circle jerking over MGR, the only action game they could beat.

>Everything has to do with meta critic scores and sales.

Nah it's just a small minority
Usually neogaf raids with metacritic screens.

Is reddit richer than us

F-Zero isn't easy on the hardest cup, it's at least a decent challenge.

>that rubberbanding

wtf is even that, not in touch with modern terms family

>1) Persona games are bad
>2) I don't know what people see in persona games
Good and comfy games.
>3) The only thing I can think of is the "obscure/occult" meme they throw every 30 seconds
Nah, that's SMT.
Persona (and especially P4) are about high schoolers living their comfy life while having some stands.

Shenmue II isn't Xbox exclusive retard.

And they are nowhere as numerous or good as the ones on GC or PS2.

Have you played F-Zero for a total of five minutes? Either way, here's your (You).

their parents are

I'm a nitendo fan but GC had only 5 decent exclusives

as for PS2 only 3 if you exclude jap-only.

Xbox had over 7 great games that are 10/10 easily.

Halo 1 and 2
Mechwarrior 2
Wolf Metal Chaos
Jet Grind Radio Future
Shenmue II
Panzer Dragoon

>Halo 1 and 2

>Shenmue 2

Found the Microdick retard.

I don't speak japanese . weebos like you should realize that

Shenmue 2 was subbed on the DC, so apparently you can't read english either.

I don't play inferior 50hz pal games
sorry but your meme cards not working today.

As an Xbox owner, only two of the games you listed are actually 10/10 or come anywhere close to it. Orta and JSRF incase you're wondering.

You do understand that Shenmue 2 ran at PAL60 and 480p in VGA mode?

Wolf Metal Chaos
Halo 2
>not 10/10


They may not be 10/10 but they are pretty damn good

You do understand that I didn't have a VGA box in 2001 neither a PAL TV?


Do not make me repeat myself.

Halo 1 is absolute trash with atrocious level design.
Halo 2 is only slightly better, by virtue of not having levels that are the same 3 corridors repeating for half an hour.

Who the fuck cares if your underage ass was underequipped in 2001? The point was that Shenmue 2 isn't Xbox exclusive, and it isn't. It ran at 60 hz and 480p like the Xbox version aswell. You have absolutely no point to make.

>having multiple monitors and accessories
>pretending is 2016 in 2001

user you have to go back. You know that.

Shenmue II was a exclusive in North America and sorry for not playing in shit 50hz PAL TVs.
>Xbox still had better frame rate and better visuals.

you do know that Shenmue II in USA alone sold morethan Shenmue I and II combined in Japan right?

You sure had high standards in 2001 for being a poorfag, underage, Amerilard


So, what is the greatness in all of this?

Halo, the game that invented FPS

>he thinks any of those are worth a damn
im still glad i never bought an original xbox. what a worthless console.

Facts about 2001:
1. PAL TVs could into both 50 hz and 60hz. Otherwise there'd be no fucking reason to have PAL60 on all 6th gen consoles.
2. Shenmue 2 was exported shitloads to America where the DC regionlock was a joke.
Even if you were a clap in 2001, a copy of Shenmue 2 was an import away.

>oh I'm rich look at my nose! hahaha pleb!

>I'm gonna twist around the notion of exclusivity to fit to my subjective criteria!

>PAL TVs could into both 50 hz and 60hz.

No,PAL TVs couldn't for the vast majority. In fact I never saw an european PAL TV that could handle 60hz can you name me a model?

>I'm gonna twist around the notion of exclusivity

Still hurts that Xbox had the best Shenmue version with improved frame rate and a free DVD. You had to buy a Microsoft (american) console to play Shenmue II properly.

>Still hurts that Xbox had the best Shenmue version with improved frame rate
Only if you hadn't a TV with PAL60 support (and most TVs had that)
>and a free DVD
Shit son, totally worth buying a shitty console like the Xbox

Sony Trinitrons had multi-region tuning, for one. Usually TVs made in the 90s and early 2000s all support multi-region. Younger I had 19" shitbox from a no-name brand and even that supported 60 hz.

>Only if you hadn't a TV with PAL60 support
name me one PAL TV that can do 60hz
>Dreamcast 2


>Sony Trinitrons had multi-region tuning, for one.

They were released in early 2000s you idiot.

NTSC 3.58 and NTSC 4.43 is not PAL 60hz user

>They were released in early 2000s
Am I missing something? This is a time when PAL60 became standard for video games. It was very much possible to have a 50/60hz CRT in 2001. There had been video recorders able to output 60hz even back in the 90s. If you want specific models and dates, there's a thread for that discussion on /vr/.