Best mobility in the game with tracer

>best mobility in the game with tracer
>can climb walls
>one of the smallest heroes with the smallest hitbox
>2 kinds of shots, for long and short range
>one of the fastest projectiles with a decent amount of damage
>pinpoint accuracy
>no damage falloff
>double jump
>a quick dash in/out that recharges on death
>ult melt most of the cast in 2 hits, in AOE, with an extended range
>can use all his abilities while under dragonblade
>can nullify all damage without losing speed of the ability to jump

blizzard "balance"

>melee hero in a game of people with guns
>kit based around dumping on scrubs that cant aim/ shoot at the wrong time
>Sup Forums still manages to complain

cry moar faggot, Genji is plenty countered by Winston and Mei.

Genji is literal shit though.

Nerf his ultimate just a bit or something.

>dash out
>just walk away since I have 10% more speed while shooting them
>just climb a wall
pick your choice

He is a scrub filter. He picks off solo players or can support the team by deflecting damage and finishing off low hp enemies.

His counter is grouping up and tanks. Winston can nullify a Genji aside from ults, if played correctly. Otherwise just focus him as necessary, he will either run away for med packs or die trying.

You haven't played Winston have you? These are the same complaints Mei gets a lot. When you are by yourself the best option is to run and get back up.

>Winston can nullify a Genji
when will this meme end?
he just need to poke them with his weeboostars, if winston have the idea to chase him, you just need to dash out of danger and pick the remaining team while winston is sweating bullets trying to catch you

It's not Genji, it's the meta

>melee hero
Do you even play the game?

Half the cast has some way to either interrupt or nullify his ult, and pretty much every genji player just hops around not helping and taking potshots until it charges. A fair chunk of characters can ignore his deflect too.

I don't know what the problem is.

>one of the fastest projectiles with a decent amount of damage
they're like one of the slowest, only heroes like junkrat, pharah or lucio have even slower ones, the rest of the cast is faster or has hitscans

Genjis ninja stars don't do that much damage by itself. If the Genji decides to stay behind and not use half of his ability set it should be a good thing.
You should just practice with Winston. His jumpack cooldown is way shorter than genji and requires no aim. Without additional jumpack damage, Genji dies in 4 seconds to his primary fire.
I have absolutely have no problem killing Genji with a Winston solo.

the only hero with faster projectiles is zen
they're all slower than him
not to mention his decent rate of fire with an important mag

>"bruh, you need to pick up ONE hero (who will die against most of the cast) just to pick up ONE hero efficient against MOST of the cast"

this is somehow okay

If their team has zen, you're fucked, plus reaper and you're burden

Still, defense being underpowered is fucking joke. And fuck blizzard for not fixing monkey

Whats wrong with Winston?

How to solve the Genji issue:

Buff Mei

Like I said, learn how to play Winston, he is nowhere near as bad as you say he is, trust me. Winston is a little underpowered at the moment but his role on the team is disruption and or targeting somewhat distant enemies. He shits on snipers easily, and wrecks most healers if their team is shit at protecting them.

you can only kill afk people who swim in your ticklegun (with the rest of their team afk too)
your bubble is shit and will protect nothing
your ult serves only one purpose: deal next to no damage and give the whole enemy team an ult battery

She'll eventually get her due, don't worry.

kill yourself you rank 60 shitter

He's useless.

>Jump on Genji
>Drop Shield
>Use tickle taser
>Genji escapes by:
>>Running away, as he moves faster than Winston
>>Dashing away
>>Double Jumping away
>>Climbing a wall to get away.
>The rest of Genji's team kills you or you hop back to your team.

And that's in the scenario where Genji doesn't decide to just push your shit in with a 200+ dps alt-fire or by activating his ult.

>you can only kill afk people who swim in your ticklegun (with the rest of their team afk too)
His gun is multi-target and why would you attack a whole team solo? You could say this for every character.
>your bubble is shit and will protect nothing
You deploy your shield after jumping on people, which will ussually last enough time to do damage and GTFO assuming you are solo and can't win whatever skirmish you jump into.
>our ult serves only one purpose: deal next to no damage and give the whole enemy team an ult battery
I use it as a stall ult to allow teammates to make it back to the point or push enemies of the objective. It's purpose is not primarily to kill.

>He shits on snipers easily
the only played sniper is ana
of sometimes some hanzo shitters
>scatter, thanks for the free ult

>"he wreks most healers"
well I'll have you know i-
>"if the enemy team is shit"
wow thanks
and a good healer will fly/bump + right clic out of your range
and since healers are always behind, that will mean you'll have at least 3 angry damage dealers enjoying your 6 seconds of vulnerability (hope they don't have mcree or soldier, because even if you manage to jump out, they'll pick you)

>she's literally one of the worst characters in the game, lowest competitive usage
>do remotely decent with her and people claim shes OP in in-game chat
I'm glad she got the benefit of the ult charge changes, at least.

The worst thing about playing Winston is trying to kill a Lucio. His kit is a good fit for the job but it's infuriating seeing how slow Lucio's health trickles down.

>Not running after genji and pushing his shit in using jump.
And why would you jump in the middle of an enemy team to just kill Genji. This is a problem with all characters.

In what games is Winston actively trying to 1v1 faggot instead of either aiding his team trying to secure an objective or flanking while his team is attacking from the front to secure an objective?

He was good, before zen cancers he was fucking good at distrupting.
As my stat goes, it went downhill, like half of what it was even if enemy has sniper/genji, and yes, zenyatta is always my go-to-blame rather than reaper.

Being genji is preferable to distrupt enemy and kill sniper shitters, he can kill that buddhist wannabe with less effort.

And don't forget winston is now the worse ult charger than streetpig/dva

>His gun is multi-target and why would you attack a whole team solo? You could say this for every character.
why would anyone with a brain pack when your hear a winston scream HUUUURRN except shitters?
>You deploy your shield after jumping on people, which will ussually last enough time to do damage and GTFO assuming you are solo and can't win whatever skirmish you jump into.
which mean you'll have to flee and will be useless in the next teamfight
and when the enemy team know a TANK is useless, they won't wait for your cooldowns
>I use it as a stall ult to allow teammates to make it back to the point or push enemies of the objective. It's purpose is not primarily to kill.
so just a worse or roadhog

Ana's shift will not kill you, and inb4 "her team will" you have to be smart about targeting. Winston isn't OP, but he has his roles.

Hanzo's scatter is not enough to kill winston not to mention your shield should be up and absorb most, if not all the damage unless he head shots you.

About the group thing, I understand your point, and that is why I mentioned the the team thing, don't forget this is a team game. I'm not saying winston can solo a whole team.

>I'm too retarded to go Winston or Zenyatta

He is the LAST hero who needs a nerf.

Sadly, retarded Plebbitors like you will actually make it happen since Blizzard is retarded and listens to you.

It was nerfed with Zenyatta's buff. Now it's useless as long as Zenyatta is alive. Also Lucio somewhat. And Mccree's E.

Anyone else bored of the game already? Nothing is going on and there being no new maps is really killing the game.
I just come into these threads in the hopes of talking about Overfu's now.

>If their team has zen, you're fucked, plus reaper and you're burden

How about you guys stop being retarded and we all agree on this one thing that makes sense? Nerf Zenyatta again.

>>I'm too retarded to go Winston or Zenyatta
tell me how that fix things, winston is useless and a good genji will kill a zen, it's even his job.

if you can't easily zap down Genji you fucking suck.

This, hos Zen orb is like Mercy's PTR damage boost, but for the whole team.
Absolutley retarded.

You are misunderstanding what Winstons role is, He is literally a Gorilla warfare Fighter. You jump in, disrupt the enemy team WITH the support of your team, and leave if it fails, heal up if it works. If you cannot understand this, I cannot help you. I already explained why half the things in your post doesn't make sense within the context of the game. If you don't want to play the monkey then don't. Just don't cry about other characters being op when there are tons of characters that can make quick work of them.

ITT assblasted Genji fags upset someone called out how bs Genji really is.

hey Sup Forums





Well, I don't know... Maybe I'm just clueless but as a level 400 rank 70 60% winrate Genji main, I can guarantee you a Winston completely fucks Genji if the Winston player isn't mentally disabled. Always.

And no, you can't just kill Zenyatta... Exactly, because there is Winston (and others) protecting him... IF, again, your team isn't utter shit.

And Zenyatta's ult renders Genji's 100% (useless). It's about the only ult in the game that's getting rendered literally 100% useless by another ult.

Genji was nerfed into oblivion with the last update. And thanks to retards like you he will keep getting nerfed. While fucking no one ever says a word about Zenyatta or Mccree, Roadhog's braindead OHKO hook, Reaper who can just kill a whole team with w+m1 or the press of Q.

Overwatch community is literally mentally disabled.

>play ana
>see genji solo ult
>put him to sleep
>team gathers around and start emoting
>guy leaves
genjis take this baby game too seriously

mei alt is faster, torbjörn is faster, hanzo is faster
most other heroes are hitscan

Honestly all I would do is fix his macro (RMB, melee, dash) that does 180 in under a second and make it so only kills with his dash reset the cooldown, not just any kill or assist

Discord Orb is pure fucking cancer. Remove the skill and give him a new one to make him a snooker hero. Let him bounce his balls, make discord orb place a pocket that balls are drawn to

It does 164
Trust me, I main the nigga

>hero picked in almost 100% of high level ranked and tournaments
>"you're autist dude, he's fine"
oh right, genji main, everything explains itself
it's a team game, winston is the only one remotely decent against genji, and most of the cast counter winston

Still, that's a good chunk.

nah his fine bro this is actually worse than alpha zenyatta but still god always pick tier where he belongs xD

>hero picked in almost 100% of high level ranked and tournaments

fuck genji

>make him useless


Genji isnt picked 100% of the time retard.
Watch some high level people.
Genji gets cucked by Mccree and Zen, 2 characters that actually always are there.

n1 picture XD

I go play OW now.

You confuse Genji with Winston on KOTH maps.

But Zen is Genji's master, not Genji himself

the thing is, you have to be good to use genji. I can use any character just fine but genji is impossible to play with

This. Genji's hitboxes are so fucking retarded mid-air, even a piece of shit Mccree player can easily hit him twice. Which means death since Mccree is by far the most imbalanced hero in the game.

And let's not forget the "lel, I press E somewhere near you, so now I can casually kill you."

make sure to pick zenyatta!

dont be a useless mccree / genji / tracer fag!

>Taking turns


ok bro xDDDD ^^

>It's about the only ult in the game that's getting rendered literally 100% useless by another ult.
Yeah, you're not rank 70.

As it is being in the air makes you a sitting duck so you should never really be jumping as Genji.
That's why Pharah is so useless.
The game is too floaty and Hitscan is too good.

How the fuck are some people so good with Genji? Even through the kill cam I still cannot figure out how the fuck people have this kind of reaction.

>Get killed by Genji
>In the kill cam it shows him do the shotgun shuriken + Melee + Dash in a split second, and as I turn around he already shot another shotgun shuriken in my face followed by a melee
>All of that while during in the middle of the chaotic team fight

Like what is the damage potential on this motherfucker anyways?

All I want is for the attacking team to not be fucking tards and, when rushing back to the front lines, not all chase after one god damned Genji who isn't doing shit against a group.


the combo alone deals like 184 or something like that, enough to drop Tracer instantly.

Pretty good, if nobody notices you or if they're caught up with someone already.
If my team is worth shit I can M1, get like 2 headshots, dash in, melee and I kill a 200 hp hero.
This all happens in under a second.

If a Mccree or someone notices you the whole thing is fucked.

>scout on tf2
>unreal tournament
for the move practice
that's about it, you just need to learn what kind of attacks you should do in what situation

>nah his fine bro
discord is broken piece of shit, the only tank that is playable now is zarya because barrier cancels it. The game balance right now is pure cancer. rank 75+, genji mains or tracer mains raping everything that moves, obligatory zenyattas on both teams, obligatory zaryas on both teams, and betacuck lucios who are only there to cover up for zens lack of aoe heal. Nobody plays defense heroes unless its a tripple top 500 stack vs rank 60-70. Phara is unplayable. WInston is unplayable

The most bullshit part is that fucking reflect
>lasts forever, allowing him to safely disengage from an fight
>hitbox the size of a modern cruise liner

Yeah, trickling him to death over about 7 seconds while you're waddling around with your giant hitbox while their McCree and Zen pound you to a pulp sure is a great counter
Not even a hero

That special feeling when a Genji ults but you are Reinhard and the Genji is still worse in melee than you.

It's great every time.

>It's about the only ult in the game that's getting rendered literally 100% useless by another ult.
It also nullifies S:76s, wouldn't be surprised if it outhealed pharah too.
Let's not ignore how D.Va's defence matrix literally eats Zaryas gravity bomb. Pretty much every ult gets shutdown by something. Wasted ult is not exclusive to genji

Just dont shoot and wait the 3 seconds.
Genji cant shoot and if he doesnt have Dash he can't cancel out of it.
Once it ends he's just a sitting duck.

Nowhere near as bad as Zarya's bubbles

t. Genji pro

>complaining about the noobfilter of the game
Oh the irony..

>Just dont shoot and wait the 3 seconds.
Tough shit, he just combo'd your asshole right as it ended because he's got ample time to get in the exact perfect position for it since you can't do squat for three fucking seconds
God that hero gets me mad just thinking about ihim

>I held down M1 better than he did! Go me!
It's not hard user.

Especially when Rein has 2.5x the health Genji does and your hammer has bigger range with added knockback and only 45 less damage than the sword.

What a pro.

>shotgun shuriken + Melee + Dash in a split second, and as I turn around he already shot another shotgun shuriken in my face followed by a melee

You say that as if it's hard to do or impressive.
Melee cancels the animation or shurkens and dash cancels melee so you just press all 3 buttons at basically the same time just making sure the order is right, and since he just dashed you he knows your exact location when he turns around and finishes you with a couple shurikens at close range which is relatively easy to hit.
You only need a few hours of practice as him to do that consistently.

>Broken with Broken

This is the best though.

zarya's bubbles last 2 seconds and have huge cooldowns, you're pretty much limited to two for a single team fight. They're an offensive tool to charge Zarya to become a dangerous damage dealer.

You're low teir as fuck then, either get back with your team or be able to put good burst damage on him after it's over.

>Don't shoot reflecting invincible genji for 3 seconds
>Somehow Zarya bubbles are worse despite being only 2 seconds and only 200hp

>God that hero gets me mad just thinking about ihim
you're such a fucking beta cuck holy shit.


Literally the reason I stopped playing that game.

Jesus Christ there ought to be a law against being that annoying.

THIS, people forget that this is an objective TEAM based game. Character like tracer and genji can do best against players who split off from their team. These are the people who ask for healing after dying 500 yards away from the objective and complain about the lack of backup.

Why leave the group to die or kill just one person, when you can be healed, push the objective, and get kills and assists all at the same time?

>bubbles take away status effect
>she can put it on somebody else
>can still fire with bubble active
>accidentally firing at the bubble only makes her stronger
>if someone breaks the 200hp bubble you're most likely at full charge and a fucking demon now

Now, how is bubble not better than deflect?

genji is actually underpowered.

the only reason he has any use right now is because of his ult, which only succeeds at steamrolling (it does nothing if your team doesn't already have the upper hand and your opponents can actually focus on stopping genji for a second), meaning it will become mostly useless once blizz actually fixes the utterly retarded attack/defense balance on all maps.

all of his other skills get worse and worse with every step where your enemies get less retarded. stuff like a mcree with actual game shut down genji so fucking hard its not funny.

You're still a slow as fuck hero with huge hitbox, no double jumps, dashes or wallrunning. If you fucked up your positioning, a bubble may buy you two extra seconds of life but then you're fucked anyway.

>"actually" and "underpowered" in the same sentence.

>Absolutely no capitalization throughout the entire post.

You're not wrong, and your punctuation is good, but I got a little triggered there.

This, if Genji was hitscan and his jumping wasn't so floaty he could actually compete with Mccree.
I still main the nigga though, I hate how slow Mccree feels and my aim isnt top teir.

All I have to do to fight the Gen-ster is move and bait his stupid deflect.

they just need to reduce it to a 30% damage bonus instead of fucking 50%
I knew if they buffed Zen at all he'd jump right to 100% pick tier because Discord is busted as fuck

Every hero moves at the same speed besides Tracer and Genji.
>implying jumping and wallrunning means shit when Mccree is in the game

A good Zarya is always with her team, odds are if Zarya is left alone the main tank (Rein) fucked up or you got double Ult'd.

ofc not he just posting there to put prettygirl.jpg nobody will notice he is talking bs

I really hope they test out decreasing the orb to 30% from 50%. Zenyatta's HP is great where it is at, but any characters that are close ranged or highly visible like winston, pharah, reaper, and roadhog are being melted like butter.

I just hope blizzard doesn't just buff one character to counter him.

>bait his deflect
>he nothin' personnel's you

>all these Genji shitters that fought two probably two shitty Winstons think he's bad

The only way Genji can escape a Winston is if he dashes to his team because Winston will never chase unless his ult is ready

Every other time Genji will die like a bitch.

Genji's kit is overloaded, always has been. The ult absolutely makes no sense.

There is a simple way to make genji slightly better.

Makes his fucking shift refresh if he gets the finishing blow. Getting it refreshed by the 3 damage he did 10 seconds ago is just dumb.


>how to tell if someone is buttblasted about Genji
>they complain about swift strike reset on elimination

It could use a slight nerf to damage though.