>Next month
>when gamescom is in a couple weeks



Can Times and WSJ put out articles saying "Rumor" with any and all speculation they want?

sony ditched gamescom for paris convention


Everyone is abandoning gamescom for anything other than showing games about to come out or already out.

I'm not sure why that is since it makes more sense to abandon Tokyo Game Show but here we are. Guess it's because Germany a shit.

Sony love their customers

>abandoning TGS makes more sense


What a retard


You're trying too hard desu senpai.

Does this mean games will stop coming out on the original PS4 after barely 3 years? Jesus Christ, Sony.


the biggest, most populated booths at tgs are mobile games

Literally my birthday lads

did games stop coming out for 3DS when XL or n3ds come out ?

how about xbox slim, how about ps2 slim, ps3 slim, ndsi, .....


you mean the fags that make shit up

I don't understand why they didn't take the 32X approach with this and make an attachment that boosts resolution and framerate. Wouldn't that be cheaper than making an entirely new box with all new parts?

>Having a birthday close to 9/11.


>yfw they announce complete backwards compatibility with PS1, PS2 and PS3 games

Historically speaking, console expansions sell worse than console revisions

Because they're going to drop PS4 support for games after a while. They want a new machine that'll be the new baseline for games in the future. You'll have PS4/Neo games for a few years, then they'll release PS4Neo2.0 and we'll get Neo/Neo2.0 games and the PS4 will just get phased out. This will replace traditional console cycles.

You mad amerifat?

I assumed that since Sony is basically dominating in Europe, there's not much reason to show off stuff at Gamescom so they make their own event someplace else cause they can. They have that level of support. And I assume MS dropped Gamescom cause they're doing so awful in Europe what's the point? Same reason they're dropping TGS.

Why are you lying?

Any playstation dev will tell you this isn't the case. It is full forward compatibility and they have mandated all games post october to be so.

PS4 support won't get dropped until PS4 NeoNeo gets released 3 years after Neo releases.

Try reading that post again.

What's the point?

Bloodborne and Uncharted aren't going to get bumps to 60FPS. A 0.5GHz overclock to an already shitty laptop CPU will do nothing. Aftermarket RX 470 cards are more powerful for $175, even.

getting sonycucks to buy another turd of a machine

Sony doesn't have a conference for Gamescom anymore they do one for Paris Game Week for Europe and PSX for Murikkka.

Gamescom has turned into basically a consumer show, which it isn't bad.

>200 for gpu alone
This is how hard pcucks are grasping at straws.
A gpu isn't going to play games by itself, and it wont include a capture card either.

They are just going to move the goalposts and claim "power doesn't matter" any more even when budget PC cards are kicking the shit out of Neo before it even comes out and Neo won't be able to magically run games already having problems with 30FPS at 60FPS.

And if you wait a year for Vega and Small Pascal. They will get even cheaper. Literally what is the point?

Isn't the RX480 400 ameridoos?

FFXIV new expansion is confirmed to be supporting PlayStation Neo and will be dropping PS3 support.

>paris game week
Where's ISIS when you need them?

>You can build a PC that outpowers Neo now for $499
>Same price as the Neo

There go them goalposts again

From a business perspective is serviceable to the people that could make the jump to PC for better performance but not invested enough to make the jump and invest into a PC.

I would guess that for that to be the case the Neo should be $300 at launch and the old PS4 should drop to $250 or maybe $200, but I doubt it is going to work like that and Sony could be retarded enough to sell the Neo for $400 and drop the PS4 to $300 or less.

Uncharted 4 proves that neo isn't neccesary.

Devs have just become absolute shit tier at optimising.

Why would you need a capture card? All modern GPU's have hardware encoding built in. It's the same tech xbox one and ps4 use for their recording thing.

In France already. I bet one of them will Allah Akbar in the convention which will be fun to see how everyone reacts the same way with their retarded facebook french filters and keep crying "islamophobia" when you point out that all the ones that blow themselves up killing innocents are muslims.

Keep dreaming.

I Would rush to the nearest Gaemestoppe and acquire ps3 games

That's stupid. Uncharted 4 is going to be dated eventually.

Completely unnecessary

Silky smooth 24FPS is good enough for us

It was already dated before it came out

>Gamescon 2016
>Refugees welcome
>asylum centers flood the convention center with barely elementary school graduates from Sharia-run countries loose
>rapes all the female representatives and models
>rips consoles to shreds for precious metals for metal fillings for their rotten teeth
>beheads the men and rapes their children while screaming for god


>cherry picking

It's the best looking console game ever and it also has 99% stable framerate.

compare this to your average multiplat release that looks mediocre and still has horrible framerates.

Fact is devs aren't maximising the ps4 potential at all and with the neo they'll become even lazier.

Why do PCfags feel so intimidated by Neo?

A brand new ps3 sells for $219 at gamestop, you won't get an old ps4 for that low, I feel like you don't understand business at all.

No, because Sonyggers eat up anything Sony shits out. It's more profitable for them to release a new console because they know it'll sell anyways.

What is this mmo

This statement right here is why I got a PC and PS4 to begin with.

Neo justified.

My birthday is 9/11 I lol all day at the thoughts of flying Americans

I was really hoping it releases in September. That'd be convenient.

They don't, you're seeing shitposts as serious posts.

What intimidation? PCFags already know it's only a minor improvement and there won't be 60FPS bumps.

It's more like mockery that Sonyfags are failing to pick up on.



I don't. It's just fun to make fun of the neo. I really don't get the point of it.

Last I heard France is starting to crack down. Raiding mosques and shit. Took em long enough.

>uncharted is so good
>no, there is 24 fps
>reeeee, stop cherrypicking!

This is what PC players want though. 7th gen was awful because it lasted so long. Hell, people are still making games for 360 and PS3. With three years console cycles and two year GPU cycles game technology will hopefully improve faster. Granted Scorpio and NEO are focused on resolution for now, but the next iteration might significantly improve graphics due to 8k being too much of a jump.

YOu can get a xbone for $250 right now. Stop being retarded. This consoles are going down in price this year.

The Order looks better.


Why the hell would I buy a Neo when Scorpio is going to gangfuck its specs?

Would make sense if they want to steal some attention from the NX reveal

And people still aren't buying Xbone. There's a reason they keep dropping the price.

They don't.

It's just funny to see that delusional sonyfriends actually believe Sony is going to deliver on their claims.

Over the long run (1 year) a PS4 will have cost you more money than a PC.

>7th gen was awful because it lasted so long
I'd say it was great for the very same reason, developers really optimized the shit out of X360 and PS3 and got them to run games that they have no right running specs wise.

>Comes out next holiday season
>All the new Xbox exclusives are coming to Windows 10
For me there's no reason to get one. I'm picking up a ps4 as we speak just to play Bloodborne and wait for Dreams


oh wait, power suddenly wont matter again, lol

If you've got a PS4 already and are thinking of neo/scorpio, neo will come out sooner and keep you in the PS ecosystem. If you absolutely want the best machine, you'd still go Neo first, then Scorpio later. If you don't have any qualms about how much you spend, you wouldn't even be bothering with either and have a nuclear powered PC instead.



>Sept. 7
>Same day as Apple event
Good job, Sony

>7th gen was awful
7th gen was great. I loved my 360 to death. It's this gen that sucks monkey balls.

I'm glad I made the jump to PC this gen. Console owners are really getting fucked in the ass.

>game technology will hopefully improve faster.
Wrong. It won't be faster as long the original consoles aren't dropped.

Even with 6tf, Scorpio games will still have to be developed with the original XOne in mind and that's awful. No games will actually make full use of the power to allow things we've never seen before.

And no the 7th gen wasn't awful. Dev just kept squeezing more power out them by actually WORKING and optimizing. Now you're just paying for it.

Just buy a pc with a win 7 pirated version you doofus

>all those sonyggers trying to get people to buy the original PS4 right now with the promise of all these games that aren't being released until next year
>still doing it even when the neo has been announced

I hope you faggots enjoy your buyer's remorse while smart people play the waiting game

Something something specs don't matter any more because exclusives are what matter, 0.5TF was a grand canyon style gap. 2TF is only a miniscule jump, it's going to be $699. Pcucks cant do 4K either, 1080P and 1440P look the exact same as native 4K when "Temporal Checkerboard Uprendered" etc, etc

Then reverse it when it comes to the NX. Specs matter, NX is underpowered, so what if Nintendo makes better exclusives, they don't have Bloodborne, no third parties etc, etc

Then the traditional $1000 PC, no exclusives, pcucks will never ever get bloodborne etc

Those goalposts won't stop moving and they will have an excuse and a shitpost for everything

>win 7 pirated version
Why this specifically? Do they play DX12 games?

No one wants to be that smart with luxury goods.

Dx12 games are a meme
>halo 2

>Coming to consoles in 2017

Unless you're a massive weebfag, you don't buy a PS4/neo because it really has nothing else to offer.

I'm pretty satisfied with the original PS4. Not sure why I would need the NEO

WIn10 is botnet cancer.

There are like 2 games out there which use DX12. Everything else still runs on DX11 or Vulkan (which also works on Win 7).


That was always the case for all the best consoles forever.

>Scorpio will only do 4K 30FPS
>Neo will only do 1080P 30FPS


>This nigger again
Well meme'd, friend.

Check a doctor
You have skin cancer

Fuck off white boy

so, nothing. I see nothing new, apart from upgraded gpu

but xbox a shit user.

>Scorpio will only do 4K 30FPS
It won't even do that.

It's the best poorfag choice.

Scorpio is more powerful than any gaming PC, it can easily do 4k 60++FPS

Whatever happens, Neo will be worse and run games worse. That's the important part.

The next generation is Nintendos to win, anyway.

Holy fuck just make it so the new console is totally new and the dogshit PS4 can't play the new games because it's trash.

Stop being so fucking POOR console fags

I know you're memeing, but people actually believe this. I was actually happy when I ctrl+f'd for PS4K and got 0 results.

I hope it's true because I haven't bought a PS4 yet. Feels good to be a waitfag

>it makes more sense to abandon Tokyo Game Show
Tokyo Game Show IS the gaming event of the year. Especially for Sony, which is a Japanese company.

While the TGS has fallen victim to lies and shilling recenty, that used to be the one convention where using bullshots and not delivering, would get you booed out of the convention the following year.