Why can't other Pokemon games be this progressive??
Why can't other Pokemon games be this progressive??
Kill yourself
Can you change mid-game?
If not it's shit.
Serious what is the middle one suppose to be? I downloaded this garbage yesterday and assumed it was 2 types of male character.
Commit suicide
>rapidly changes gender midbattle
tumblr memeing aside, it still BAFFLES me that you cant make your own character in Pokemon
>Who are you?
fuck man
that's pretty deep
I wonder what the game has to offer if the start gets this existential
>what is X and Y
Sure, 50% of the options are only available late-to-postgame, but the options are still there. From what we've seen, this is coming back for Sun&Moon, though we don't know the extent.
>no playable okinawa loli
shit pokemon game 0/10
i would like that a lot more than the game explicitly acknowledging made up bullshit
I dunno, you can choose gender, skin tone and clothes. That's probably more than enough character customization for a series where the MC literally does nothing (what with all the actual battling being done by the Pokemon, and the MC being sort of disconnected to the actual plots of the games).
Expect them to keep expanding the character customization features though, especially with how much they push the online modes nowadays.
yeah but x and y was the Only example
sun and moon better have at least the same amount
i just remember talking to my friends long ago about how it would be cool to be like a cool trainer or a ranger or something
Where the fuck have you been the last three years
End your life
>left: boy
>right: girl
>middle: tomboy
Why would you want Pokemon Company to cater to mental illness?
I'm CIA.
I'm curious. What would be the inference of a transgendered Pokemon character? I assume the MaleFemale switch is inherently for the sake of polarity with design, dressing male characters in inherently masculine attire and female characters in inherently feminine attire, with certain NPCs and the like subtly implying that they are actually not their prescribed gender. It's all a measure of consistency in design.
Why would I want to be that androgynous "middle" character?
We're only missing one final step.
>Why would I want to be that androgynous "middle" character?
If you like design.
The players Gender means nothing in pokemon anyway, might as well choose the one you think looks the best