Best metroid game i have played in a very long time this guy deserves all the respect just got past the first time you...

best metroid game i have played in a very long time this guy deserves all the respect just got past the first time you see a metroid mutate

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I just beat it on hard
Pretty good. Only flaw are some drawings where samus look deformed, should have hired a proper artist for those

Great game.

I'm stuck on that octagonal robot boss in the 4th zone, but I'm loving every minute of it.

Apparently they got a thing saying they can host this on there site.

Is it playable with the keyboard?

You will suffer a lot on bosses

You'll be able to move better than on most controllers. It's a 2d platformer after all, keyboard is best for those. I had trouble managing all the diagonal aim and weapon switch keys in hectic combat, but theoretically it shouldn't be that hard.

>tfw a fan has done more for Metroid's birthday than Nintendo has ever done

> It's a 2d platformer after all, keyboard is best for those

Nintendo is that abusive dad who prostitutes his daughter, making her wear slutty outfits.
And this guy is the one that gives her at least one day of dignity on her birthday.

>Escape sequence after getting powerbomb
>Time's almost up and I'm in the last room
>I survive with 5 hp
>There's even a special animation for me getting up with incredulity

W...Was that scripted?



Pretty awesome, huh?

Anyone else has a problem where sometimes it takes like half a seconds to save? Samus just gets stuck in the save point for that entire time before the light comes up.

You can put scanlines to this game?

The game sometimes slows down for me, but I just go to the menu and back and it's fixed.


So, of the 6 bosses, 3 are optional? And one is really quick to beat? And another is hard to lose to?

Oh shit, Primeboner achieved

Omega Metroids are fucking hard.

I didnt get that reference, is it from prime then?

Not him but with keyboard you wont suffer miss-inputs like standing up out of your walljumps and stuff like you would on a digital Dpad or analog stick. unless you got shit fingers of course.

What's the name of the green missiles?

>tfw killed Torizo through simply jumping around and blasting its projectiles so that I could make sure that I had enough health to survive the fight

Didn't realize I was actually doing that much damage to it

super missiles

Super Missiles?

It's the same model of ship as the one from the jobbers in Aether (Echoes)



Oh see I only played metroid prime 1.
So does it make any sense that it would be on sr388 or is it there just because

Retarded Bossfights/10

Has anyone found a fix for the invisible gravity suit glitch yet?

I'm guessing this is autism from 2004-05?

The feddies love their research

Not even hordes of super-organisms will keep them from delicious science

You know fedscum...

We have much in common, you and ussss...

When in doubt, phazon


Step back, space roaches. THIS is what real science application looks like


What's the difference betwenn the difficulty levels?

so satisfying

I love it. Nice to finally have a modern upgrade for the least-played Metroid.

I just wish it didn't put so many stupid references in. I'm mostly okay with the Prime references, but the fancomic shit was dumb, even if it was subtle. Like that reference to the fucking Poliwrath x Samus thing.

Fucking light fetishists, where is the incredibly invasive bioengineering and nonconsensual merging?

The Ing were right.

I don't know yet but I'm guessing that hard mode is like ZM/Fusion hard mode, pickups give less ammo/energy and enemies do 2x damage

Put together a map for 100% completion last night, and I'm still looking through to see if there's any speedrun paths I've missed like that curving one near the center. Figured it'd be useful for anyone looking for those last couple missing items without power bombing for 4 hours like I did.

>that reference to the fucking Poliwrath x Samus thing


i dont like the movement in this game.jumping not as floaty as metroid 2, jumping is way to fast, making proper air control a gamble.

Just a cool reference to Echoes really, couldn't possible the same ship since that one was damaged beyond repair

I hated the floaty jumps in SM personally, much prefer the tighter controls of ZM/Fusion

Is that the only way to defeat it?

So would you recommend a newcomer to play it like ZM>AM2R>SM>F or would you suggest release order for the evolution of the gameplay like SM>F>ZM>AM2R

Hard mode enemies have more health (except Metroids), more aggressive attack patterns (Torizo fires more projectiles, Zetas block more frequently, jellyfish metroids start unfreezing immediately), and ammo expansions only give half as much as normal mode.

man i have been playing sega smash pack 2 (which is nearly all 2d platformers) across 7 pcs for nearly 15 years.

i can say without a doubt, i have never suffered more anguish than when i didn't access have access to a controller for those games

Zero Mission has the most shallow gameplay so the latter wouldn't make sense.

Enemies did seem a little bullet-spongey on hard, but I didn't mind. Felt threatening.

>tfw get to discuss a new metroid game with other fans because we actually got a game that wasn't complete garbage
>tfw it'll never happen again once FF releases

Which metroid 2 was known for and is pretty much par for the course.

Metroid database got a cease and desist from what most people believe to be a fake or a employee that has to power to do so.
Metroid database holds a mirror and not the original files and never made the game to begin with.
The creator did not get this DMCA. Only the Metroid Database site did.

Two questions, is it possible to play this with a Wii U controller as the 360 D pad is ass and how long does it take to beat?

Chronological order is better, I'd say. Try to squeeze the Primes between ZM and AM2R if you can for the full effect, and because the Prime Trilogy is godlike.

so where do I download this game now that it's taken down

If i remember correctly you can use wii u pad with the glovepie.

for me it took 5 hours for 91%. others seem to have pretty similar first experience

Fuck im loving this shit.

I just got the super missiles now i'm stuck.
apparently i missed lots of shit.

someone told me i could have gotten the spazer and wave beam by now...

wat do do Sup Forums?

posting the map next

Check my get niggers.
Don't derail this shit, fugg

Heres the map.

i tried going back up , but there is a speedboost wall blocking me, and not enough room to break it.

>no high jump
You sure do like bomb jumping.

Examined. Try following the path to the right of the leftmost save point. You can bomb the blocks to clear a path.

Took me 5:30h on hard and I suck.

I have no idea how the fuck people play these games with controllers, it just sounds inferior to playing on a keyboard.

The map shows two unexplored rooms in the area below you. Do those first; one is the phaser. You can bypass the speedboost wall by bombing a path under it. Then go back to the Hydro Station and get the items you missed.

Yo, I have two more Metroids in the same area you get the Spazer beam but I don't know where the fuck to go. Am I supposed to get the Power Bombs? What have I missed?

Really hope the DMCA thing turns out to be fake and the guy is not deterred from updating the game, it's pretty good as it is but a few bug fixes here and there wouldn't hurt.

you can just not roll into a ball and shoot missiles in its mouth. it dies less spectacularly.

i wallhump instead

Here's my loadout, if it helps.

How do I get a full-screen version of my map?

You don't need power bombs yet. Check your map. Reading these threads, a lot of people have missed two metroids in the breeding area, past a room with another metroid. The door should be visible on the map. If that's not it, post your map.


go back to the speed boost room blocking you and bomb the floor to go back

>Uses the Other M armor
>Weird proportions in certain images

Really my only complaints.

I hope you're playing on your crts faggots.

From what I gather, a lot of people here use rarer controllers with good dpads. Plus the game has a deadzone feature which might make a 360 analog stick less aggravating to use.

>The linux build will be available soon. Stay tuned.
JUST, I hope my raspberry pi can run it.

On their site

>like gaming
>instal linux

Honest question here.
Are you a masochist?

What's the best controller to use for this, and general retro emulation?

Alright, I've been playing for a while, but now I'm super stuck.

None of the rooms that are open have a way to go through. The top right is blocked by power bombs, and there's no way to continue through that one turquoise door on the left. All the blue openings are filled with lava. Is there something hidden I'm missing that doesn't show up as a "door" or an item on the map?

I'm not the other guy who posted a similar map, btw, this is my first post.

This stitching together is really annoying. But here'sall the doors I haven't gone through yet.

Genuine snes controller with adapter of course.

Honestly Fuck this game iy brought back the fucking pain of the Metroid depression

First time beating a Metroid game.

There are rooms hidden behind the one where you killed the metroid in the middle.

Just like so many other anons, you looked over this door.

And if you post this same area, I bet you've also overlooked it.

why is this allowed?

By the way, does anyone know if when there's a dot in one of these spots with two items, it means you have both items, or just one? I'm missing just one more missile but I can't find any differences on the 100% map and my map.

forgot pic

I'm . I want to know how to unlock the lab elevator.

Most importantly, pipes on the map, like those in the Hydro Station, cover item markers. You're most likely missing one there.

I know one of the missile expansions in hydro station doesn't show up on the map, even after you've collected it. That may be it.

How about bombing the blocks in the shaft?

Theyre Power Bomb blocks

Thank you user

was so much fun
