Can we just take some time to acknowledge what a fucking flash in the pan miracle Splatoon's existence is?
A bunch of newcomers from Kyoto at Nintenso create an entire new IP from scratch, it's a third person online multiplayer pseudo-class based shooter when the majority of Nintendo's output is singleplayer platformers and action adventure games, and it's both a good game and a huge hit.
Like, the game shouldn't even exist, let alone be good given the circumstances of its creation.
Is Splatoon proof that Nintendo's senior designer pool is over the hill and they need to step down to managerial roles while new blood starts running the show?
Isaac Morgan
That's a nice octopus
Josiah Allen
> the majority of Nintendo's output is singleplayer platformers and action adventure games no
Blake Sanchez
the devs were newcomers? I thought it was the same devs who made AC:NL
Joseph Cooper
>a entire new IP from scratch A similar game from xbox exist before this shit
Ryder Peterson
Flash in the pan generally means it's a short lived success. We won't really know if Splatoon has the legs to become a franchise until 2 comes out.
Also I think the senior designers just need to be more willing to accept input from younger people, but that will literally never happen given the corporate culture.
Jackson Morgan
Luis Thomas
I remember when miyamoto talked about how he was digging through the sub-500 downloads category on xbox live back in the day, looking for material to rip off and found that ga,e. Smart of him to push it off on these stupid kids so they take the heat for stealing that ink-readible idea
Carson Roberts
what I find weird is why every site said the same thing "see nintendo make new ips this is your first one since pikmin" even nintendo fan sites acted like nintendo rehashes mario and zelda and thats it. there were ten new ips in the first 2 years alone for the 3ds by nintendo are we just ignoring them? For fuck sake wonderful 101 is a nintendo ip
Camden Collins
It's a two pronged problem.
1) some of those IPs are either games that players don't intrinsically qualify or think of as new IPs or don't attribute them to Nintendo. Brain Age, the Wii series like Wii Fit, Custom Robo, many people either don't think of these as "real" games, or they're unaware they're first party (and who can blame them, when most smaller Nintendo games come from secondary devs like Next Level, Intelligent Systems etc)
2) People don't know half of them exist. This is really a problem with Nintendo's HUGE lack of marketing. Nobody KNOWS Project Steam exists, nobody knows about new Nintendo IPs tethered to the download shop like Pushmo and Crashmo, nobody knows about Japan only games like Captain Rainbow.
Nintendo has a massive marketing and public awareness problem for everything not Zelda and Mario.
Landon Taylor
the developpers themselves admitted in their iwata asks that this was the first character focused ip created by ead since pikmin
it's obvious that when people talk about new nintendo ips they talk about pikmin/splatoon-like games, not flavor of the month shit like wii fit or eshop budget titles like pushmo
Asher Howard
What a nice fish.
Jayden Reyes
wonderful 101 was a big thing they even had commercials for it, it was character focused and had a story tons of content etc, Project steam was intelligent systems making a new ip is it really because those 2 games are not "real" nintendo games
project steam was alo shit
Chase Johnson
Wonderful 101 was indeed a real IP.
BUT, it suffers from the same problem as a lot of IPs described here:
Do. People either attribute W101 solely to Platinum and think Nintendo only published it, just like Bayonetta, or they don't know it exists because W101 literally sold less than 10k copies.
Splatoon was massively visible and a huge hit while being directly developed by Nintendo and not farmed out to another in house dev.
Isaiah Sanchez
tw101 was also shit
not sure why anybody thought it'd be a good idea to make a game that would only appeal to the kind of autists that populate Sup Forums
Nolan Perry
What was shit about it?
Lucas Phillips
>the devs were newcomers? they're from the Nintendo Garage
Lincoln Hughes
the inklings are the cutest anythings ive ever seen
Bentley Butler
>flash in the pan going to keep note of this term
Angel Ortiz
Don't, the OP misused it in this context. The correct phrase for this context is Lightning in a Bottle.
Josiah Collins
didn't focus on its strong point (the core combat mechanics) and instead constantly threw pointless distractions in the form of boring arcade style minigames and dreadful gamepad only sections, annoying story and characters, visibility and accessibility issues
compared to splatoon it actually feels like the perfect example of what you shouldn't do when launching a new ip
Brandon Lopez
Why does this make me so hopeful for the future
Hunter James
you never know
they might have a hand at one of your favorite Nintendo IPs, giving Nintendo brilliant ideas for it.
David Williams
Fresh blood for a company whose big wigs have been stagnating.
The thought of Splatoon's success encouraging brand new IPs more often, and those new IPs getting the lots of coverage like Splatoon did, is very encouraging.
Jose Jones
>Is Nintendo out of touch
Gee, maybe
Levi Hall
I'm very hopeful for the future. Japanese indie scene is small but innovative. The new generations have a more open-minded vision of the world even if they see everything from their small island.
Can't wait to see more Nintendo games with innovative mechanics like in Splatoon, it's like the cycle repeating again because Nintendo used to be focused on interesting mechanics not rehashing something with a gimmick.