Want to replay game

>Want to replay game
>Remembers "that part"
>Don't want to play it anymore
What is it Sup Forums?

MGS1, temperature key cards

HM-filled mountain areas

>The entirety of Nar Shaddaa

All of the apartment complex in SH2.


Deus Ex NYC streets with the robots. Every level with robots actually

>beginning of FF9
>marble garden of sonic 3
>the handholdy garbage of metroid fusion
>the inevitability of the cpu cheating in WWF Wrestlemania 2000

Well it's not really "Replay" in my case.

>Wanna try Suikoden 5 again
>10 hour prologue.
I can't.

Dark Souls 2 and that spiders cave.

>taris of kotor

After doing Taris like 3 times, I'm actually never playing kotor anymore because of that first part.

>Dragon's Dogma
>the Hydra cart part

Yet every time I somehow go through it.

>Bought Monster Hunter Generations
>Everytime I want to play it I keep remembering the starting missions being a drag.

It isn't fair. Why do these game always have a boring starts.

At least you kick the Ox, right?

Even then it takes forever, especially since you can only kick it a certain amount of times.

I try to preserve it for the end.

I've started MH over 5 times now.

I'm done with the series, I've officially just grown out of it.

You can heal the Ox with Anodyne, i change to mage just so that i can spam the heal and kick the Ox all the way.

I beat the game 15 some times and I am just now learning about this.

How the fuck in Emolga such a hurdle?

I'd actually want to replay Suikoden 5 just to go through the prologue again. It was quite well done, in my opinion.

>I'd actually want to replay Suikoden 5 just to go through the prologue again. It was quite well done, in my opinion.
It's alright. But man. I can't go back to it without thinking about how long it takes to get though it.

I'd be more concerned about the load times around the castle, honestly. That was just terrible.

Oh. Right 5 did have pretty shitty loading times.

I'm just finding out about it too. I've walked that Ox all the way once on PS3 and twice on PC. I really wanted to play Dragon's Dogma but after the Ox part I do one quest and just kinda stop playing.

For a lot of weeb games and JRPGs, the start is the worst. Just mashing the A button trying to skip all the fucking text, then having to deal with all the tutorial bits and then skipping more text.

>Want to replay Persona 3
>Remember Tartarus


Came here to say something like this


To Chain The Beast

What's the problem with Nar Shaddaa?

>Kalm flashback
>Desert of Death
Also anything with a long tutorial or a shit ton of text. Now, I don't mind tons of text, but its annoying when replaying a game that's really fun but is frontloaded with a long prologue.

If you decide to pick it up again, my advice is to rush through the first few quests, pick up all the "kill 1,000,000 wolves" quests (note: don't actively try to complete these quests, as you play you'll just end up completing them without noticing) and just explore. The most fun I had with the game was just wandering around.