Zelda wiiu vs emulator
Zelda wiiu vs emulator
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If it doesn't play any differently, I don't give a shit.
wii* this is the wii u version
So, the OP is lying?
>theydefended this
Those threads were hilarious.
Best version is the Wii U because it has all the original texture work, in HD.
It's pretty amazing how they used HD textures for Twilight Princess, despite at the time being against the HD movement.
More amazing how bad the textures are since that's all they changed.
It amazes me that they did not even think at some point that Twilight Princess's artstyle would not look good with higher resolution textures without getting an enormous change
I mean look at that, the depth of her face is almost completely gone and her eyes are bland
They changed the textures entirely, they didn't upscale them. Upscaling would have looked fine.
I meant that they did change them but only with the intention of making the same looking textures at higher resolution
which does not work because lower resolution textures, although blurry, have the advantage of not requiring a lot of small details to look good
And I meant they changed them completely. They didn't take into consideration what the old textures looked like.
It depends on which texture though. For random rocks and walls you're right but for characters (see ilia) they did try to do the same thing going as far as the very same lock of hairs
Nintendo think they slick...
now compare it to a dolphin screenshot, faggot.
not surprising, the post reeks of bait
wii u version still looks better overall. models are way better and thigs like the hud are hideous on dolphin.
every character feels like it's made by a different artist
Properly shadered Dolphin looks better.
They outsourced it.
Point is though that the environment textures look worse. So once again Nintendo half assed a port.
... shocker.
twilight princess was fun but too fucking easy
>models are way better
They're literally the exact same models as the original version with redone textures.
>playing with a HUD at all
>implying the models have changed
Dolphin is better.