Are Sega themselves aware of Chris-Chan and Sonichu?

Are Sega themselves aware of Chris-Chan and Sonichu?

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Probably not.

How long does he have left Sup Forums?
at 3:50

we've had this asked a hundred times. yes, there was a video of sega reps joking about him at some event but im not going to dig it up for your summerfag ass

there's a electric hedgehog pokemon in sun moon
the twitter knows him too

Absolutely...or at least their North American Twitter account is. They've directly referenced Sonichu at least twice in the past couple of years.
Longer than you think. He will sell the house after Barb kicks it, settle any debts and living in government housing to the end of his days (probably age mid-60s). He won't be making new videos on the net, but he will always live through the tireless efforts of the CWCki/Kiwi Farms.

>Are Sega themselves aware of Chris-Chan and Sonichu?

He sent a glitter bomb to their offices, unaware said offices had closed.

Probably some fag(s) emailed them about him and the guy who reads their emails shrugged and informed his superior, who also shrugged.

Jenna: Hey, there Justin Coolidge, there is a horny female Moltres over there that has been itching for sexual intercourse with human, I dare you to satisfy that Moltres.
Justin: what's in it for me?
Jenna: you know that 'shiny' Corvette you've always wanted? I'll use my yesterday's casino winnings to buy it for you! You must do EVERYTHING that the Moltres wants to do sexually. It likes more than just intercourse...
Justin: Corvette!!!!! my life long dream car!!! I never been able to afford one myself! This is like my only chance like EVER to get one!!! It would be worth it, I accept your offer! I will perform sexual activities with that Moltres!!!
Jenna: you'll need this...
Narrator: Jenna gives Justin a small electronic device
Jenna: this device will covert Moltres's screeches into English speech so You can understand what Moltres wants you to do. you must not stop until Moltres says she's satisfied, and this Pokemon wants alot! good luck!
Narrator: Justin walks over to the Moltres.
Justin: hey there Moltres, my name is Justin Coolidge. I hear you want to perform sexual activites with a human?
Moltres: Screeech, yes you are correct!
Justin: I will satisify that, I will perform Sexual activities with you!!!
Moltres: screeech, Ok! I am so happy!!! but first, I would feel more comfortable to perform sexual activites at my home, Fire Island!
Justin: that is 500 miles away, how are we going to get there?
Moltres: screeech, I will trasport you, you ride my back and I will fly you to Fire Island!!
Narrator: Justin gets on Moltres's back and moltres flies up into the air, Justin rides Moltres until they reach Fire Island.
Justin: Ok, Moltres, Lets begin! what first?

Moltres: screeech, the first is rather simple, I want to facesit you for the first 30 minutes! Narrator: Justin thinks this is a rather odd request. even though he knows Moltres wants more than just intercourse, he didn't think it would be this way out there. Justin agrees to Moltres facesitting him because doing everything Moltres wants was part of the deal, and Justin lays on the ground.
Justin: Ok, Ready Moltres!
Narrator: Moltres sits on Justin's face. Moltres's butt is against Justin's face.
Narrator: 10 minutes into Moltres facesitting Justin... Moltres has a request.
Moltres: screeech, for the rest of the 20 minutes of me facesitting you, Justin, I want you to keep licking my butt, and not just the cheeks, the butt-hole too...
Narrator: Justin starts licking Moltres's anus, and continues to lick Moltres's butt for the rest of the 20 minutes of Moltres facesittin him.
Moltres: screeech, time's up, time for the next sexual activity.
Narrator: Moltres gets off of Justin's face.
Justin: Next?
Moltres: screeech, next up, I want you to lick my vagina. Lick it like you love it!!
Narrator: Justin rapidly licks Moltres's vagina.
Narrator: 45 minutes later, Justin still licking Moltres's vagina.
Moltres: Screeech, Now, stick your tongue way up my vagina, as far as it will go!
Narrator: Justin sticks his tongue way up Moltres's vagina. then Moltres releases female ejaculation and quite a bit gets into Justin's Mouth
Moltres: screeech, now swallow all that cumm!
Narrator: Justin swallows Moltres's female ejaculation.
Moltres: Screeech, now for the best part, Intercourse
Justin: Ok, Moltres as you wish!
Narrator: Justin and Moltres have sexual intercourse for an hour. Moltres: screeech, I Just had an orgasm!!
Narrator: Moltres's vagina squeezes Justin's Penis, followed by a large amount of female ejaculation.

Moltres: screeech, almost done, Justin!! one last request, I will poop upon your face to end it off!!!
Narrator: Justin thinks, "another odd request, first facesitting and now poop related sexual activities, this Moltres has a few fetishes that not everybody has!!! but if I want that Corvette..."
Justin: as you wish Moltres, go ahead and poop on my face.
Moltres: screeech, here it comes!!! there is a lot in there!!!
Narrator: Moltres puts her butt close to Justin's face and poops. a lot of poop comes out onto Justin's face, enough to cover Justin's face completely.
Narrator: Justin gets up, some of Moltres's poop fall off Justin, But his face is still pretty smeared with Moltres's poop.
Moltres: screeech, no time to clean your self up, I will take you back home.
Narrator: Justin rides Moltres back home.
Jenna: I see you're back, Justin!!
Jenna: what happened to your face?
Justin: you don't wanna know!!!!
Jenna: Hey Moltres!! did Justin do everything you say?
Moltres: screeech!! yes, he did! no questions asked! no arguing back either!! It was perfect!! he obeyed EVERY command!!
Moltres: screeech, I thought I would NEVER get to do any of these things with a human!! Thank You so much Justin!!! you made me the happiest Pokemon in the world!!!
Justin: you should than Jenna here!!!
Jenna: Let's go get that Corvette I promised!!!
Narrator: Jenna & Justin go to the car dealership, Justin Picks out a '92 Corvette Convertable and Jenna Pays for it as she promised!!
Justin: AT LAST!!!! my very own Corvette!!!! I had to have sexual relations with a Moltres, but at least I have a Corvette!!!

Justin appears to be 4ft tall.

How many fucking waifus does he get to have? It's not fair


I don't know about the japanese team, but I know the sonic twitter has mentioned various chris memes and sonichu himself, and I believe a couple american dev people have referenced him/sonichu at least once.

What about the woundgina?

Is that what's being called?

I'll wager he didn't die from it yet as he uploaded a couple of videos recently, strangely enough it's the Vivian Gee book ''A Girl Who Brought Down the World'' that she wrote as a cautionary tale for Chris, funny enough too, Chris dies in the end.

It's like pottery.

Jenna: Hey, there Justin Coolidge, there is a horny female Moltres over there that has been itching for sexual intercourse with human, I dare you to satisfy that Moltres.
Justin: what's in it for me?

Oh God

>some low tier admin employees who have no say or are even involved in major decisions

I meant high level management you retard.

Not to be a pansy ass, but isn't that a potential lawsuit? I'm not sure what the effects are of getting glitter in your eyes is, but it seems like it could do some shit to your delicate pupils.

Don't have to tell me twice except in the stone age!

Glitterbomb is just an envelope filled with glitter, hard not to accidentally spill all over the place as you open it. Not some kind of actual bomb.

Why did sega never respond? This was a deal of a lifetime.

>in your eyes
glitterbombs are just letters filled with glitter. that shit gets everywhere without need for an explosive device.

Ah. The ones I saw where toilet paper tubs with a spring and some kind of surface to projectile it outwards.

I could be wrong, never heard of those before.

been away for a month or so, read on twatter some people disgusted by something he did
what was it?

his taint piercing got infected and never healed over
now it's a gaping wound he believes is a vagina


>100k salary
>50% profit
>work from home
>but wants a 'corner office'
>wants sega to look after his mother
>wants sega to get him breakfast, lunch and dinner
>wants people under him to be only women
>all for a yellow sonic

The fucking delusions.

He's been watching hypnosis videos+using his mom's hormone cream or whatever to transform into a woman.

It all culminated when the piercing wound he had in his taint split open into an abscess HE THINKS it's a vagina growing, proving that the hypnosis videos are working


>100k a year

>50% profit

>Working from home



>secretaries and assistants

holy fuck how delusional is he?

what would you guys think if sega actually hired him

The funniest thing about this to me is that he took a picture and uploaded it to the internet completely of his own volition, and expected people to be proud of him

They might make a good game for once.

>Together, Let's make Sonichu Great again!

I thought he hated Trump?

THOSE PICTURES WERE FAKE, Christine is healthy and fine. The doctors said so themselves.

He's being fed lines by some "undercover" trolls

>directed by lauren faust
>with me as voice for sonichu AND MYSELF
pretty glad i watched the whole thing myself


He was told what to say.

that's because you didn't hear the actual theme song of Sonichu he ''composed''

Most of his recent videos are him reading from a script he has been given by what he believes to be his managers

Surely he realises that he's being trolled? Considering he's spent most of his adult life being trolled.

He never learns, it's the one static thing about him

He has the mind of a literal child. He can be trolled a million times.



I don't know what I was expecting when I opened this thread, but sure as fuck it wasn't this

Doctors also said it will develop into a full vagina in a couple months


do any of you genuinely take joy in the complete and utter mental breakdown of these autistic individuals? i want to know what you think about it on a serious level. This actually is something i want to know.

I want Sega to put a yellow electrokinetic hedgehog character in their next game to see CWC's reaction and how quickly its mental state worsens

Chris-Chan hasn't really been that funny for a while. It's more just something to check out of habit now.

Who drew this delightful masterpiece?

I'm not sure if I'd say joy, but it's hard not to be interested.

Most people here are just content to laugh at the completely bizarre antics of some insane tranny who poops himself. The CWCki forums is where all the "I'm better than Chris because..." people and people who fucking HATE him reside.


This guy is much like a rotting corpse. It's gross and unsettling, but you just can't stop looking

It's sad when you really think about it for a while. I feel most for the parents of such individuals.

why is he using a fucking board instead of piece of paper?

>Mach PuuuuuuuuuuuNCH

He says it like a Eurobeat singer

i dont know but i wish i did, i dont even know what the genre is for this form of art but its easily my favorite

Would Sega C&D a Sonichu comic if they saw it?

>I feel most for the parents of such individuals.
Their parents are actually the source of their problems most of the time

most of the time people call others autistic they don't understand the actual definition of the word itself and when you bring up christian fucking chandler the new fags don't know about how this all started so they're going to think he's just your average man but in reality if you were here way back then like i was you would know that this is not the case.

I personally think the word autistic itself is kind of sad and the things families go through because of their afflicted kin is just something nobody ought to find funny at all but we all know that he went depths no other autistic individual aside from fucking justin has with all his videos so to me it is somewhat funny seeing how far he has gone but now that he is actually getting hit with real life consequences like the death of his father and his mother's coaping with him is just fucking utterly sad and all i have to say is that i hope his death is quicker than him hitting his 60s because of how fucking hard it is to see such a level of disregard for this man's life. In truth the damage is done and he can't take all his cringy as fuck videos off the internet and people mostly little teenage boys are going to take joy from his suffering and that's just something nobody is going to stop.

Don't take it personally user he chose this even if he didn't directly want to get all of this burn.

The pure absurdness of the situation is entertaining to me.
and it dosn't stop, it gets weirder every fuckin time

It's also not fair that no one has checked these quads.

i would know because my own brother has autism and it fucking breaks my heart seeing my mom serve him 4 hotdogs instead of 1 or 2 like she does to me

She fucking completely spoils his fat ass and this has resulted in him being borderline narcissistic and whenever i see chris all i see my bro... fucking hell man it hurts so much remembering when we were kids we were so playful now he's not even someone i can have a conversation with.

i dont think most of you are ever going to understand but this kind of shit is just some fucking border i can't cross as easily as the american one when i hopped over...

Rosechu a cute!

If only Chris had better parents

>if you have an autistic kid there might be neckbeards with pictures of you saved on their computer

>Literally just Amy with a Pikachu tail

Did Chris draw this? I refuse to believe Chris drew this

>justinrpg vs chrischan
>who wins?

He still draws his comics with crayons

So no

>my own brother has autism and it fucking breaks my heart seeing my mom serve him 4 hotdogs instead of 1 or 2 like she does to me
Gee Billy

Go live alone for yourself, it's better for your mental sanity in the long run

I regard CWCiki as contemporary fiction.

Personally I don't look down upon him because I'm pretty "retarded" myself.
I think maybe that's the thing, people just can see themselves going down that road, is like a cautionary tale.

I've been following Chris Chan's fucked up life since 2009, and despite everything, I still feel kind of bad for him. His life and personality could have been so much better if he had decent parents that didn't let him descend into all the insanity and delusions that have built up over the years.

Apparently people in his own town arn't really aware of him, apart from being 'that weird tranny' I guess

This a fan comic called Rosechu's Story, it's a pleasant treat. Check it out, avid Christorians can spot neat homages.

I thought it turned into Twin Towers made of shit at first. I was pleasantly surprised.

>a fan comic

There are fans of Sonichu?

ChrisChan is autistic as hell and draws comics with a shitty recolor, makes cringey nonsensical videos, and cringey songs. JustinRPG uses ms paint to crop photos of himself with pokemon, writes fanfiction that 90% of the time involves him eating feces or being digested. Then writes songs about him marrying pokemon, and being digested. I'd say Justin is worse.

You aren't a fan?

I got the Amiibo

Did his taint wound get worse?
I saw a nigga post it and it was purplish

The fanbase is getting worse than Chris.

>people just can see themselves going down that road, is like a cautionary tale.

I'm autistic myself, and Chris Chan really is the kind of person I could have ended up as if my mother was as neglectful has his parents have been. Thankfully, my mother made sure that I knew what was and wasn't acceptable behavior.

>Pikachu tail
That's a Raichu tail, you mong.

People enjoy it for its absurdity and general awfulness. Why do you think bad movie nights are a thing?

Not particularly.

Really? Post pics

Been following CWC for over a decade now and he just gets more and more absurd.
It's like his mental state is worsening , early on he was just an autistic kid trying to get girls but it's now staph infection vaginas and almost directionless madness.
When he dies it will truly be the end of a generation

So how long until that "vagina" kills him?

Probably the same people that follow CWC's fucked up parody of a life.