Who unhype here ?

Who unhype here ?
What the fug gamefreak.

End your life fag.

You first, silly nintendrone.

>Its fucking killing Pikachu in the top right corner
I fucking love this Pokemon

>making this thread again after the people didn't agree with you last time

It's cool, get over it, genwunner. We get it Waahh wahhhh my pocket MONSTER isn't an animal. Fuck off.

I was okay with the ice cream Pokemon, and I let that key ring Pokemon slide...


>haunted sand-castle that tricks Pikachus and then kills them


Team crane looks kind of cool at least.

>losing hype over 2 inanimate objects turned into Monsters
>saying it as if this was never done before, especially in Gen 1

off yourself faggot


Are you kidding me? both of the evolution are fucking awesome. We haven't had designs this good since gen 2

>that new delicious brown lass

I can only get so erect

>neo-/vp/ fagots trying to hype up another post-gen V turd
>implying it's being innovative in any form
It's the exact same shit just with things named differently and still an autistic focus on 'competitive' multiplayer instead of being a really well thought out single-player JRPG .

Oh shit it's Desertman

Hahaha that's really cute, is it legit?

>well thought out single-player JRPG

lmao get some taste

> an autistic focus on 'competitive' multiplayer
I wish. The last game with competitive play in mind was Platinum.

The little pile of sand is ok. It's sort of Grimer-ish. The sand castle is atrocious tough

No you fucking nigger. Inanimate objects inspired Pokemon have been a thing since Gen 1. If you're disliking these and praising atrocities like Eggxecute, you're nothing but a hypocrite.

"Check this out kid"
*teleports behind you*
*kills every one with epic fire dance*
"Heh, that was easy"
*turns into your mom's ghost and soars away*

It's a sandlion

But a castle


Why do you think that? B/W and B/W2 were also good in terms of competitive, but it was mostly whether wars.

Looks fucking great


fuck me that's what I get for using a phone for this

*it was a hologram*

Is this a joke?

>Ghost type is my second favorite typing
>all these new ghost pogeys added

Nothin' personal kid.


The second I saw this thing the first thing that came to my mind was "Sup Forums is going to be so fucking mad".

You guys are like the fun police when it comes to pokemon.

>blue flame
>random marking tossed on to skull

>it's killing pikachu
First time I see this thing, so it's like a trap pokemon that attacks whoever gets close?

Second favorite, yes. Steel is my #1.

Dark is probably third.

>brown people: the region
Fucking GF

Probably, yeah. Kind of like the fucking bear thing.

wow i wanted to trust gamefreak this is my limit guys fuckin canceling my pre order right now, just gonna hack that shit

Patrician taste.

Yeah, it's a haunted sand ghost Pokemon that disguises itself by building a sand castle with its sand body. Then if it kills the victim it'll start haunting nearby sand becoming another one of these.

Basically a creepypasta mon.

There will probably be a beach area with a bunch of items inside sand castles and one of them is this thing
This or a sand area where the first one apears out of no where if you step on top of him

Did anyone else see a chicken in the thumbnail that turned out to be the sand pile prevolution or was it just me?


Only autists like anything past the original 252. Even normies have a better taste than you post-gen2 cunts.

>We haven't had designs this good since gen 2

I don't mind the living sand castle, but really?

[ground] [ghost]
how is this not the best design ever?

Fire is a definite but what is his other type? Ghost or Dark?

I want to know what this pup becomes. I plan on Blind Nuzlocking this at release.

gr8 b8.

What does this even mean?

>It also confirms Alolan Meowth & Marowak. Alolan Meowth is Dark-type while Alolan Marowak is Fire/Ghost-type.

Gamefreak could make a literal piece of poo in the form of a giant black dildo and Nintendrones would still defend the design.

b-buh muh GENWUNNERS

>Aloha Meowth and Persian
>Dark type

Gen 2 have the worst designs tho
>typlosion the most generic starter ever made
And so on

It already made a pile of garbage, literally, a Pokemon, so this isn't even exaggerated enough.

It also changes to just ghost type when hit by water

Wtf I hate pokemon now

>hating on Furret and Typhlosion

I didn't know shit taste could run this deep.

Just like how digifags defends that one digimon that is literal shit?

We already have a poo Pokemon though, and genwunners defend her to death.

At first I was skeptical.

After seeing this, though, I am very okay with it.

>Love bug Pokemon
>Love electric Pokemon
>Love beetles
>Tfw Bug/ Electric Beetle

Can't wait to field one of these bad boys.

>not liking the sandcastle

I bet you don't like the Fish Voltron either.

>It's just gets bigger the line
>boring design
>pure fire type
>stats are a carbom copy of charizard's but worse
>the moveset is also ass
Worse starter ever made.

>falls to one knee

Heh....so this is the power....of autism


>tfw Sun/Moon have renewed your interest in Pokemon
I haven't really played Pokemon since Gen3, but I'm seriously considering picking this up. Loving a lot of the designs, and the change in setting.

eat shit OP, that guy looks rad as fuck. Charazard is still around so you have all the fap martial you need anyway faggot

I think about picking it up but then I remember how shit X/Y were. Not getting burned again

>Oricorio Form
>Alolan Marowak
>there's probably an entire island dedicated to ghosts, based on Oricorio
>probably going to be a Tapu Koko ghost equivalent

But its not one of the wonhundredanfiddyone, so it's automatically shit that's ruining my childhood

How dare you. Sukamon is a very clever and smart design that fits organically into the universe.

Because it's a piece of shit.

Really hoping to hear about more fighting types. All we have is the damn bear so far.

Don't worry, user.

Wait for the Alolan Kanto starters.

Fire/ Fighting Charizard

Bottom right pham

How long was there between the reveal of Mimikyu in Corocoro and the reveal trailer with it and like 6 other new mons?

I'm sure a new trailer is immenent, probably with more Alolan forms.

Speaking of, did that Chinese leak say anything about Dark Meowth and Fire/Ghost Marowak?

>the variant name is Topu Keku

Dark has potential to be alright on it. If it keeps technician, a STAB-boosted Bite will deal better consistent damage than Knock Off, with a flinch chance.

I really wish they stop the gen 1 pandering. Give other generations Pokemon Alola forms for crying out loud, GF.

might as well run a full spooky island ghost team at this point

You're just lucky they didn't stick to reality last gen and make France full of brown people too.

>Beltigre - Fire/Dark
>Beltigre - Fire
>Beltigre - Fire/Ghost
>Beltigre - Fire/Poison

Also I really hope that shit's true because Quasaur is the best name for a Pokemon in history.

>no castlemon
Nice """"leak""""

>Tfw Johtofag
>Gen 1 Starter Megas to advertise XY
>Gen 3 Starter Megas to advertise ORAS
>Still waiting for Mega Typlosion

Mfw that castlemon

The sandcastle pokemon is my favorite so far. I just wish that it's first evolution was a single rookery instead of being made to look like it was constructed by a child.

So is there actually going to be a decent number of new Pokémon this time, or are we having to make do with a few new and some Alolan forms?

I love new things in old Mons, but I would really like a NEW 150 on top of these new forms.

I honestly feel kind of cheated with every Pokémon game that has previous generations of Pokémon catchable before beating the E4.

What's with oricorios having the same types as the Tapus?

>Pokemon getting a shitton of forms


Posting Tim Curry only makes me sad when I think about him.

>no bewear pre evo
Fake as fuck

... Why? You're only going to use 6 of them, if even that.

I feel like this would be better without the weird looking mouth, this looks ok.

This is confirmed fake now since it doesn't have the Bewear pre evo

Something to do with the nature of the islands themselves. It makes sense that if there's an Electric version of Oricorio, and that it's exclusive to the island Tapu Koko is on, then the same would go for the other three islands.

However, as pointed out, today's reveals basically totally destroy that leak by virtue of no sandcastle.

I never got the problem with Grimer and Muk. Theyre cute/cool looking.

>I honestly feel kind of cheated with every Pokémon game that has previous generations of Pokémon catchable before beating the E4.
You mean X/Y only? Which was an amazing thing to have because only having the small number of 'new' Pokemon be the only ones you see until the endgame is a stupid fucking thing and actually broadening out the spectrum of wild Pokemon from the 800+ we have now is a good idea??

Each Island has a different environment, meaning that each Pokemon adapts differently.

>blue flame
Spiritual flames like souls are often depicted as blue.

>Cubones Father

I miss this series.

>not having six boxes of themed teams on rotation

For general variety
For a reasonable ecosystem
For battle variety
For trainer variety
For each area being exciting because you don't kbow what it might hold and it's something exciting and new at least for the first few times
For a new team as I've used most of the old ones to death

>ghost Pokémon fans

Somehow edgier than the goddamn Dark Pokémon fans ever thought about being. Not even once.