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Dead Rising 1 is on Steam
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Not yet
is graphics modable or updated or is this a cash grab
I'm sure the assets are better than 360 version and rendering resolution can be set up higher than 720p
Also, how would it be a cash grab? People have been wanting/asking for this for literally 10 years.
sort of interested, haven't played it at all. how do you think it'll do with kbm?
Probably just as good as Dragon's Dogma
>pre ordering digital games with infinite supply
>no bonuses
>playing third person games with kb/m
i already put hundreds of hours into the original on 360 and this one doesn't seem to have any new content so nah
i might pick it up on sale one day though
Just get it on PS4.
a cash grab is a direct port without altering any settings or updating graphics
How is DR1 compared to DR2?
I greatly enjoyed DR2 on PC, what does this do better?
>Mfw I just checked if it was up earlier
Not even going to lie I'm actually really hype, I loved it back in the day and haven't replayed it for a good 8 years.
I'd say the assets are probably the exact same. But I mean really what difference does it make, this game is old as fuck and some slightly better assets aren't going to make much of a difference.
I'll get it, too bad dr2 pc doesnt have the dlcs and 1 doesnt have co op. at least the game is fun
Better setting, better bosses, more likeable character
dead rising 1 has more/better unlockables but it's also easier to exploit the game (small chainsaw + books)
it has worse survivor ai than dead rising 2 and no multiplayer
the plot is better than dead rising 2's but not by much
there's also some quality of life fixes in 2 like being able to move while in aiming mode or having a more reliable dodge roll
It's my way of saying "fuck you capcom, this is what you missed out on by not releasing on PC within the first year"
Just use a pad you moron. Definitely worth a play though, it was one of the better 360 games.
I've covered wars, y'know.
There's something weird about this picture but it's making me erect
No. Valve is killing gaming and I have no intention of supporting the growth of their cancer tumor.
The team that did Dragon's Dogma is doing Dead Rising port according to a Capcom representative on Neogaf. Confirmed awesome PC version.
>tfw never had a 360
>used to watch people make forts with chairs and tables on youtube
>looked comfy as fuck
>tfw I finally get to do it myself
As someone who didn't get the double D, what does this mean?
>Valve is killing PC gaming
>PC gaming would admittedly be dead without them according to many prominent PC exclusive devs
Yeah okay.
has it been 10 years already? fuuckkk
Good controls, good options menu, good performance
Finally. 1 was so much better than 2 and 3.
Probably would, if I was allowed to
Might be nice then.
The time crunch aspect will prevent you from having fun like that
This is probably old as fuck and no one remembers it.
But when the game come out, and people were just uploading random shit to youtube. I distinctively remember one guy who uploaded a video who was barricading one of the jewellery stores in the first area of the game, had a shotgun of everything.
Why i remember this so much is because halfway through he went onto his xbox 360 music and started playing a-ha Take On me and was singing it loudly while playing Dead Rising.
I think it was a pretty popular video, so I cant of been the only one to remember it. But yeah, that was pretty comfy times of youtube.
>I lived long enough to finally see Dead Rising 1 on the Steam page
We did it brehs
Already played DR1 and 2 on console but don't have Xbone
Is DR3 good on PC?
Holy shit a fair price. Has Capcom lost it?
But where's RDR?
Now you just have to live long enough to see Sony go bankrupt, sell the Bloodborne/Demon's Souls IP to someone that'll port it to Steam :^)
Valve was the only PC gaming company that actively dodged EU customer protections before EU forced them to implement things like refunds.
>No discount
>Unknown Port quality (Though admittedly QLOC have a good track record)
>Still a month away
Why would you? I do love DR1 and will get it immediately on release however
I can't really say no at that price since Dead Rising was one of my favorite 360 games.
newest response on that vid
did he deaded?
Who gives a fuck, yeah it's shitty but they're still the reason why your PC isn't a MMO/Facebook machine
Yeah, give them the money they could have had years ago. That'll show them how they missed out on money.
>pc dev
They would've gotten $60 out of me instead of $20
Why would I spend 20 dollars to play it on PC when I could just go on eBay and get a 360 copy for 5 dollars?
Nah he's fine. Last video he uploaded was about 4 days ago, still going. Fucking ten years man.
I'm not OP but this is cool. I used to watch Zero9teen all the time. No idea how anyone watched this shit in such low quality, but it was fun.
Because 30FPS, 720p, lack of modability and the nuisance of playing on a console with 10 year old hardware. Not to mention the fucking load times.
Capcom has gotten better since last gen tbqh.
The enhancements on the store page sound pretty good:
>Additional Features & Functionalities:
>Save System - Now supports up to five save slots
>Controller Support - Native Xbox 360/Xbox One and PlayStation DualShock 4 controller support with matching button icons
>Resolution Settings - supports 4K and beyond
>Variable Frame Rate - uncapped frame rate including support for 144Hz monitors with Nvidia G-SYNC technology
>Customizable & rebindable keyboard and mouse settings
>Russian localization
Only reason I discovered it was my cousin was playing the game while I was looking for tips on the PC. And we took turns like that.
But yeah, the last time I watched that video was 10 years ago, what the fuck man. I thought it got taken down because copyright and all that with the music.
imagine if people still were using the old CRT monitors and had to deal with the tiny ass text like when people were still using old TVs since flat screen LCD weren't even affordable in 2006.
i hated playing DR on my old TV because the text was so small, i couldn't tell what was there
How can it tell if you're using a PS4 controller? I use DS4Windows and that only makes the PC think it's an Xbox controller.
I miss old youtube
I tried playing at 480p, it's why I never bought the game.
You can natively support Dualshock 4, few devs actually do it though.
>>Save System - Now supports up to five save slots
Yes, I'm fucking pumped to play this shit again now that all my 360s are red ringed.
Programs can natively support DS4 without an XInput wrapper, it's just not very common.
Well, that sounds cool. Will probably just keep using DS4Windows at the meantime, then.
Sure, played 2 and 3 with kb/m.
DR3 was up there with Saints Row 2 as one of the worst PC ports of all time, or at least at launch.
Doesn't help that DR3 was a shit game either.
worked fine on my machine :^)
wonder how much it'll cost on ps4
This is pretty much expected though. Otherwise you have shit like the Sonic Adventure ports that are on Steam, which are absolutely abysmal.
>global no-fun timer on everything
No thanks, i wasn't interested 9 years ago, i'm still not interested now.
look at this faggot that can't manage his time
>i'm too underage to remember pc gaming before steam
what was he doing in japan?
Now when are we getting Lost Odyssey on Steam? It's the only 360 exclusive left worth a damn
I fucking loved the original dead rising. I'd still play the shit out of this if it was a cash grab port fuck
I do remember PC gaming before Steam. Steam didn't become huge until about 2010, and 2007-2010 was a shit period for PC gaming because of the consoles.
People like you ruined the series. Going Groundhog Day is half the fun. You're intended to replay the 3 (4) days multiple times increasing you're stats so you can do things faster and more efficiently and learn to budget your time better as you go.
So, there will be no co-op in this version. Sad.
I hope they'll also port DR2 xbox-only DLCs
>First time, always get my ass beat by the ambush in the food court
>Replay the first day a few times, rescuing the survivors on the roof for big XP, fighting zombies, etc.
>After a couple hours, have more health and abilities, can carry more shit
>Load up on orange juice and grab a couple pistols
>Go to the food court and wipe the floor with that Antonio Banderas son of a bitch
>Antonio Banderas son of a bitch
>because of the consoles
Shift that blame harder, it's still shit. Mostly ports, takes years to get only a part of the console library, diminishing returns on ports as more console devs achieve 1080/60, supposedly great mods never being made for most games, and still needing a console anyways for all the games that don't get ported. I love my pc for exclusives but don't pretend things are any different from how they used to be. Better hardware that nobody takes advantage of is effectively worse hardware.
you fucking jokin m8?
you weren't around in the late 90s
even when steam started in 2003, i can remember tons of people playing shit.
fucking children
Better protagonist and better side-characters
Story is more "real" in a sense and gets pretty dark by mid-game
Psychopaths are better characters and not walking memes like Chef Boyardee and Slappy
More horror elements present in the game
Frank has better skills and feels better to play in general
More unlockables and secrets
Survivor AI is fucking retarded, expect a lot of COME ON FOLLOW ME COME ON FOLLOW ME COME ON FOLLOW ME COME ON FOLLOW ME
>not making the survivors run to a spot with the command
its like you aren't taking advantage, user
EU had nothing to do with it. valve's policy is completely unrelated to EU general refund policy, and valve is still using loopholes to get around specific laws like the 14-day online return
Nothing like setting up Half-Life death matches, TFC matches, and AvP2 matches on the lan at school, or playing it with 700 ping on the weekends.
I played the shit out of TFC so much back in the day. Good times.
If TF2 had the Hunted game mode, that would be the one thing that would get me to play it.
Actually I was around in the late 90s playing Quake/UT/Ultima Online
And yes, that was true in 2003, but what about 2007 when the only PC exclusive worth a damn was Crysis? 2005-2010 was definitely a dark period for PC gaming where people were going "Why am I paying $1000 to play some awful console port?"
>Why am I paying $1000 to play some awful console port?
You act like it's any different now.
>Get Mega Man costume and Mega Buster unlocked
>Run around the mall shooting zombies and the convicts at free random
It is, thanks to crowdfunding.
Wasteland 2
Torment 2 (early access build)
Chivalry Medieval Warfare
Divinity Original Sin
Kingdom Come Deliverance (what I've played at least)
Shadowrun Returns/Hong Kong
Satellite Reign
Grim Dawn
Darkest Dungeon
Shovel Knight
Legend of Dungeon
Guns of Icarus Online
Gods Will Be Watching
Among the Sleep (first person horror game from the perspective of a toddler)
Sunless Sea
Octodad Dadliest Catch
Sir You are Being Hunted
Hard West
Lifeless Planet
Organ Trail
The Escapists
Insurgency (failed Kickstarter but got a build out in early access and funded development through that entirely)
The Banner Saga
>Sonic Adventure ports
Oh, god. Don't remind me.
>It's coming to PS4 too
Will pick it up then
>the screen glare from the laptop in the middle of the screen.
So you're posting games that run great on toasters in response to the criticism that blowing your load on an expensive pc is still stupid to do.
>first Capcom game with native DS4 support is Dead Rising of all games
It's because her mouth is poised like a mailbox opening; you know, the ones with the handle you pull down on. Except for dicks.
Well fuck. I haven't even played the 360 version yet, even though I have it right there in my shelf.
>There will be faggots who use steam achievement manager to get 7 day survivor.
>Did you pre-order Sup Forums?
Banned in Germany for ages.
I guess I am fully justified in pirating in that situation.