What the fuck are we going to do if Trump doesn't become president...

What the fuck are we going to do if Trump doesn't become president? How the fuck will we protect video games from being censored into oblivion? Who will protect us from the liberal establishment coming to destroy video gaming as we know it?

Does anybody have any ideas?

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Politics are for faggots.


the president doesn't get to decide what media gets censored. and they can't touch games anyway after they created the ESRB. it's a legitimate industry now.

Your only choice is going to be to secede with your like-minded peers and fight a bloody civil war. Might was well get off this board and get to training, OP.

Assasinate Hillary, why does Sup Forums talk about shit happening if they don't go outside to cause some?

is there a 2008 one? I wanna see pols butthurt on that one.

How is he going to protect video games when he said he was going to ban porn all together?

Is anything really going to be that different if Trump or Hillary wins?

Or is it just paranoia that your favorite didn't win

Sup Forums didn't exist in 2008 newshitter.

>How the fuck will we protect video games from being censored into oblivion? Who will protect us from the liberal establishment coming to destroy video gaming as we know it?

Video game publishers have a lot more lobbying money to throw around than they did back in the Hot Coffee days so I doubt that'll be a real issue

Because they are terrified of becoming a centralized organization in the real world.

They believe once they bring themselves to be a real force in the political world they themselves will be targets of assassination.

it's basically that every single election, since probably the late 1700s

Reminder that Hillary is a Bilderberg

Go back to Sup Forums faggot

Trump is anti Internet and anti violent video games

MisterMetokur is a pussy, all he does is go to ED and Sup Forums and make it his own personality

>Sup Forums didn't exist in 2008 newshitter.

Nah, I was here sinc'e 2007, it was here.

Play Japanese games like a normal person? The west hasn't made a good game in years anyway



Under the current system, nothing can change. However, society begins to feel the effects of the presidents before it well into the future. Under the current president, only rather minor things can change, but don't expect a Trump or Clinton presidency to change anything at all.

>Being a Trumpfag
Get back to Sup Forums you greasy burger.

Consider suicide


Didn't read /new/ back then so I wouldn't know, but you reminded me that the year the nigger became president the election campaign was pretty tame and cultured compared to this.

>has any power after alienating every part of goverment

he cant do jackshit, any of his proposal will always be vetoed by congress

>being a cuckold
just kys lmao

MisterMetokur's suicide when?

Great post

>caring about politics
Kill yourself faggot

You mean just how Onigger never passes any law that's being opposed by the Congress?

Oh wait, Google "executive order", faggot.

i have the strongest hunch that if Trump gets elected, he will be assassinated and we will be stuck with his shitty VP.

This is really funny because Trump was the one speaking against violent/sexy video games on Twitter

>be a huge dick to literally everyone
>surprised that nobody wants to help you achieve your goals for the presidency

Trump is a fucking moron. You literally can't change shit by yourself, that's not how humanity works.

>cutting down a billion dollar industry

>pretending to be adult by talking about boring shit nobody actually understands

just play video games, masturbate or go kys

Yeah because hitler didn't change history right?

Hilary or Trump will be picking the next three SCOTUS justices. So yeah, pretty big potential for change.

A woman being president will make the USA the laughing stock of the rest of the world, with the exception of "enlightened" western europe whose "example" we are following

Trump is a fucking dipshit and so are his supporters but at least he's not a woman

He somehow always contradicts himself.

Isn't he already dead?

I've been hearing some bad stuff about Trump lately. About his buddy buddy relationship with Russia.

I'm at the point in which Hilary looks pure and good in me eyes.

>What the fuck are we going to do if Trump doesn't become president?

Probably go to Sup Forums and watch the meltdown. 2012's was glorious. This is gearing up to be even better.



look at yourself, cunt

>caring about video games
what are you, 12? lmao

Nice bait thread, but Trump has already made himself very clear that he is against violent videogames.

He's has a twitter, so i don't know

Trump's entire campaign makes me wonder whether or not he's trying to troll the entire US. His VP pick is literally one of the worst fucking decisions he could possibly make. Okay, maybe not as bad as Krispy Kreme, but still pretty fucking bad. I'm still wondering if he's serious or not.


Why can't you just discuss this on the politics board? Even horsefuckers and s4s stick to their board

hes right

Except he would never say that in any situation.
Old post is old.

>playing the international relations card
>when your candidate is donald trump

>boast about migrating muslim back
>get cucked by one

how the fuck he fell to Hillary trap so badly? Even moron G W Bush already see this miles ahead

you retards are just as deluded/in denial as shillary supporters

Not by himself, no.

He didn't mean that you idiot, clearly he was just saying that to pander to senile and dense old people. He's based as fuck, he probably loves video games stop reposting this blatant propaganda piece and thank you for Correcting the Record you goddamn shill.

$0.50 has been deposited in your bank account.

I kinda wish I was, having lung cancer sucks.

who else here /withher/ for the sole purpose of being contrarian against these obnoxious trumpets

You're right, Clinton was fond of taking large donations directly from foreign nations DURING her tenure as secretary of state so they're probably expecting the favor repaid

well, I'm nice and mad now

I had an economics professor a couple semesters ago who had a really interesting theory that Trump's presidential campaign was just a marketing and publicity stunt to get him relevant in pop culture again.

i didnt know that smoking cock could give lung cancer. lmao

Things will continue as they have whether it's with Clinton or Trump.

Mike Pence is a naked attempt at reenergizing the evangelical base, he doesn't give a shit what the man has done besides be popular among bible thumpers. He still thinks he's running in the primaries.

I've actually reached a loss. I don't know anymore Trump fags.
Aren't you concerned about preservation of our way of living, with video games and outside of it? Obama didn't try to control video games. I'm thinking Hilary wont either.

Checking in. The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

he was overconfident and ahead in the polls.

>implying Hitler did anything by himself

The fucker was charismatic and motivated his nation to help him reach the top. He was one of the greatest speakers of all time.

Meanwhile, le build wall man can only crack jokes on stage and make people laugh.

What the fuck are you babbling about? Trump is the next president of the most powerful country in this solar system.


I really wanted Cruz because it would be Sup Forums, reddit, and feminist tears all in one. I'm with her now though.

Have you heard of C H E C K S and B A L A N C E S

that's not a theory. Trump's been doing this shit since the late 80s.

Nah, it was mostly smoking an ungodly amount of cigarettes. Would shake without one in my hands at all times. Too late now, though.

the fact that he's being taken seriously really hammers in the fact that America is so fucked right now.

How did we get to this point? How did we almost nominate Bernie "socialism" Sanders? How is our Democratic nominee a confirmed liar who is under federal investigation?
Why do we need an absolute madman just to have stability in our nation?

I don't want any of them to be president. I just want a time machine so I can shoot George Bush in the fucking face.

Not in this universe Drumpffag

my ultimate choice would have been rand the half man
literally piss everyone off because he's not extreme enough for any group, it would have been perfect

are you referring to the clinton foundation, which she had no control or access to during her tenure are secretary of state

trump has been talking about presidency for probably decades now, your econ prof must be pretty unaware 2bh
as are most econ profs though, they're like basement dwellers with a huge ego, it's weird

>'i dont care about politics #imwithher'
>cares about video games
>so pathetic he got addicted to fucking tobacco, the weakest of all addictions, and its killed him
lmao wew lad

darwin never disappoints

>How did we almost nominate Bernie "socialism" Sanders?

You know, I have no fucking clue. My guess is that he literally said everything everyone wanted to hear, and since he did literally nothing in his government career, people couldn't blame him for anything, making him "the good guy"

The socialism aspect was something people really tried to downplay and make it seem like it's good rather than bad, when in reality, it's just not.

funniest part is trump is doing far worse than romney was

Sorry to hear that, user. Someone close to me died of lung cancer. Chemo got to him. God bless, user.

What does "#imwithher" mean? Besides, only news I ever really followed was video games.

Retard, you should listen to what your party gods say and do before you vote for them and start cupping their balls while you drink their luscious semen.

Trump is as pro-censorship as any candidate in history, possibly even more so.

Your team is a shitty team, you need to vote for someone else until they stop sucking. They won't stop sucking if you keep supporting their endless failure.

Seek therapy.

Like, not if Trump loses. That's my advice for you right now.

He doesn't give a shit about video games, he just says some fringe comment once in a while to get that group of single issue voters to vote for him.

1) Clinton was the one who actively tried to have violent video games taken off of store shelves, not Trump. Trump just made a tweet about it.

2) Regardless of who wins, they're both going to have way bigger fish to fry. I doubt the public will take kindly to a president wasting their time trying to fight video game violence rather than real-world threats.

I'm sorry to hear that, man, and thanks. I'll stop blogging for now.

>H-He didn't mean what he said, my strong-man husbando loves me and all I do!

Never pay attention to the facts and information in front of you. Reality continues to have an unacceptable left wing bias.

i think trump actually might be going senile which is why he walked into a blatent trap like this, when you see comparisons of how he used to act and talk about politics only half a decade ago hes an entirely different person. Now we got a guy rambling on about shit that never happened and cant even say the right date for 9/11 and shit, i genuinely think he may of actually gone a bit nutty. I bet you if he was 2008 or 2004 trump he'd of been a genuinely interesting canidate

or maybe hes just letting loose this election and showing how dumb he really is. Who knows.

Trump will win.

But Trump wants to censor video games you retard

>wathing the denial phase in Sup Forums and /the_donald

its hilarious and sad!

Trump is probably the most pro censorship ive seen of a canidate, the guy wants to introduce a law where you can sue publications for giving negative press about him. Thats some soviet russia shit. Oh god the wall stuff starts to feel alot less funny now that ive mentioned the ussr

That's incredibly misleading, user.


Hey, Reagan had severe brain rot, and while he was the most economically inept president in American history, Republicans still worship him as a god.

Surely it can't be good for anyone's mental health to run an entire campaign, finance it yourself, and constantly be under attack.
Like, he was under attack before during his life, bankruptcies and various jokes in media about his reality show, but nothing at this scale.

He may not be going crazy himself, but it's VERY easy for one single campaign manager to lose themselves and fuck up at the level he did.

Watch the chart flip when Clinton has a stroke on live TV

Both are awful and corrupt.

Voting doesn't matter anyways.

Also video games.

i personally hate reagan because of his war on drugs bullshit and dogshit foreign affairs. I think people only look at him so highly because he did admittedly recover the economy but only on a short term scale, i think its bad that he always gets lumped with JFK as being one of the greats when jfk did so much more in less time