
Remember playing MGS: Peace Walker and thinking how cool it would be to visit your motherbase?
And then MGSV happened...

>What were you hoping for on the motherbase that never came to be?

Other urls found in this thread:

>hey, fans liked the idea of mother base didn't they?
>how about we let them visit one in next game?
>also make kilometres long roads between platforms

Something to do besides taking a shower. More conversations with the characters would have been nice

they should have worked to make it more like the PW tapes made it seem it would be. soldiers should have had more to do than aimlessly wander around their platforms. it should have been more alive, have helicopters flying around like the Infinite Heaven mod. we should have been able to visit Kaz and Ocelot's personal quarters and interacted with them.

Nothing happening was the problem.
Imagine that all of the shit you in the menus works its way into motherbase.
For example.
You sent your troops on an outer op. You actually see squads gathering up at Combat Platform, maybe Ocelot giving them a quick generic briefing, then transport chopper comes and they all board it in orderly military fashion.
You move guys from one unit into another and you actually see them move between platforms.

Yeah, seeing and hearing how Troublemakers start fights and how Diplomats try to stop them.
Stuff like that.

So how exactly were long ass roads supposed to help Mother Base out?

The flimsy excuse of "So that something like before happened doesn't happen again" doesn't really cut it because both the attacker and defender can take advantage of the roads and let's not kid ourselves, if they wanted to sink Mother Base they would just bombard it with precision Airstrikes.

>So how exactly were long ass roads supposed to help Mother Base out?

They help the game run on consoles.

>expecting a fully interact-able Mother Base from a game as big as MGSV.

You people do realize only the programing for the perfect 10/10 Mother Base that would make EVERYONE happy would take a very long time, right? That's just the programming, leaving out the animations, models, textures, sounds, and making sure everything plays correctly and not in a complete buggy mess.

TPP would really gain from having a conversation choices or Venom having personality like BB, not being player's avatar.
I wish they replicated PW mother base. Small and cozy. Soldiers feeding a cat, fishing, having duties on mother base, festivals, football match, Snake and Miller shitting about French candies. God, I wish I could at least see interiors of mother base. Just imagine how seeing R&D team developing new weapons, amphibious cardboard box or banana gun would add to the game. Intel team tracking Santa Clause, medical team treating wounded or sick.