No Man's Crybaby
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>I fell sick writing this.
What did he mean by this?
Because he played the game before he wrote it
Why does he seem like such a pretentious faggot?
He's not pretentious he's a "I want you to feel my feels" faggot.
if they made a book about sean it would be called retarded nigger
Hope you enjoy :^)
He's really not being pretentious.
Miyamoto made Zelda because he grew up exploring around his neighborhood and fantasized about those adventures, and almost all, if not every game dev who works on a project of this magnitude feels horrified and sick around release.
This shit is embarrassing.
Let the fucking game talk for itself.
I remember little messages like that being in a lot of PC games that i played in the 90s. It's nice to see people still doing that.
Hell, it looks like it has an actual manual. You don't see that often.
He realized that his wife's bull didnt approve of his game so he was going back into chastity for another 6 months
Because you're autistic, as is all the shitposting about this game.
If he took out the bullshit in the first two sentences I actually think that would be a pretty appropriate introduction.
And do people actually LIVE in the Outback?
Because he's an indie dev.
Thought this was just a nice little thing for people who bought the game. Then found out its in the media kits. He's pretty much begging reviewers to go easy on his game
Do you literally have the 'tism?
> as is all
Did you is anglish?
So even he admits that the game is overhyped and he might fail to deliver?
>I feel sick writing this.
What a coincidence, I feel sick reading it.
what exactly is wrong with this? i find it touching
Seems like they've bought into their own hype a bit too much.
Fucking faggot, I hope and pray that each NMS hater die soon, just like their families. You will be so sad when you will see your dear sweet mom dying like a piece of shit, you subhuman.
Sean please calm down
Sorry that was my brother he just took the computer while I was getting in the kitchen lol
This game, man.
I barely thought it would live up to the hype, let alone exceed it. I've been playing for four hours straight across only two systems and about five planets/moons, and it has been absolutely and utterly humbling. My breath is being taken away at every turn.
I just drowned trying desperately to make my way out of a dark underwater cave on a cold, lonely, massive planet, with ominous growling startling me from far across some rocky, eroded mountains against the backdrop of a massive dark blue system. Earlier I was marveling at a herd of grazing antelope-like creatures on a little yellow paradise of a moon with a pink sky. Creatures were screeching in the distance and tinkling piano chords played in the background.
I very much appreciate the technical and leveling aspects such as mining and trading, but most of all, this game has been an extremely emotional experience for me so far. I could barely pull myself away from my first system once I acquired the warp cell. No matter what I'm looking at, I have this excitement and this wonder and frustration that I am inevitably missing so much. I have never, EVER felt this lost. Space just beckons, wordlessly. What a beautiful, beautiful, titanic game. I have no words.
Enjoy, everyone. And thank you, Sean and Hello Games. I wish I could have the privilege of paying you twice. Jeez Louise.
Trying too hard.
Why are indie devs such insufferable manginas?
What a very gay man
You're welcome.
The trolls that haven't played No Mans Sky yet are ruining the score on metacritic. I want to see honest reviews on the game and a score that represents the game! Let's do it Reddit!
at least they're interested and excited about their own product.
Nobody could deliver on the amount of hype this game generated for seemingly no good reason
Come back when you finish high school for fuck's sake.
No Man's Sky is so shit they had to include a disclaimer
That user is right. What point are you trying to make? It's painfully obvious that he's trying to butter up the video game reviewers.
>I feel sick writing this.
Not as much as me reading it.
>I feel sick writing this
What an epic way to start a video game. Is that something from a collectors edition or something?
>And do people actually LIVE in the Outback?
Yes. And the night sky is amazing.
>I've seen kids weaned on Minecraft lose themselves
That's not what weaned means, Sean
Press kit I think.
I get it, it's called No Man's Sky because no sane person would want to get close to this piece of shit.
Fucking shit, this is why I don't go to game dev conferences. 95% of the other game devs are fucking faggots.
3/8 not so gr8 b8, m8.
Nice damage control. Come back when you finish highschool buddy
It's very hard to believe he lived in the outback. Can you name a community in the outback to reassure this for me?
Come back when you think of a better insult, retard
He probably means that he lived in a box near the dumpsters behind his local Outback Steakhouse.
>Tiny team
seemed like a pretty modest size to me
Jeeeessus christ is that coming with the game or something?
Literally "the man who didn't grew up" trying to hold a pityparty
Also, he pretends to be a poor suffering indie-dev, but he's a former Triple-A dev from EA (along with the other people of his company), which means they have lots of connections in the industry.
It's not a surprise that the game gets hyped to hell and back.
What a fucking shit thread thank god im not a elitist fedora loser like you pathetic fucks rot in your mother's basements
This is from Reddit, right?
He still has some integrity left, and is about to write a lengthy lie.
lol could have just said thank god I'm not gamergate
Yes Yes
Well done Nu Males, Well done
Come back on Sup Forums when you don't get some obvious bait, shitface. Back to 9fag ugly mongoloid.
That's not real Dumbledore, that's the shitty impostor they hired after the real one died
>i feel sick writing this
Did he mistake the game manual for a blog post about being triggered by transfats?
Miyamoto didn't put a fucking pamphlet into his game's box going "omg pls like my game :((("
You must be over 18 to post here. And not a complete retard. Fuck off and kys.
>I know my strongest memory growing up in the outback of Australia, seeing the stars at night, and feeling overwhelmed.
>I feel sick writing this.
>I am literally shaking right now
>p-please enjoy it
Jesus christ this is pathetic. Keep crying you desperate fucks.
>lol we're gonna tortanic this game so hard guise! anonymouse is leejun xDD
It's just embarrassing really.
What happened to normal thank you pages? Look at this DMC4 thank you page from its manual. It doesn't need any tumblr, 'I'm about to cry right now' shit.
>14 of 26 users found this helpful
For fuck's sake, if you're gonna write shit at least try to put some effort into it. This SJW nu-male cuck shit is just pathetic.
literally 'look at me Sup Forums! i know all the memes!' - the review
>he can't appreciate pulitzer prize winning satire
I hope English isn't your first language you dumb shit
Christ, it must be awful being so easily triggered by things that don't matter.
They need to be edgy and different
After reading that, I must say:
Christ, how full of himself is this guy.
Can people who don't like the game just say "It's not for me" and move on? It looks like a great game to me. It appears to have delivered everything it promised and runs as a game should.
Maybe I'll pick it up one day for $10 or $15 dollars, but I'm not buying the game. Not because it was over hyped or it failed to deliver, just because the game wasn't made for me. I'm sure a lot of people will enjoy this game. I am happy for them and the developers of this game for taking the risk in making the game.
Stop crapping on creativity. The more negativity we place on gaming ventures that take risks and do things outside of the norm, the more Overwatch and boring Souls games we'll get
>This SJW nu-male cuck shit is just pathetic.
SJW nu-male cuckoldry is the most damaging threat to the western world right now alongside the muslims. If you're not fighting it at every possible chance you are enabling it. On some level Sup Forums is an a paramilitary force built to fight against the leftist cuckoldry. So if it's not a fight to partake in then why are you here?
This is a video game board for those who want to smash the tumblr glasses. If you are happy to leave the tumblr glasses undisturbed then why aren't you on reddit?
>Needs to be finished
>Takes a gorrilian years to explore every planet
By that logic, we will never get "real" reviews of the game.
Millennials have no sense of professionalism and care more about transparency than anything. This is his attempt at being "real" and his core audience will respond well to it. Smart move, sean.
ITT People that have never put their all into the creation of something
Dude's put over four years into the game, is likely to be the biggest thing he ever creates, and it is about to be put out into the spotlight for critic and consumer review. Seems like a reasonable feeling to me
Half the posts are people with buyers remorse holy shit
>The more negativity we place on gaming ventures that take risks and do things outside of the norm, the more Overwatch and boring Souls games we'll get
good, i like those games. no man's sky is shit though.
Why do people always use this word as some sort of insult? You're probably one yourself and if you aren't, what the hell are you doing here pops?
>Like Overwatch
That shit has to be the most boring multiplayer game I've played in a while
>i like those games
Overwatch is just as nu-male as NMS 2bh. On a gameplay level it is just boring casual derivative trash but politically speaking it is one of the most damaging things the medium has seen so far with it's inherent leftism.
>everyone younger than me is dumb look at how superior I am for being born at the right time :^)
I implore you to commit suicide, for the benefit of mankind.
>faggot on reddit named a planet after his recently deceased mom
fucking poignant
>Creator of Horrors of The Past
haha okay dude.
There's nothing wrong with putting your all into something.
There is, however, something very disingenuous and wrong with performing such a drastic appeal to emotion with REVIEWERS. The way he talks about how he's "shaking" or "about to cry" or "[feels] sick" toward the impending reviews TO THE VERY PEOPLE WHO NEED TO KEEP AN OBJECTIVE AS POSSIBLE VIEW OF THE GAME is the equivalence of an abusive spouse threatening to harm themselves. He's telling these people "You wouldn't kick a guy while he's down, right? I'm already going through sooo much. Could you consider throwing me and my HARDWORKING AND DEDICATED team a bone? It would be a real shame if another independent studio shut down, having one less INNOVATIVE VOICE snuffed."
It's such a cowardly gesture.
I'm not actually that nigger, I made one post in his thread with it to make fun of him and forgot to take the name off