Started Skyrim again...
Started Skyrim again...
Other urls found in this thread:
>have to play the intro prologue every time you make a new character
>start skyrim
>play a little
>remember how barebones and empty the game actually is
>stop playing
>he cannot type the words "Skyrim alternate start" into the search engine of his choice
Your ancestors are straight up laughing at you.
>start Skyrim
>make it halfway through the tunnel
>get bored
>close game
My ancestors are smiling at me Imperial, can you say the same?
>go to rorikstead
>no one knows or mentions this guy
bethesda writing at its finest
Please kill yourself op
nu-bethesda you mean. if it was morrowind bethesda there would be ten paragraphs of dialogue about him.
I just finished downloading 100+ mods and I'm about to start this shit again. every fucking year I do this and every year it's the same, play for a few months then uninstall.
what playstyle should I go for? I usually roll greatswords+heavy armor
Ah, skyrim.. Guys :D
I've played that game FOR ETERNITY
like, 100 hours. At LEAST: And I'm not even out of the first two cities :D
Man, do you realize how LUCKY we are to live in this age and time? To enjoy this pinnacle of masterpiece rpg?
if it was morrowind every character in Rorikstead would have the same ten paragraphs of dialouge
>Not modding Skyrim into the ultimate porn game
I mean seriously if you're not playing as an argonian girl and being gangraped by disease infested draugr as they pump every one of your holes with maggot/worm infested cum and impregnating you, you're playing this game wrong.
Stealth archery
That doesn't excuse bethesda's shit game design.
Skyrim is a super fuckin epic game surely, but you should also really try Nehrim mod for oblivion.
"The only thing enlightening about religion is the sight of a church burning in the night."
Possibly the best exploration of anti-theism I've ever seen in a fantasy context. Nehrim is well worth your time, holy shit just download it and play it if you haven't yet! It's absolutely fantastically made and is probably the best mod I've ever played for anything. It's certainly one of my favourites.
At least you get that much time out of it, user. I install dozens of mods and play for literally the first 30 minutes and get bored. Installing the mods is more interesting.
You do realise that was a bait post,right? You absolute fucking mongoloid.
>tfw too stupid to get sexlab and all the depraved porn mods working
I just want to get fucked by dozens of monsters is that too much to ask brain?
Rorikstead is my favourite place in Skyrim.
RIP The Horse Thief, and the stormcloak that wanted to "Get on with it," because he "Didn't have all morning." If only they had waited a few minutes.
im pretty sure that post was also bait
im pretty sure you can meet his brother there and talk about him or some shit
idk it's been a while
user, The post you're responding to is bait.
I'm pretty sure that post was bait, too.
best town to fight dragons, there's nothing else around so they don't get ADD and fight other shit 500 feet away from the player.
And you don't have Alternative Start? Why?
I continued playing again after, like, 1.5 years of a break. I don't know why I stopped in the first place, but now I've modded the shit out of it, and it looks rather gorgeous. It's still annoying the shit out of me in places, but I think the masochistic compartments of my brain reward me for playing Skyrim.
what brother?
there is no one who knows him in that tiny ass village
with like 5 npc
Just save the game before the character creation.
Problem fucking solved.
No, it doesn't. You still have to trudge through the Alduin attack and all the asinine shit that follows.
There's literally no excuse for not having a "remake your character" part at the end of the cave. They did it with Oblivion and Fallout... I just don't fucking understand.
The game becomes a lot more fun with stuff like Frostfall installed.
kill yourself
You can get a mod to skip it or to skip it and have random start areas
1 whole minute of running past alduin and 2-5 minutes rushing through the keep.
oh no.
>not having an alternate start mod
Skyrim is only good for being a titty monster slut and that gets constantly raped and turned into a sex slave. No amount of mods can make the game actually fun to play normally
just save before the cave exit and use the console command showracemenu to change your char.
unless you are on console, but who the fuck plays tes games on console.
I've been playing skyrim the eroge for so long that yesterday when I went back to try oblivion I was amazed at how much better it is. Sure it's jank as all fuck but at least it's a fucking RPG
>play as a warrior
>95% of enemies are warriors
>play as a mage
>95% of enemies are mages and nearly everything has high magic resistance
>literally no mod fixes this, or archery
Just go step by step. I just started skyrim up one day having and said " I bet this ui could be better". Two weeks later I accidentally had the ultimate porn game.
>I bet the ui could be better
>I wish the faces were better
>I wish the hair was better
>I wonder if I could give them bigger tits
>I wonder if the tits could have physics
>I wonder how much work it would take to get the basic sexlab working
>I wonder if there is an arousal mod
>I wonder if there are rape mods
Step by step
The great thing is that after a certain point you don't have to worry about requirements anymore because you've already got them.
Need something?
wow months usually i cant get past the loading screen
>spent a day installing mods
>attack some poor group travelling outside Windhelm
>bust a nut
>never touch it again
>Making a new character
>Good, better with Mods
>Good, Even higher quality with Mods
>Shit, generic dragon RPG chosen one
>Shit, typical bethesda combat system even mount & blade beats
Most people like this game because they want to believe it's good. However it's gameplay and average AI + storytelling make it a 7/10 for me.
I feel the same way, usually because when I finally have my game fully modded I go play it and it crashes every hour or so.
>even mount & blade beats
is that supposed to be a pretty low standard? because M&B has great gameplay you shitposter
Is this bait?
>even mount & blade beats
Are you talking shit about my game, kafir?
>those fucking siege battles
Just remembered how much I loved M&B. Is Warband as good as or better than the original?
Fuck you tiddielicker, I was praising m&b. m&b 1 also was an indie title and came out way before skyrim, that's the comparison.
bethesda should play other games like dragons dogma for example. Bethesda RPGs could be improved greatly if they just bothered to implement something beyond the most mind numbingly basic combat.
We should see combos, grappling, kicks, throws, decapitations, chopping off limbs all in real time and player done, not some random cinematic script activated where you just watch.
That is REAL gameplay.
Warband is pretty much an objective improvement over the original. Which makes sense considering that it's really a standalone expansion.
The only thing I miss about the original is some of the mods that never got ported over.
you literally have 3 other, much superior games in the exact same series you could play instead, but still you choose the worst one
I have a mod where you get decapitated every time at that point in the game.
Makes Skyrim a 10/10 RPG I replay it every evening
Oh fuck yes, I'm buying that shit then. Thanks user.
Napoleonic wars is great too, if you're into that kinda stuff
NW is pretty shit desu
Most appealing aspect is the historical simulation aspect but 9 times out of 10 that will include following the orders of some power tripping autist
>go to rorikstead
>no option to ask about this little junkie thief
>no option to harass his mother about how he died like a bitch from one arrow
>no option to fuck his sister down by the river
This is why skyrim is shit.
what mods do I have to install to make my character like pic related?
fucking disgusting
RaceMenu with bodyslide morphs
Which NPC mod adds back the Greeter Guard in Windhelm? Cause that nigga is great.
>stops me so he can inform me its Stormcloak territory
>says they don't need filthy lazy dark elves
>threatens to snap my neck if I'm caught stealing
>tfw ur cut from a different cloth than the usual brutes
I want it.
I liked Skyrim
>actually playing a video game