EGM motherfuckers

EGM motherfuckers

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Nah it's all about Tips & Tricks nigga

I always wonder what happened to all people who used to work at magazines, do they now work for IGN or similar websites? do they write clicbait articles?

This so fucking much. Those fucking picross things by the codes? Fuck yeah


All I can remember at the moment.

Used to subscribe, though.

Oh... that's saucy.

That is the saddest thing. I followed a lot of the magazine growing up, probably writing for online sites.



Shoe and Shane work for Sony. Mark MacDonald works at 8-4 Play. Crispin Boyer is a freelance writer. Greg Sewart runs Generation 16.

Doesn't seem like any of them went into clickbait.

I used to love this shit right alongside EGM the godbye letter at the end of the last issue still hits me right in the feels

Tips and Tricks was also quite good, they used to cover fighting game tournaments in local arcades in the US. They came to my local place more than once.

Also loved their Armored Core section. It was awesome seeing what other people built using that damn game, even if a lot of build tended to go towards the meme weaponry.

>Inb4 MOONLIGHT + Karasawa combo

I thought Shoe left VentureBeat and went on to make toys right around the time Memergate happened? When did he get a job with Sony?

egm was never good

The best part of EGM is and always was Seanbaby. Gonna dump some scans.


It's all about Gamepro review faces. Fuck, I really do miss those





>giving the 3DO a fucking 9

goddamnit Danyon

other than that seems pretty accurate aside from the shit-ass 32X getting positive reviews all around, that thing had like one good game. Maybe make the CD 6 too, it had a lot of fucking problems games-wise but it turned out enough gems to be better than a 5.


He joined Sony at around October of 2014.

Huh. Not sure what happened to that one.


i fucking hate sean babby. Stop ruining a good thread


fuck outta here.




Does anyone know where I can find scans of old vidya game magazines?


Seanbaby works for Cracked. So yeah, clickbait.

To be fair, his articles are still pretty good, considering.

And I think that's it.

I used to have a ton more of these but I ended up trashing a lot of them over the years. Wish I had scanned them beforehand but hindsight's a bitch.

Seanbaby's stuff was the best part of Cracked.

He stopped right around the time the place went from harmless clickbait to a propaganda machine and it's no coincidence.

EGM was all about Hsu and Chan for me. I pretty much stopped reading when they're run ended.


Oh man, I almost forgot all about those guys.

They were like an edgier Penny Arcade.