I'm going to marry Yumi!

Yumi is such a boring character. Would sniff those boots though.

Shiki is perfect and deserves nothing but love!


Is she just really fucking hard or am I just shit

Sort of a trick question. I'm pretty shit.

She was indeed the hardest fight in SV, specially going with a low level Daidouji, but gets easier once you get the parry timing.

Both. Level your senran up if you can.

Which senrans would you pick to make your own 5 girl team? Including EV girls too of course.

Some please upload the updated image


>hating Shiki
She's the only best girl in her own team and she's a sweet girl
She would be my number one senran

I was actually surprised how easy she was in Burst when compared to Hanzos Side Daidouji.
That made me think that Hebijo was not very challenging.
Then I entered Dais rape gym of wooden murder bots

When will the DLC characters in DV go on sale?

i want to fuck the snek

Gyaru is my favorite luscious and nhentia tag.

bumping thread for games i've never played because i wanna jerk off

I donĀ“t think they ever will?
They were sorta "on sale" on release, though.

Miyabi is cute!

Shiki would be fun for a bit until she maxes out your credit cards...


Are these new cards?

Who else is in this.

>literally who wave

Yeah, some were uploaded yesterday.

We doing this again today, user?
It's okay, she's my favorite too


i'm noticing a pattern here


Yumi, Yozakura, Kafuru, Hijikata, Shiki, Ryoubi, Kisaragi

I wonder what could it be.
Kagura was an option too

Rin was pretty fucking aggravating to fight. Her entire moveset is long, long distance flying kick or *teleports behind you* Pssssh nuthin personal Daidoji *spams relentless quick attacks until you hit your Breakout key*

but yeah basically one you started getting used to the pace she attacked at you could sort of start to throw up Guard at just the right second for it to be a Parry and give yourself a scroll/chance to punch her in the face 3x before she teleported halfway across the map again.

And then once she goes into her ninja gear you UNLOAD ninpo on her one after the other to burn her down, since she's going to shove her ninpo directly up your ASS if you don't drop her fast

yeah fuck you, SLUT

I now realise how broken an X combo followed by parrying the recovery is

Shiki is a good girl.

Just an FYI, I fucking hate Shiki.

how can people support a garbage dev like Takaki?
EV missions are the same as the SV ones
Clothes are worse than SV ones
Pantsus are generic as fuck , even the rare ones.
Really he needs to be callet out for that shit but he get a free pass because "muh pandering to weebs"


god damn

I want more Kagura in Senran Kagura.
One game is not enough for this smug yoma bomb.

I thought it was a general agreement that EV was a total let down, at least on these threads.
>muh pandering to weebs
Except the problem isn't pandering to "weebs" but to japanese players who only want fanservice, and sadly there's pretty much nothing we can do about it.

>I thought it was a general agreement that EV was a total let down
But wasn't everybody saying EV improves on SV in every way? That's what I remember, anyway.
Was that just salty Vita memers? Not trying to start shit; I have a Vita and EV. I just haven't played it yet.

Ah gotcha. Who's your number 1?

Maybe before release yeah. The only real thing I could say that EV improves over SV is that the textures for the underwear are no longer PS1 tier. At least on PS4 version.

Have the game , the only thing better than SV is the new background finishers.
That's all

>tfw no third mainline game.

We are forever stuck with Versus series?

Maybe it was before the game was actually released in the west, but nowadays things like it being slower than SV, character nerfs, having less clothing options than SK2 or the little to no story are pointed often, among other things.

This also makes me worried about if Valkyrie Drive is actually a good game too.

I don't know. But here's my number 3.

I sincerely hope not, but we'll just have to wait until September and see what it is that Takaki will reveal.

>This also makes me worried about if Valkyrie Drive is actually a good game too.

Eh, that's understandable, but take from someone who hates /u/ shit and doesn't care about any of the characters from that shit. Just looking from the gameplay videos it seems like it has better gameplay than any SK game.

>This also makes me worried about if Valkyrie Drive is actually a good game too.
That is worrying, but I have hope. Valkyrie Drive is the reason I bought the damn thing in the first place.

Fan service is better in EV then SV, but gameplay is much slower.

I actually like some of the changes on few characters movelist.

The only thing that I consider an obvious improvement are the shorter ninpo animations.

Story portions are visually more interesting than SV too I guess, but I'd prefer 3D cutscenes.


EV is better for me just for the 60 FPS and finally being able to play as Kagura and Naraku

It's a waste if the gameplay still isn't as responsive as SV, though.


It would've been better if they at least had some short story.

This is a 4'11 Japanese ninja.

Playing Ikaruga in EV was like the only semblance of fun I could get from it, and that was mostly because of the addition of those dumb dash attacks. So changes to some of the characters movesets did help a bit.

Also, that projectile of hers has like zero impact to it, what the fuck.

The framerate is so inconsistent in EV, even on the PS4 version. Not to mention despite it at being 60 fps the combat is still more sluggish than SV's.

I dunno, SK2 sold like shit and pretty much got bashed with nips, Versus series seems to have better legs on the long run. On top of everything 3ds is on last legs.

I still prefer mainline gameplay over versus.

Someone has versions without the stupid NW frame?

I think not most cards even have a borderless version.

I bet she can't even reach the top shelf and has to get the other senrans to get stuff off of it for her.

>Imu, Ikaruga, Murakumo, and Hikage have infinite dashes in SV
>Murakumo gets hers removed in EV in favor for Kafuru

I know all that at this point. I'm not giving up hope for it just yet.

Only some cards get borderless versions.

Post more Hikage please, I want to fap.

Except the midget one

>Japs draw a girl with what look like fuckin E-cups
>in America she'd have C's

Happens every time. Wonder what it's like when jap girls who've thought all their lives they had huge honkers come to America.
Must be very harmful to their self esteem.

I want to make Shiki a mother

How do I find a perfect girl like her?

US Fcups are still very large
And Naraku is a fucking cute womanlet so they'd look even bigger

I want to spend my life with a snek

Hang out at your local middle school.

Shiki's child bearing hips are going to offer our children safe passage.

You don't.

>83 cm hips

I want to cum inside of a Snek and kiss her tattoos

Kumo never played particularly well in the first place

That is really a shame...

>95cm hips

I want to play well with her in bed

Wait, who?

And in case you couldn't tell, I was just trying to point out that Shiki's hips were on the lower end of the Senran scale.

That reminds me of a picture of some tanned slut that nobody can find source.

I think Ryouna and the charge attack characters got it the worst of it in EV. I guess it's fitting for Ryouna's gameplay to take the most abuse though.


>that stupid wake up attack of Ryouna
Most useless move ever. It is slow, does not hit shit, and leaves your butthole wide open.


Why is Shiki such a semen demon?


Because she's not fully human.

It's been a while since I played EV (just picked up the Endless Summer edition recently to give it another run), but I remember Ryouna's breach art being really fucked up in EV compared to how it worked in SV.

I want more new Nan art of senrans

There's always the off chance that we'll get one through NW.

Yeah. I know the ones we got were official art from the games and Leo got one recently. But I can just see Yumi mostly getting them instead

Don't remind me.


Why is Shiki trying to put a pregnancy test under Murakumo's skirt? That's inappropriate.

Be careful. Snek can be dangerous.

Shiki is my favorite.

Unfortunately, I've misplaced my Vita charger during the move so I'm limited to just playing SK2. These recent Senran threads have made me want to go back and play through her storyline again, and see if leveling her up makes her that much better.

It's a selfie stick.

I want to marry Shiki

I'd advise against that.

I wouldn't unless I was trying to keep her to myself

Are you hiding something