Will we ever see a game where every single enemy is unique and you never see an enemy type more than once?
Or is that just a logistical mess that nobody has the time to program.
Will we ever see a game where every single enemy is unique and you never see an enemy type more than once?
Or is that just a logistical mess that nobody has the time to program.
Shadow of the colossus
The latter
I kinda figured
That would be an absolute shit ton of work. The only way I could think of to make it work is to design like 30 different enemies and just have them all be relatively difficult so that the player doesn't just mow through them and depopulate the entire game in a half hour.
>Will we ever see a game where every single enemy is unique and you never see an enemy type more than once?
Only possible with procedural generation and we are so far away from that its not even funny
We've barely got good AI, let alone dynamic AI.
I was thinking monster hunter as well
>We're finally reaching the apex of graphics, which means they'll start focusing more on perfecting AI now
God I hope this is true
Pokemon Snap
>>We're finally reaching the apex of graphics
We're not even close.
We'll be dead before any truly fantastic games get made that do something other than rehash older games with better graphics.
No man's sky
Came here to post this.
You see entire clusters of repeated enemy types in that game.
Or should I say, you see a fraction of a cluster because of the fucking 30 degree FOV. That game is a squinting simulator.
I was about to post this upon seeing the thread.
Pretty sure OP already knows about Sotc considering its in the thread pic.
I didn't even open it since I saw SnK silhouettes. That's a pretty fucking gay picture.
>I get emotionally effected by vague references to anime: the post.
Are you like 11?
>vague references
It's really obvious and in your face. It's super lame if you think about it too. They're zipping around at sanic speeds to take down something so slow. It's embarrassing for either of the source material.
I overthink things that I supposedly hate: the post
Aside from the snakes and shadow figures (which only appear in 4 screens in the whole game) every enemy encounter in Lisa is completely unique.
>actual autism
It's a simple observation. You only to have seen one episode and fight one boss to understand how dumb that picture is. Also who said I hated either of those things?
This is a pretty fucking gay post.
>Episode 2: The Autism Persists
Stop responding to shitposters.
His autism is really obvious and in your face. It's super lame if you think about it too.
OP here, I just googled "sotc" and that was what I happened to use as the pic. Basically random selection. Congrats on making a huge deal over nothing.
It wasn't a huge deal.
He can't, he's emotionally invested in proving just how gay that picture is. It's his only purpose now.
I love Monster Hunter, but what are you even saying? Most of the monsters are rehashes of rehashes and you fight them all over and over again.
You're putting words in my posts.
Just a bossrush is boring user
Except SotC because every enemy was more like an exercise in enviromental knowledge than combat
>Just a bossrush is boring user
Those are the best parts of DMC3 and KH2FM though. The rest is filler.
dmc3 and kh2 werent bossrushes
They have boss rush sections that are superior to the rest of the game.
Arent 2 of the colossus the same? The one in the cavern below the bridge and the one in the deserted city?
I'm guessing you're talking about "Cenobia" and "Celosia". And you're right they're very similar in terms of build but for Celosia you have to defeat him using fire and Cenobia you have to cause him to run into the pillars.