Denuvo has been CRACKED, not a steam workaround but a CRACK

Denuvo has been CRACKED, not a steam workaround but a CRACK.

Did piracy finally win?

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welcome to yesterday, user. enjoy your countless threads about it. :)

haha I sure will enjoy even more of them today :))) thanks

Why are their constant threads about this all with the same exact title every fucking day for the last year?

>Rise of the Tomb Raider first victim
I would say that any game that has DENUVO is a victim.

You can't play DOOM

get fucked

Doom is still uncracked so this is bullshit

>first victim
kek, more like only victim. this was a fluke, no more games are coming out.

It's only a matter of days

I hope you're right because I really want to play it.

It depends on CPY. He's the only public owner of the leaked Denuvo source code. If more people has it or its just him, its pure speculation. But hey, one got cracked, its great news.

Best case scenario, the guy gets high with his new fame and decides to work in the rest of the games.

we had countless threads when denuvo was uncrackable and no one was complaining get the fuck out already

>leaked Denuvo source code
kek, bullshit.

iunno mang i'm playing it right now
although it's supposed to shit itself in a few days so i'm rushing through it asap

>leaked Denuvo source code

Yeah I'm sure that's totally a thing.

The next version of Denuvo will be completely uncrackable. You pirates will lose in the end.

It's obviously not gonna be uncrackable but if the next version manages to be get uncracked for even only half the time this one did they were extremely successful since they probably already have the version ready.

But everyone who potentially was going to buy it has bought it.

Now it's just the poor or super tight.

I'm not going to bother because all the Denuvo games are dogshit except Total War which I'm happy to buy. Although I'm increasingly unhappy with Steam.

No matter what they come up with it will rekt eventually.

>completely uncrackable

pick one

i've read they would release one crack per day
>hope they release hitman today
nothing official just a rumor

did denuvo stop paying the astroturfing company? where are the shills?

actually i'm still playin abzu and doom on voksi bypass it will last at least 3 days on steam offline mode
you have delicious tears

That's how they cracked it in the first place you dummies

A few days ago some guy found a whole in denuvo's security system or something and was able to downloald part of the denuvo source code.

>did piracy finally win

Not really, but enjoy playing your year old AAA rubbish.


I'm curious as to how they defeated it, anyone looked into it or we waiting for CONSPIR4CY to do a DOX release?


We did it bros!
Piracy won!

Name one thing that has never been cracked. Denuvo's blown wide open and it took less time than Starforce 3.0 actually which was another long slog to crack, not that I'd expect a 12 year old to know about that or remember.

>Starforce 3.0
18 months to get cracked

denuvo took a lot less

Got it for free already.

Who cares, honestly.

Pirates gonna pirate. I ain't no poorfag so spending $150 every couple weeks on games is nothing.

Good, a Denuvo threads, spares me making one.

So Tomb Raider got cracked, but where's the Doom one and the rest? I thought they're going to drop like flies after one was down, still nothing.

>i dont like to feed the jews
but i get cucked as well and bought doom
mirrors edge far cry primal

but its enough i hope they release this cracks soon.

What do you mean "still nothing" the crack's barely 2 days old.

When are they going to crack a game people care about?

You fucking retards, this isn't even a bait post or >merely pretending. The picture is straight up called increasingly nervous man which is used to depict a person repeating a statement that has come untrue several times in the past and will likely become untrue in the near future. He is basically stating it will be cracked and pirates will win in the end. Fucking christ, does nobody take at least one year in internet meme studies before posting anymore?

Well I am a total scrub when it comes to that, but won't they just apply the same method on the other games that they did on Doom?

I'd think it wouldn't take any longer now to crack since the 1st one managed to be breached. First step is always the hardest.

I care about it, but I want it on my PS4, so I'll wait.

They said each game is different so they have to tailor the crack to each one

It'll be a few days to a few weeks between each one.

Glad I didn't stoop to buying nuDoom. Hope it is next up.

>tfw you sat out Denuvo cancer like a bad goy


The precedent has been set either way. First it needs to be cracked, then it takes weeks to crack, then days, and finally it's just going to go like every other DRM.

Now do UWP

Technically the games still have Denuvo running, it just doesn't connect to their servers. Basically they aren't able to remove it, just trick it.

Denuvobro on suicide watch

Its amazing how many people in this thread have no idea how Denuvo works and have no clue that one game being cracked has negligible impact on the other Denuvo games.
Anyone who was PC gaming in the mid 00s remembers starforce and how long it took to get cracked. When it did get cracked all games with starforce got cracked at once. Denuvo is an individualized obfuscating encryption platform. Every game with Denuvo has proprietary DRM encryption.

I really hope the cracks dont come out for a year so when I upgrade my rig I can play games

Piracy has already won because all the games that are actually worth playing have been released years ago and easily torrentable

>and have no clue that one game being cracked has negligible impact on the other Denuvo games.
that's not true though

Denuvo is only slightly different for each game.

Nothing is uncrackable. The code of life itself, DNA is being cracked, are you saying that DENUVO is better that God? That sounds a lot like blasphemy.

TLDR' Denuvo = Satan

Not really, the .exe file is unchanged.

That's how most cracks work, why bother completely excising the badboy code path when you can just avoid ever triggering it.

>None have to the extent of Denuvo
Only because it's gotten so much more coverage as the video industry has grown. SecuROM (released by the same people) made the same claims and took a similar amount of time to crack.

Jesus, is that Rage? I remember it having better animations.

Its a psychological victory for the scene but actual process of cracking Denuvo for every game that has it is an individual process that will take the same amount of time for every single game. Denuvo is deliberately designed to be more trouble than its worth for the (infamously persistent and dedicated) scene. For sure the bigger, more high-profile games like DOOM will see teams working on it until its finally cracked but most games with Denuvo just won't be worth the effort which is Denuvo's design philosophy.

inb4 this was a lucky shot and other games wont be cracked

i mean if they cracked ROTTR why is it taking them so long to crack other games?

That's a pretty shoddy criteria to call something a crack. What if the routine I need to patch resides in a dll for instance?

you don't know what the fuck you're talking about m8, only shit-tier very niche games won't get cracked and even then they probably will eventually.

>welcome to yesterday
while you're being smug about something as petty as OP not knowing exactly when this happened I'll go ahead and have you know you're actually in the same boat seeing as this shit has been going on at least since Saturday.

Its not cracked! Its not crcked! Is not cracked! ts not cracked! Its not craked! Its not cracked



>Did piracy finally win?

Debuvo was never "Uncrackable." Its just really fucking annoying to crack it. We knew from the beginning that it would happen. It was just a matter of time and finding a group willing to put up with the bullshit to crack it.

When was the last time you pirated a PC game? Most cracks are .dll to bypass steam and/or origin. Modified .exe are from the era of NoCD cracks.

>no tits

I thought they already found an exploit some time ago as long as you buy the first dlc or some shit. still not like getting to pirate the whole thing but if you're really dying to play hitman might be worth looking into.


>only cracking shit games that i have no interest.

Why is life so unfair.

I'm just saying, pirate fags kept bragging about how they're version of the game would have better performance because they would remove denuvo

Do you even fucking know what source code is

I mean you can accuse me of being ignorant or pessimistic but I can assure you I know what I'm talking about. I've been involved with the scene since before the Starforce scare (for those who don't remember it took over TWO YEARS to crack Starforce, the Denuvo ride is young) and while I'm confident many high profile Denuvo games will be cracked simply by virtue of design its very very unlikely all over even most Denuvo games will be cracked.

>No tits

Say it with me now

*breathes in*

Keep crying bitch nigga, Denuvo is not cracked and never will. Just face it piratefags you're a cancer in this world. I'm gonna laugh so hard when this gets patches. You poorfags don't understand that Denuvo cannot be fucked with. Those filthy slavs fabricated those sales numbers in order to make their shitty game look better. they went full on with the drm-free meme and now that Denuvo is out there they could have probably sold double the amount of copies. So if it did have Denuvo they'd have gotten 60� instead of 30�. Thanks for proving my point. Piratecucks are literally lower than fucking filth. Keep justifying your cuckholdry piratecuck. Enjoy the one fucking day you'll have before the exploit gets fixed piratetrash. the whole point of Denuvo is so that it takes weeks or even a few months for the game to be cracked. And it still does that. It doesn't matter if it gets cracked months after release, I enjoy playing games and pirates ruin games. You should support developers for the great games they make. By pirating you are spitting at their hard work. Denuvo is designed to protect developers against this. the point of pirating the game is to get it now and fuck over the devs. its 4 months gone now, what are you going to do especially with those shit games that you probably can't run. get something for free is the literal definition of stealing b-but the developer still has the game!!! i merely copied it!yeah, but you're forgetting that they don't have your money, dumbass. i merely copied the game i dindu nuffin im a gud boii!
worse than niggers. Can you imagine how much the quality of this board and games in general would improve if you and all the other piratescum here were sent to the ovens It'd be glorious. They ruin games mostly by becoming a part of the community. Fucking delusional piratebabbys. This is why v hates pc

Yeah, duh

Total War: Warhammer fucking WHEN?

>piracy didn't win and enjoy playing those shitty games that are old
so how exactly did piracy not win if the games are shit anyway and there are better games out there you can pirate? you sound pretty mad about the whole thing but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt the only games you've ever enjoyed are the latest AAAs you can't pirate right now but as soon as you can they become trash.

Oh if by security system you meant their servers or something then never mind

You got it backwards, you are suppose to say you didn't even want the denuvo games
Can't you do anything right you stupid fox

The price of Denuvo alone excludes most devs from using it, so the vast majority of titles using it WILL be cracked

100% of games get cracked. All you need is time. took literally 10+ months to crack ONE game. lmfao.

Denuvo is specialized for each game, and it gets significantly harder with each version. The difficulty will basically kill the scene. We're getting to the point where it will take years. Nobody wants to do that.

Besides, publishers don't need it to be "uncrackable." Even a year or two is good enough.

Fuck you Sup Forums

i got the CPY torrent and i can9t save the fucking game...lost 2h of gameplay
what the fuck? it just refuses to save the game, when i restart the game i cant load just can start a new game

just fuck my shit up senpai

you stupid fucks, the only goal of Denuvo is to prevent the game to be pirated the first 30-60 days

they even wrote that on their website

they dont give a shit for this crack

Piracy will always win
It's easier to poke holes in stuff than to make something to stop the holes.

>0.01$ added to your account

I disagree. I think Denuvo's relative success and relative discreteness to other platforms will draw most AAA devs to it and we'll see a majority of AAA releases utilizing it. The massive time investment required to crack a single Denuvo game will mean scene teams will have to pick and choose which games to crack. This is not my opinion but the opinion of many in the scene. Veterans are throwing in the towel because they realize what Denuvo represents.
But as I mentioned earlier it took two years to crack Starforce and plenty back in those days were quitting/decrying the end of PC games piracy but ultimately we won. Denuvo is like Starforce x100 in terms ease of cracking. However I hold out for the hope that some sort of vulnerability will be found within the Denuvo platform that applies to every game utilizing it but so far this shit is locked down tighter than anyone has seen.

hey man the deal was 0.05$...what the fuck?

Not to mention how entitled pirate fags are. Look at any pirate site that has heard about the recent crack. They are litteraly full of threads telling CPY what games they NEED to crack next for them or why is it taking so long and very few thanking them or anything.

how much till the ps4 is cracked?

> took literally 10+ months to crack ONE game.
No, it took 3 days.
> lmfao.
Fuck off.
>Denuvo is specialized for each game
Thats straight bullshit out of your ass, there's only 3 versions.
>The difficulty will basically kill the scene.
You are either retarded or too young to think that.
>We're getting to the point where it will take years.
>Nobody wants to do that.
You are definitely retarded.
>Besides, publishers don't need it to be "uncrackable." Even a year or two is good enough.
First month to be exact. They fucked up with v3 being too hard to crack and thats why some game companies switched back to v2.

>3 days
You wut mate? CPY had been working on this for a while

You don't know what you're talking about. I agree with you that the scene won't die but Denuvo is a platform that offers proprietary encryption to individuals for their digital products so its literally "specialized" for each game.

The steam workaround gave light to Denuvo source code, he got it and started from there, so here we are.

Eventually every game will have Denuvo. The scene is dying, and I couldn't be happier about it. Fuck off and start supporting the devs you bums.

Paying for digital goods is such a cuck thing. It's like paying for air or sunshine.

>I disagree. I think Denuvo's relative success and relative discreteness to other platforms will draw most AAA devs to it and we'll see a majority of AAA releases utilizing it.

most devs won't feel the need to pay >$100k for no real purpose because it's not as if Denuvo is leading to a huge increase in sales, and they've already been proven to be crackable despite the updates. Only a few triple AAA devs still hold on to the idea that DRM will accomplish anything, the rest realized that shit years ago.

I'm going to need a source for that

Jesus Christ ROTTR is so fucking boring
>pant pant pant
>5 sec cutscene of slipping through cracks
>so cold
>10 sec cutscene of crawling underneath debris
>bawww daddy
>2 min cutscene of cardboard cutouts talking

People actually pay for this shit?