What the fuck is wrong with Reddit?

What the fuck is wrong with Reddit?

They talk this game up like it'll be the greatest game ever made, and then the game comes out and it's shit and they are so horrible at processing the disappointment that they invent lies to tell themselves in order to pretend that they're actually having a good time. The one I keep hearing is, "I just like discovering this. There's so much to discover in this game, it's just blowing my mind!" The reason people like discovering new things is because they'll learn something they didn't know before, or experience something they've never seen.

In NMS you're going to be "discovering" literally the same thing over and over and over again, you understand that, right? You won't be finding anything new. You won't be learning anything of value. When you discover an alien race, this one will have a beak instead of lips. When you learn a new language, it'll be a new string of random meaningless gibberish that gets "translated" into the same ERP choose your own adventure that every other creature in this game says. The next planet you travel to will be orange instead of blue. It will have the same size, same shape, same gravitational attributes. You'll get to it the same way, by traveling in a straight line over a solid dark purple screen with some white specs.

Want to travel far? To give the illusion that you can actually free roam in this game, instead of loading, the game just puts a flashing lights animation in front of your space ship window to make it seem like you're going somewhere instead of just jumping from one load zone to another. Interested in the multiplayer aspects teased by the devs? Tough shit. They straight up lied.

I can't honestly physically comprehend what people see in this game. I understand that a lot of it is buyer's remorse and the fact that these people hyped this game up to such absurd levels and now can't admit they were wrong, but still. It honestly blows my mind when I read posts from people saying that this game has "surpassed expectations." I haven't seen a more clear and blatant example of incompetent devs getting in so far over their head and doing anything they can to cover up their lack of skill in a long time, and these reddit fuckers just guzzle it all down and ask for more. The game is absolute fucking trash. Bottom line.

self delusion
people in North Korea probably think it's the best country in the world
reddit is pretty much a cult at this point

What the fuck is wrong with Sup Forums?

Why do we need so many fucking threads about a game apparently no one wants to play?

Every tread is just covering the same shit, why can't you just post in one of the ones already made rather than making a whole new one for no fucking reason?

I don't even know what you do in this game.
>Get resources but can't build things

Is it just a walking sim at 20 fps and 70 fov?

>Is it just a walking sim at 20 fps and 70 fov?
If you're running the game on a toaster, it is.

>game is just a series of linear galaxies
>newly discovered planets, species, and languages are all laughable microvarations of one another
>"MMO like multiplayer" was an actual, blatant lie
>alien space craft will fly around and land in space ports, but the pilots never even fucking get out of their ships and walk around
>all NPC interaction is ERP style text base adventure with static character models that sit in one place and don't move
>space travel consists of going to the next giant circle in the otherwise solid color block of a sky
>reaching the fabled "center of the galaxy" literally just starts you over in a new one, to discover the same exact shit all over again
Goddamn, there hasn't been a blunder this glorious in a very long time. Hilarious.

Every footage I saw of this game made me sick because of the low fps and low fov

Where did you see that? /r/games is mostly pessimistic about the game, the only problem is that the game's sub pretty much raids threads.

top comment from the current nms thread:

>As I expected - it's all different variants of 'earth'. Not a single planet stands out in any interesting way, as say in the movie Interstellar where you had a planet with giant waves or another with frozen atmosphere. This is my biggest gripe with all space exploration games, planets are just not varied enough.

This game, man.

I barely thought it would live up to the hype, let alone exceed it. I've been playing for four hours straight across only two systems and about five planets/moons, and it has been absolutely and utterly humbling. My breath is being taken away at every turn.

I just drowned trying desperately to make my way out of a dark underwater cave on a cold, lonely, massive planet, with ominous growling startling me from far across some rocky, eroded mountains against the backdrop of a massive dark blue system. Earlier I was marveling at a herd of grazing antelope-like creatures on a little yellow paradise of a moon with a pink sky. Creatures were screeching in the distance and tinkling piano chords played in the background.

I very much appreciate the technical and leveling aspects such as mining and trading, but most of all, this game has been an extremely emotional experience for me so far. I could barely pull myself away from my first system once I acquired the warp cell. No matter what I'm looking at, I have this excitement and this wonder and frustration that I am inevitably missing so much. I have never, EVER felt this lost. Space just beckons, wordlessly. What a beautiful, beautiful, titanic game. I have no words.

Enjoy, everyone. And thank you, Sean and Hello Games. Jeez Louise.

>Talk this game up like it'll be the greatest game ever made, and then the game comes out and it's shit and they are so horrible at processing the disappointment that they invent lies to tell themselves in order to pretend that they're actually having a good time.
Sounds like Sup Forums in a nutshell.

are planets actually planet sized or can you walk around one in an hour

are gravity mechanics different from planet to planet?

or did they just change the gravity constant slightly in the shitty physics engine they used to make this?

Go have a look at r/nomansskygame

Your suit "normalizes" the gravity for you on every planet.

>OP: "Stop liking what I don't like!"

Can't you just accept that people have different tastes and find different stuff fun? Started the game up and got lost in it for hours on only two planets.

One planet was covered entirely on the surface with different types of mushrooms and had an elaborate underground cave system. Above ground the rain was toxic so you had to be careful about exploring. The landscape was a mix of mushroom swamps, wetlands, and some mountainous terrain. Found an abandoned Platinum factory, alien outpost, and alien monolith.

Next planet was a literal tropical paradise with sunny beach, plants like palm trees, and lots of varied animal life. Found an underwater cavern that I couldn't fully explore without suit upgrades.

There is enough variety in the game that it doesn't feel like you're just, "discovering the same thing over and over again."

It's exactly the same on every planet.

So wait a second, you can't even choose what specific planet you travel to on that star map they showed? You just fly to another random planet after a loading screen?

What the fuck is wrong with Sup Forums?

They talk this game up like it'll be the greatest game ever made, and then the game comes out and it's shit and they are so horrible at processing the disappointment that they invent lies to tell themselves in order to pretend that they're actually having a good time. The one I keep hearing is, "I just like discovering this. There's so much to discover in this game, it's just blowing my mind!" The reason people like discovering new things is because they'll learn something they didn't know before, or experience something they've never seen.

In Oblivion you're going to be "discovering" literally the same thing over and over and over again, you understand that, right? You won't be finding anything new. You won't be finding anything of value. When you discover a dungeon, this one will go left instead of right. When you go on a new question, it'll be a new string of random meaningless nouns that gets "storylined" into the same plot choose your own adventure that every other quest in this game is. The next quest you travel to will be kill something instead of find something. It will have the same monsters, same loot, same level difficulty. You'll get to it the same way, by traveling in a straight line over a forest with some rocks.

>There is enough variety in the game that it doesn't feel like you're just, "discovering the same thing over and over again."
Get back to me after you've actually played the game a decent bit. Of course you'll feel that way on the first two planets, retard.

I've sunk about 8-9 hours into this game already and I have to admit I'm actually pretty impressed with how diverse the worlds I've been to have been. I have yet to see one world that is significantly similar to another. The animals usually look like abominations though.

>not being a circlejerk hugbox echochamber friendship is magic positivism will set you free faggotland

>Every footage I saw of this game made me sick because of the low fps and low fov

All of them were from the ps4 version


Do you even know what you're saying or are you really this bad at parroting?

>orange planet with some trees and 2peeble
>purple planet with some mushrooms and 2peeble
>red planet with some rock formations and 2peeble
Wow, the variation...

>he hasn't seen the NPC dialogue
How about you read up on the game a little before you defend it?

Honestly, the people saying its complete crap are just as autistic as the people praising it.
Its a fun game, but I dont see why anyone thought it was going to be the greatest thing ever.
Its because Sup Forums is mostly made up of people who don't actually like playing games, as much as they like just complaining about them.

ohhhhhh so this is why Sup Forums hates it

I've watched about 10 hours worth of various 1.03 streams from the first day of patch. It looks interesting and fun to me, but I'm a collector/completionist type of player. I still play a couple MMOs just to get all of my characters maxed and do all of the major questlines.

NMS looks mildly repetitive, and I find value in that. Sorry that you ADHD kids need shiny hi-res graphics and constant shooting, sprinting, and general action. I'll be buying the PC version. If you don't like the game, then fuck you for sinking so much effort into putting it down instead of just walking away and not caring.

on their front page they actually tell you to skip a review (IGN's) because they made a typo on the date it was announced

I looked it over and it's fairly negative but seems pretty spot on from what i've seen in streams and stuff. why are these people so fucking retarded?

the universe is literally on rails. There are a bunch of fake stars in the bg of the galactic map but you can only move forward or backward on a single string of them. Even their main talking point was a fucking sham.

>If you're running the game on a toaster, it is.
lol faggot, show me video with better graphics, come on

Are you retarded? of course the game's sub is going to be nuts about the game, it's basically NMS shill club including the devs themselves.

Sure? I clearly saw a guy earlier on Twitch who just randomly picked a system to travel to because it vaguely resembled a dong.

Only casuals thought this game would be good. LITERALLY EVERYONE knew it was going to be terrible from the second it was announced. It was fucking obvious to us all.

If you thought otherwise then you should just give up and kill yourself. No Mans Sky being terrible is a non-issue. It was practically guaranteed from the get go. The only purpose of the game was for Sony to pretend there is a revolutionary game only available on PS4 so you should buy a PS4. And it worked.

The fact there is a thread about this proved this entire place is fucking worthless. Fuck you, OP, you piece of actual shit.

Getting it on a weekend, you'll have to wait 'til then. It's not on Steam until Friday or so.

we've all known for a good while that it would be available for PC as well

>I still play a couple MMOs just to get all of my characters maxed

>implying sony allowed pc version to look better than ps4
you wish

>self delusion
>people in America probably think it's the best country in the world

I was talking about the announcement. Also casuals don't give a fuck about PC. If you're a pc gamer then you are entirely irrelevant.

Because someone on the internet is having fun with a game that the Sup Forums hivemind says shouldn't be fun. This causes extreme mental stress for the hivemind because it can't comprehend someone having differing interests or taste in games.

This game is made FOR casuals, because if you're a self-proclaimed 'game', which is less than 1/4 of the people who play games and represents an even smaller percentage of game consumers since their parents still buy them anyway, then NMS wasn't even made with you in mind.

NMS clearly caters to the underappreciated crowd of gamers: the ones who just want to take their time, explore everything, collect as much as they can, farm and sell. Clearly if you're the kind of goldfish-attention little fuck that just wants to make a beeline to endgame then the NMS community doesn't give a shit what your opinion is.

I don't need Sony to allow anything. The fact that my PC doesn't have a crappy graphics card is enough.

That's depressing

Reddit is literally the worst environment for developing ideas or opinions. This is a structural problem, the system of names, votes and posts naturally select for optimism and non critical analysis. Same reason they were all Bernouts.



well I'm not from the US but probably that would be true

yet the casuals are saying the game is terrible too. hmmm.

your gpu wont change how this game looks like



Really? You're a fucking genius. Any calls from the Nobel committee?

You sound like you work for the company that made the game. something about your word choice and way of typing.

No mans Sky is a shitty budget game, not a revolutionary boundary breaking AAA title like they said it was. The argument has nothing to do with who the game was made for. It's about them over-hyping a boring piece of shit as gods next gift to gamers. They do not "clearly cater to the underappreciated gamers". They are actually follwing the biggest games on earth right now like Minecraft. They are catering to the masses.

You either work for them or are just retarded. No one cares about the no mans sky community or what they think or who they are. Ofcourse there was going to be a community. there is one for every game. This is about principle. The devs made thousands of promises and fulfilled about 3. the rest was lies.

but it was you who said that non-toaster pc will look better you already forgot that?

Anyone have an example of this game's dialogue?

An entire thread dedicated to figuring out how reddit works/shittalking it, arbitrarily using a video game as a means to an end to keep things "on topic". Great work there m8.

Yes, we get it. You're not the 15-year-old reddit poster hyping up everything. You're the 17-year-old Sup Forums poster who not only happens to be a special snowflake, no, you take things for how they really are and therefore know they are shit, unlike the stupid, uneducated masses of reddit/neogaf/MAL/Gaia Online/9gag/facebook. You're redpilled.

The sad thing is, that meme flamewar video with the kid with the minecraft shirt and the Sup Forumstard guy is kind of accurate. Every fucking Sup Forums user I've seen outside of Sup Forums actually behaves like that. And you're part of the problem.

I just see something about fps and fov there, nothing about 'looking better', do you?

Hey guys look, Sean is here! And he's mad! Looks like people are too pleased with your game, huh?

>Get back to me after you've actually played the game a decent bit
OP hasn't played the game.

>read up on it

No thanks, I'm already playing it for myself. What are you actually talking about though?

Because people want to feel special. People posting in your thread and getting (you)s makes you feel special, if only for a little bit. That's why as soon as this thread dies another one just like it will pop up, probably made by the same guy.

You PCucks never had a problem with procedural generation when it was shit like Daggerfall that gives you leet nerd hipster cred to say you like.

Why is it so hard to believe some people just suspend disbelief, say fuck it and enjoy it for what it is?

Why are you all high functioning autistic people with stem degrees? Why is the profile always so uniform?

both fps and fov relate to graphics, fov is even visible on screenshots, you really are a retarded

>You PCucks never had a problem with procedural generation when it was shit like Daggerfall that gives you leet nerd hipster cred to say you like.

Majority of shitposters here weren't even a glint in their father's eyes when Daggerfall or Arena were released.

underage detected plz fuck off also reported banned and go play your assfaggots

>nothing about 'looking better', do you?

Jumping in here to call you out for being an absolute fucking retard.
>If you're running the game on a toaster, it is

You are clearly implying that a non-toaster will make the game look better. Now get back into your cave you dirty cunt. I hope someone very close to you gets a horrendous case of cancer, dies and you are the one forced to pick up the pieces.

Dumbo they said it's not at all MMO style multiplayer. Stop parroting Sup Forums shitposters and learn for yourself what the game is

It's a very pretty interactive painting. If they made the world interaction more consequential, I would buy it. Maybe something like breeding lifeforms or building a town, Fuck, it should have been colonization based.

>Why are you all high functioning autistic people with stem degrees?

This made me laugh because throw in a "FSF advocate" part and it's basically every "guy who rants about how much he hates the gaming industry" person I've ever met.

So, I'm confused. What activities of actual depth or substance do you actually DO on the planets?

100% confirmed you are a NMS dev. called out for wording then changes it entirely for next post. Well done, Sean, you fucking moron.

Enjoy, everyone. And thank you, Sean Bean.

>you really are a retarded
Yes, I am really a retarded.

FOV options, on-foot and spaceship separately adjustable, is in the PC version.

Vote for Bernie

this smells like artificial opinions. you don't actually think this.

it was predicted.

>I didn't play the game
Could you make it any more obvious?

Sean Murray is literally quoted as saying the game will have traditional multiplayer with MMO elements. Look it up, faglord

Fuck off Sean

Look at this fucking shill. "hello fellow gamers" lol

well you already agreed with me that pc version is dumbed down to look like ps4 version here or you gonna backpedal this too?

procedural generation only works in roguelikes tbqh famicoms

>You are clearly implying that a non-toaster will make the game look better.

You're reading into something that isn't there, buddy. FPS and FOV were specifically mentioned - the formed is obviously directly relatable to the GPU, the latter is available on the PC version.

why are you assuming that you will be able to change any of these settings?

Sounds like all video games.
Defeat X
Go to Y
Collect Z

If you are the type of person to pay full price for NMS on PC then you might as well end your life here. or at least sterilize yourself to save the rest of us.

>You sound like you work for the company that made the game. something about your word choice and way of typing.

The paranoia is real.

Imagine being such a fucking fat Richard Stallman neckbeard that you actually believe people on Sup Forums are trying to sell you things, paid for by companies. Imagine being so clueless about business practices you actually think "viral marketing" is viable for anything more than low value proposition new brand launches.

Who's saying that again? Your weeb Steam friend?

Relax, it's a game.

Try to have fun, bro.

it there was a book about sean it would be called nigger

I see your point, I take back what I said.

Good. Gravity mechanics are never good in videogames.

Fuck off you fucking piece of cucked shit.
This is a game about space, there should be gravity mechanics.

>What the fuck is wrong with Reddit?
>They talk this game up like it'll be the greatest game ever made, and then the game comes out and it's shit and they are so horrible at processing the disappointment that they invent lies to tell themselves in order to pretend that they're actually having a good time.
Because the game was designed to pander to reddit normies instead of the superior Sup Forums gaymen community.
Also, it's probably neogaf sony shills justifying their 400 dollarydoos purchase.

>gamespot review

The nigga went full philosophical mode in the last two sentences.

Except in Mario Galaxy

>I've read about videogames but I haven't actually played any

I work at a busy video game store in the centre of London. I know what the casuals are saying.

Holy god what the fuck is Sup Forums's problem?