Humble Bundle


So is Rust worth it at this price?

Do I need friends?


>indie survival meme game bundle
Not even worth the time to download or play.

Looking for an extra copy of Rsut

RUST is only fun with friends, and even then it becomes fucking gay after you spend hundreds of hours on a base only to lost it while you were asleep

How's Kholat?

No faggot looked like the left in the 1990s
That is 80s and 08-16 wear

>Map and compass simulator

Tharsis is pretty great for a dollar if you like dice chucking board games. Unfortunately everything else is garbage until you reach Planetbase, and who the fuck is going to buy Planetbase-tier in that bundle?

I don't think I've bought a bundle in about 2 years now. Most of the games I had from them are hidden in Steam, but they had one or two worth a buck. Who the fuck plays this garbage?

Kholat was in my wishlist a while back. Is it worth a dollar?


>Less than 4 dollars
>"Neat, time to buy it"
>$4.44 to also unlock!
What did they mean by this?

It's almost as if the average is going up.

I got in at $4.44. I thought they said this bundle would go up next week. That's what I gathered from another thread on here. Oh well, good price for it still.

Humble Early Access Bundle

Is it just another fucking firewatch? I won't be bamboozled into another fucking walking simulator, is there literally no other gameplay?

>and who the fuck is going to buy Planetbase-tier in that bundle

Is Space Engineers worth it?

>Do I need friends?
Yes, that game is garbo if you play it solo. It's garbo even with friends but at least playable.

You absolute madman!

These are the best versions of each game, right? Is this worth 20 bucks?

Yes pretty much, except devoid of interesting dialogue and replaced with horror type monologues.

Remove Hitman. It's trash.

>hitman absolution
just pirate it

as an autist, i'd say yes.

drop hitman:absolution imo

You've never played any of them before, probably. Though I would drop Hitman if I was you, it's not complete garbage but it's up there.

You can easily purchase Absolution for a dollar.

is Just Cause 3 worth 30$?

And yes.

Also this. If you don't enjoy risking losing everything within a moment then for the love of fuck DO NOT PLAY RUST.

The original version of Sleeping Dogs is slightly better but they don't sell it anymore so just go for it

>hear survival is next bundle, "Oh cool"
>no 7 Days or anything remotely interesting

Just kill me now.

what does it mean by early access? i want to try rust, but i don't want a demo or something. do you get the full game? is it just in early access even if you buy it off steam?

you guys just dont like it because its not wweeaboo trash

>slightly better

It's mean that the game is not finished, it's playable but the devs are still working on it

i see. thanks

It's means the game is in active development. You're getting the same version as on steam.

anyone hook a brotha up with space engineers? already got rust

>install RUST after i bought it from the bundle
>server system doesn't work
>need to wait half an hour for servers to show up
>join one close to my location
>please let me download 2000 assets thank you
>half an hour later the map starts loading
>''hands are white so i guess i got lucky''
>open inventory
>i am a nigress
>entire map is already filled with shitty huts
>no building enabled


Shouldn't you be happy with what you have user?

>no building enabled

This means that you're in a blocked building zone. People build cabinets which act as totems to stop anyone from within a 50m radius from building near them.

>open inventory
>i am a nigress

Well now you have to post tits, user.

they fucked up the lighting a bit with the DE

Why would you want that?

'cause I like black women and I want user to feel pretty and be the little girl.

>Do I need friends?
Yes don't even try if you don't.

But he isn't a little girl.

Only bought tier 1 for $1, I don't really am interested in anything else

Nah, the developers keep fucking up what made Rust fun to begin with. Zombies are gone, Rad Towns buggy and pointless now. XP system means you can just hide out in some corner of the map chopping trees or breaking rocks until you learn how to make everything. No longer blueprints or fragments, so no competition to go to Rad Towns to find those.

It's amazing how they managed to put up a bundle that's got worse games than what they had in the previous two weeks.

Forgot to mention you also cannot learn the blueprints for things anymore by breaking them down at a table, so even if you went to a Rad Town and found a decent weapon or tool, it really does you no good.

Is space engineers good? Anyone willing to part with a copy for rust?

post your Rust toon

what a piece of shit

Please kill me.

Already unistalled the game.


Is Space Engineers any good?


That and Planetbase are the best games in the bundle.

It's that time again
>buy multiplayer game
>remember i have no friends and regret it

id/thecallmepraise Add me and give me rust. I'll play with you.

Tharsis is such a fucking let down holy shit. I think it was the first game I was hyped for and then refunded it. I mastered it in one try. Took like 40 minutes to get a perfect mission. I WANTED to love the game. Everything about it appeals to me but its just so fucking empty and devoid of content. They story was shit too.

sent ;)


rust is shit
space engineers is a good autism sim