Am I beautiful, Sup Forums?

am I beautiful, Sup Forums?

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fockin tattooed helicopter dwarf taking off 10/10

damn want to play on private server

Thank you so much!

who the fuck still plays this

who EVER played this game

I did, and so did lots of other people because Warhammer was a great franchise and is well loved here. Are you from reddit or tumblr, and are you 15?

Go away tzeentch

nobody actually gives a shit about grognards or their terrible games my dude

>my dude
Anyway, OP, should I download? I did a bit of questing and it was quite fucking boring. Is it still only Tier 1? Convince me to play, if you want.

800 player peak today :DD

is there a lot of bugs like before?



>return of reckoning
good taste lad, its a shame the pop is so low in north American hours

a lot of bugs but a lot more functional mechanics

>no one actually gives a shit about grognards
>every normie i have talked with about warhammer comes back the next time we hang out talking about shit he read about warhammer and 40k thats awesome
warhammer is literally one of the greatest franchises because its condensed fun and awesome. go back to your assfaggots tournie

This game had some good ideas but was criminally unfinished.

EA strikes again, mythic begged for more budget but EA just cut it back in response. At least the handling of this is the reason we don't see EA with the war license

>in a pvp game

wat da zog

take axe, u smash gits
u smash hoomies
u smash stunties

smash dem in t1, t2, t3 and t4 now

Glad the next game has little to no PVE elements.

>800 players

Dude, I bet even Guild Wars 1 has more players than that. This is why private servers suck: hardly any playerbase

I guess it feels populated when you've been playing since the days of 50 player peak.
It's definitely enough to have fun roaming in each tier (maybe not 3).

well when 300+ of them are all in the same zone trying to kill each other it feels pretty fucking alive

Enjoy getting your big numbers while my Rune Priest runs around focusing the actually important players while being unkillable thanks to the dwarf racial.

>rune priest

Maybe if you're in a 6man on coms vs a bunch of lowbie undergeared pugs

If you're guarded and slotted the dwarf tactic then a RP can be a real pain in the ass.


Like I said, if you're in a premade its fine.

Holy shit I miss that game, I had no idea there where private servers running for this, Im downloading as I write this. Is the community any good there, and does the game feel more alive than it did at it's worst when it was still an official game?

Its great during EU primetime, but kinda dies off during NA primetime. Its gotten better though as word has started to spread.

Honestly if you don't guard your RP then you're a fucking shit tank. It should be a given.

It's surprisingly alive. Sure it's only like 400 players outside of primetime but at least they aren't afk in the towns or something. No matter what time it is you will find a proper RvR group for your level, guaranteed.

Also I should mention that the devs are actually working and improving upon the game. Many nasty balancing issues are already fixed compared to the original version.

>It should be a given.

Do you play this game? When was the last time you saw a pug tank guard, much less hotswap to a healer getting pressured?

The only time tanks even remember they have guard is if they're the kind of person who rolls in a premade.

90% of the time tanks pretend to be mdps so they equip 2h, stack str and hope their 50% parry will keep them alive.

Does this game have bullying?

euros start going to bed at this hour and NA isn't as healthy
best playtime is 5 hours ago, but T1 and T4 are still somewhat ok

Well, that sounds great, I'm currently a NEET and live in EU.

Roll order pls, I'll gib u some gold n stuff.

wat happened to Age of Shillmar?

Ever since servers came back up, every time I've logged on destro has had a significant pop advantage in t4.

If you're new pls roll order, and if you're not new pls make and order alt ;_;

I don't get why MMO designers so often choose ugly, overwrought fonts and UI designs. Who looked at that rough-ass piece of shit font and said "yes, this improves the game"?


You can change it with mods

let's hope the beta will come out before 2018 lel

post your graphic mods, cause sure doesn't look like that for me

>Is the community any good there, and does the game feel more alive than it did at it's worst when it was still an official game?
yes and yes

community is fucking amazing

You know how faglords roll need on everything regardless of whether they can use it or not?

I am 50% to max level now and it hasn't happened a single time for me yet. Everyone just greed rolls like it was meant.

>If you're new pls roll order, and if you're not new pls make and order alt ;_;
Order rapes in t1 and t2

haven't gotten to t3 yet

I loved this game back in the day. Too bad all the servers became ghost towns after a month.

Basically the PvE is very unfinished so the only people playing this game are running around in RvR. Makes the pvp zones feel more lively even with a smaller pop.

This shit is amazing and you should get in on it.

Going back to this game made me realize how shit every game since then was. Each game worse than the one before.

Is this game perfect? Fuck no. Is it still hilariously fun? Fuck yeah.

Is it balanced? No. But it's balanced better than live was. And better than other games will ever be.

TL;DR if you love PvP (and I'm not talking like arena shit here), get in.

I'm using some SweetFX preset posted in the old /vg/ threads. fireden that shit

>and I'm not talking like arena shit here
Even if you're into the smaller scale stuff (6v6) there are guilds on both sides that regularly do that.

Public Quests work now at least.

small scale is fine

arena is not

>I'm using some SweetFX preset posted in the old /vg/ threads. fireden that shit
Can you upload it or post a link? Much appreciated, have some tits.

Small scale is fine. 6v6 is fine. What I meant by arena shit was 2v2 / 3v3 / 5v5 in a tiny room with a few token obstacles.

I rolled goblin shaman, add me my name is Gnoark. I'm off for tonight, but would love an invite and some stuff tomorrow .

That's not Order

thx bra

What was order then, been so long since I played.

high elves, empire or dorf

the one with humies n stunties and fags

>umies n stunties and fags

take it off

The one with the goblins so I guess greenskins?



so this
is the power
of pc gaming

Wanna pick a class? Here's something to consider:


just pick what has the most roleplay potential
eg. every dwarf class