Is there any valid reason to not make you able to see your own legs other than not having time to add it?

Is there any valid reason to not make you able to see your own legs other than not having time to add it?

The chance of you seeing your legs in 2016 is pretty much zero.

Its' better that you can't see your own legs in Dishonored

the additional power you need to render and animate something you hardly ever see, as well as having to base your entire camera /collision system around that is a pretty valid reason

It was nailed 12 years ago.

Bullshit, Skyrim works fine with third person. There are immersion mods which simply move the camera to where your face is and use third person animations.

The real issue is laziness.

If you seriously consider the shitty movement animations and floaty controls as "nailed" then I suggest you to up your standards a bit

yes, and people will continue to buy games without that feature, which is why devs dont put the extra work into it. Like I said, the camera and collision has to work with that, and most people dont want to do that work

Is there any valid reason to make this thread over and over again other than being a gigantic faggot?

No, it's buggy, leans to the left, clips 30% of the time and slightly behind, also bow shooting is angled and most two-handed weapons' animation clip or are unrecognizable

>Is there any valid reason to not make you able to see your own legs other than not having time to add it?

Is there any valid reason to make it so? Don't get me wrong, it annoys me as well, but it's understandable why the devs would leave something like that out. like said. Better not implement something like that than cut corners somewhere else.

They are going to cut corners anyways

Yeah it looks like shit because the first person and third person animations are totally different from eachother.

But it's not a rendering or collision issue.

What does it matter?

>Is there any valid reason to not make you able to see your own legs other than not having time to add it?

Overwatch has one with the fact that the characters you play have vastly different body sizes.

It sure as hell would be a pain to have to figure out how to model Roadhog or Bastion's body.


If you don't see it then it's culled. It won't effect performance at all. When it is visible, chances are it's made whatever is past it completely invisible, so have the legs onscreen is often better for performance than not being able to see them.




It's called time management. Do we fix these bugs? Or design a first person camera that can display a body realistically? Now lets get an artist to model that body and then one to rig animate it. Now lets spend a hundred hours testing the body's animations as you walk over rough terrain....etc..

It's not that simple.

Having better things to spend time on.

It usually looks really stupid and unnatural and most players would prefer to be able to see directly below themselves
>m-m-muh realism

In Dishonored you spend a lot of time on high places, looking down at enemies. Imagine having your legs in the way every single time.
It's not an issue in other games, like the one above, because the game is mostly about fighting enemies at eye-level or above you.

If the stealth was good, you could use body awareness to see how well you are hidden.

What game is that? 2006 one

>the additional power
jesus fucking christ.

FEAR was such a good game

sir kickalot and the quest for the necromancer slip-n-slide

Stop posting this meme

Este jogo, cara.

Eu mal achava que seria tão bom quanto as minhas expectativas, muito menos que seria melhor. Estou jogando faz quatro horas, estive em apenas dois sistemas solares e aproximadamente cinco planetas/luas, e tudo isso me fez sentir absolutamente insignificante neste Universo grandioso. Eu fico sem palavras a cada coisa nova que encontro.

Acabei de me afogar tentando desesperadamente escapar de uma caverna escura subterrânea em um frio, solitário e colossal planeta, com grunhidos aterrorizantes me assustando da direção de distantes, rochosas e erodidas montanhas em contraste com o plano de fundo de um sistema solar azul-escuro. Mais cedo, eu estava maravilhado com um bando de criaturas similares a antílopes pastando no pequeno paraíso amarelo que era uma lua com céu cor-de-rosa. Criaturas rangiam de longe e acordes de piano tintilavam no fundo.

Eu aprecio muito os aspectos técnicos e os relacionados ao passar de nível, como a mineração e o comércio, mas acima de tudo, o jogo anda sendo uma experiência extremamente emocional para mim até agora. Eu mal consegui me obrigar a sair do meu primeiro sistema solar depois que adquiri a warp cell. Não importa aonde eu olhe, sempre tenho essa perplexidade, entusiasmo e frustração por saber que inevitavelmente ficarei sem conhecer tantas coisas. Eu nunca, NUNCA, me senti perdido dessa maneira. O espaço me chama, mesmo sem dizer nada. Que jogo lindo, lindo e enorme. Me deixa sem palavras.

Desfrutem, vocês todos. E obrigado, Sean e Hello Games. Eita, Luísa.


>Vin Desel made his own game company because he didn't trust other ones to make it right
Riddick was way ahead of it's time. They need to make a new game.

What was the first game to do this? I remember Trespasser had the protag's boobs but no legs. I can't remember a FPS earlier than Halo 2 that let you see your own legs.

After Fast 8 makes another 1 billion he'll make a new game

I'm fine with that.

1999 coming through

>Vin Desel made his own game company
Why do people try to talk about things they know nothing about?

Vin diesel owns Starbreeze?

My dream game combines FEAR and SWAT 4 in a mission based hub world set in the 2000AD universe, during Block Mania.

He's half right
Tigon, Diesels company, sent some code monkeys around to starbreeze to do grunt work.

Kills immersion. Instant reminder that you're not playing as yourself.

Also autism.

What dis

looks like thi4f

I don't remember that gun that shoots green exploding balls, what is it?

i'm dreaming with a swat 4 sequel
for more than 10 years and they will never release a new version
rainbow six franchise used to be as good as swat but R6 now is pure shit.

Yeah, it's really unnatural to look down and see legs attached to your body, just like in real life

i think it was a Team Arena weapon, along with the nailgun


eats a hotdog
heals gunshots

>worried about legs

I wanted to pick R6S up but have no faith in Ubisoft or the Clancy name franchise anymore.
Still playing SWAT 4. Apparently Levine had fuck all to do with it, so that's why it turned out so well.

Because it's retarded.

Siege is connected to R6 in name only.
It's similar to the game play change that Vegas did where yeah it's a tactical shooter where you shoot people with tactics but it doesn't play like the last lot of similar games.

Rainbow Six is alive and kicking with Siege. Can't say the same for your dead SWATshit series.

>Skyrim works fine with third person

Vegas left me cold, desu. Could feel the tactics fading away to be replaced with the twitchy action.
Really sounds like numarketing speak.

If several different have been able to each release different forms of first person body mods in EVERY BETHESDA GAME EVER, then there is NO FUCKING EXCUSE FOR GAME DEVELOPERS TO NOT BE ABLE TO INCORPORATE IT INTO THEIR GAME.

Fuck you I'm not using Uplay.


Except for:

>numarketing speak
Not an argument

i wont buy your game french frog

playing ubisoft games in 2016
never again

Shoo shoo Stefan

Yeah, why do that when they can use the money for advertising, a bigger name voice actor, they can release it early and get the consumers to bugtest it while clamping down on negative reviews by abusing DMCAs and copyright strikes.
Hell, they can get entire apologist websites behind them. Neogaf, kotaku (need SJW angle for this one), etc.

You say that like it's a free excuse when you have shitty games like Bioshock Infinite that apparently didn't waste time on full body rendering but also didn't take the time for dynamic lighting a shitload of other things that are in games and have been for a decade now. It was in the original Left 4 Dead, which was a small studio, but they took it out with 2, which was fucking VALVE, for no fucking reason beyond it taxing consoles. Small companies put advanced shit in their games all the fucking time, look at the ARMA devs. Fuck you for apologizing for shitty developers.

>Not an argument
Wasn't starting one.
It was an opinion.
The statement really sounds like 'stealth' advertising to me.
>Rainbow Six™ is alive and kicking with Siege®.

That's a complete over-exaggeration and the epitome of a wasteful manager.

>ubisoft is going back and adding denuvo to old titles

You're a floating head out at best torso with delusions of body. Get used to it, friendo.

Women playtesters become motion sick when they see legs for some reason and ask for it to be removed.

You've never heard the phrase of "alive and kicking" before?

Modern FPS protags are Penanggalans.
That would make for an interesting game actually.

denuvo is soon to be totally rekt

No, dummies, he means using the third person model for first person works just fine. He's just a retard who worded it weird. I've used enhanced camera for years and it hasn't caused me any issues.

>it's not an excuse when this shitty game did it hurr durrr

You guys really need to re-evaluate your priorities here if you are getting mad about this shit that barely matters.

Especially since Thief 1 doesn't have the body and Thief 5 or whatever does, and yet thief 5 is apparently a much worse game than 1.

And Trespasser had this, but was also garbage.

Everyone has.
It sounds like advertising to me.
Still after that argument, huh?

The argument is that it's old technology that has been around for over a decade and should be in games by default, like dynamic and global lighting, or inverse kinematics, but devs don't put it in because they're either lazy or retarded. This shit should just be included in games. I'm not saying it makes a game an immediate 10/10, but at least it shows that the devs give a shit about their product.

>Small companies put advanced shit in their games all the fucking time, look at the ARMA devs

Yeah I see ARMA, and I see a soulless landscape, animations, and a fuck ugly terrible UI. But that's ok, because you get to see the body lol.

>but at least it shows that the devs give a shit about their product

Yeah, because the thief devs didn't give a shit about their product.

Face the facts user, different studios have different priorities. And of ALL things, having a modelled body should be last on the list.

The Dark Engine could only display 1024 triangles on screen at once. An actual engine limitation.

>An actual engine limitation

Which is clearly just dev laziness.

Why didn't they just fund scientific advancement and simply get GTX 2050 gargantuans back in the 50s?

Dev laziness.

seu buceta

So why don't most Unreal Engine 3 games have it?
Most Source Games?
They can display the necessary polycount.
Looking Glass would have had it in if the Dark engine allowed it.
Using a 1996 engine as the crux of you argument is a bit shit, user.

Thats the BFG

>Using a 1996 engine as the crux of you argument

You can't just focus on a single point mentioned, and then say it was the "crux" of my argument lol. But then again, that's exactly what you are doing with your focus on viewing a body. I guess it's how aspies like to operate. They simply have to take some little aspect out of a big thing, because they simply can't handle anything other than that.

What about shadows user? Good shadows are FAR more fucking important than some shitty body.

What about literally every other part of the game they could be improving instead of working on modelling a body?

Some games don't get anywhere NEAR enough marketing budget, which they fucking deserve. See God Hand. Nobody is going to play a game they don't know about user.

Good shadows require a body mesh.
You go walking around anywhere there is light, you'll see your shadow.
You want reflections? Body mesh required.
Watch the ad hominem there, champ, you dove in too early with your reaction image.
If they're going to take from the dev budget for advertising, the project's probably doomed already.
God Hand is great fun and Metacritic is not the way to determine quality.

The fuck is with your retarded one sentence paragraphs? Are you illiterate?

>Watch the ad hominem there, champ

lol, oh no he found an ad hominem, and now he's going to explain why it's relevant to anything. Oh no he isn't, because he's actually a brain dead retard who found some list of "fallacies" and brings them up all the time to sound intelligent.

Oh look, another ad hominem, going to point that out too poindexter? Lmao.

>Good shadows require a body mesh.
>You want reflections? Body mesh required.

lol very good user. Very nicely deduced. But a body mesh is not the same thing as a fully rendered body model. Nor is the shit you see in the reflections of toilets the same thing as a body model. The only reason the modders could slap the fucking camera on the face in Skyrim or whatever without it looking and feeling weird, is because the entire games models look like fucking weird shit, so naturally it blends in.

I notice you seem to have skimmed over what I mentioned earlier, about every other part of the game needing improvement over a fucking first person body model. But that's par for the course.

>If they're going to take from the dev budget for advertising, the project's probably doomed already.

lol wtf does this even mean? ALL POTENTIAL ADVERTISING BUDGET CAN BE USED ENTIRELY TO FUND THE DEV TEAM. In all caps in case you forget to read. Maybe the larger text will help you.

>God Hand is great fun and blah blah

Thanks for the random trivia lmao.

You've got it backwards user. Not being able to see your legs kills the immersion.

FEAR is so fucking based holy shit.

>make a qt slender girl
>can't look at my own bare legs that got wet in the rain
It's a conspiracy.