No Man's Sky thread for people who actually have the game

An user in one of the other threads asked about the ship/space gameplay but the thread died before I could reply to him. I'll post it here in case he sees it.
You ever played the original SNES Star Fox on a physical console where handling your ship is sloppy and slow to respond due to the game not being able to render everything at a good framerate? That's how controlling your ship is like in NMS. It's clumsy and hard to handle, and there's no upgrades for making your ship fly any better than it is. You can't pull off any type of maneuvers nor does it actually matter in a fight.
You have only one weapon on your ship and there's no way to add any more. You can upgrade the ship's weapon but all that happens is a faster recharge rate and more power, it doesn't change the weapon.
The only enemies you encounter in space are atlas robots, and they only show up if you were on a planet too long to make them spawn or you attacked the atlas station. They don't stop attacking unless you warp to another location.
Your ship takes damage if you pass through asteroids but not if you pass through other ships. There is no collision detection at all and planets, space stations, and atlas stations all have an invisible wall around them when you're in your ship. If you take damage you can heal it on the fly using materials in the menu.
In the trailers it shows the ship skimming the planet's surface before jetting off/landing. You can't do that at all, you're forced to be at a certain altitude above the planet until you press the button on the controller to make your ship land automatically at a predetermined location.
Now mind you that this is all from personal experience with the game, and I was really looking forward to flying around in the ship so I might have some bias, however this is such a low standard that I can't bring myself to that I just have to tell the truth.

Other urls found in this thread:

>No Man's Sky thread for people who actually have the game.
Could've saved a couple of keystrokes and wrote "cuck thread"

I can't believe Sup Forums fell for this shit game.

Post yfw you didn't buy Numale's sky.

I'm that user who posted in all caps.

Thank you so much for replying.

I wonder if the framerate issues are a PS4 issue - but who knows.

And as for the other issues, yeah, it seems like it's pretty shit. I guess that's why most of the content they've shown has always been running around on planets - the space content really does seem lacking.



I'm sorry, but did the No Mans Sky already run out of unique content? Oh, that's right. The game isn't even over yet. In fact, it's only 4 hours played. Does having to do the same thing on every planet count as repetitive? Is that what you're saying? Because if you're saying that I can assure you that you're wrong. Why would you make this topic when the game is still on? Pre-order shills are still playing right now and they have been the best dick takers on the internet for how many years now? They're playing one of the worst instances in the universe that just happens to have barren rocky planets because they're feeding off the energy of playing in a true multiplayer experience. But you know what? They still fucking suck corporate cock. NMS is one of the best fucking games in on the Steam store, they went on Colbert and lied last year and would of won E3 if they showed their carefully crafted 10 minute demo. Maybe you should shut the fuck up before you make retarded topics like this. You know why? Because you're going to be embarrassed when No Mans Sky wins GOTY and someone bumps this topic. Oh look at that, two players just stepped into the same location on two separate instances, just like in Elite Dangerous if your internet goes down. Are you a fucking drunk? Are you retarded? Are you autistic? You are a fucking idiot and you should never make a topic on this board again and I'm fucking serious. I almost have a feeling you're the only guy making all these anti-NMS topics because you're a faggot hater who doesn't like the game because it's good. Fuck you, be good at something in YOUR life and then maybe try to troll these fucking devs on the board, like I give a fuck. It's so easy to spot out your threads now, you're a retard. Always doing stupid shit like this. Why don't you try to be a good shill? Just for once? For once in your fucking life try not to make a topic like this. That's just you, you're always right at getting it wrong. Fuck you. You are nothing.

That sounds terrible.

Even fucking Spore sounds like it would be more fun if I get in the mood for space exploration.


The thing about console games is that framerate issues are almost never fixed because that is dependent on the hardware and devs can't be bothered to optimize the game. The only time I can think about a console game's framerate being improved through a patch is Mario Kart 8, originally it had a bug when it came to recording the cpu drivers for the replay that caused the game to run at 59fps with constant microstuttering when played with cpu drivers on, however that bug has since been fixed and in turn it caused the framerate issue to be fixed by proxy.

the pasta has somehow out done the generic shitposting as the most annoying thing about Sup Forums
it's literally not even alittle funny.

Yeah we definitely need another thread

I haven really been paying attention to this game and now I'm seeing multiple threads about it. Did the game just release or something and did they release it in an unfinished state?

>n-no I'm not, this game is shit
>b-but it's ironic, please like my post guys I'm playing to both sides sucking both of their dicks ;( (;

It came out for PS4 today. You know what's funny though? It had a Day 1 patch for it that was supposed to give it all of these new things and make the game more complete and yet it hasn't improved one bit from when the leaker got the game.

I bought No Man's Sky last night and started playing this morning. I get off the first planet and realize my fear of space is stopping me from getting to the next planet. I like the planet I was on with the dinos and stuff, but my fear of planets is too much for me.
Anyone else relate?

Nah it just released.
That's it
and Sup Forums can't handle the news channel real well

PSA Operation Cuck Male Sky

On August 12th buy the game

Step 2
Leave a negative review on steam page

Step 3
Refund the game immediately

Step 4
Pirate the game

> I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I

He says "I" 18 times in 20 lines of text. This guy has a huge fucking ego. When have you ever seen a game developer talk about themselves this much in the booklet?

Literally, LITERALLY fucking spore. Even spore was better than this tripe with that galactic adventures expansion.

>Tfw landing on a planet where someone remade the siege of ultramar

hey guys im about to head to DICKBALLS galaxy, anyone wanna meet up?

Normies found out that there's no multiplayer at all whatsoever and are getting real fucking mad about the developer lying to them.

Man, you can't even do BASIC barrels rolls? Can you at least fly upside down? One of the best thing of ANY flight game, whether it's an arcade or flight sim - is to FLY! And NMS has a LOT of flying, you'd think they'd get the flight model right,

Whose butt is this?

>le humble but still pretentious as fuck

Fuck off sean your game looks boring as hell

even if you meet someone on the same planet you can't interact with them

Supposedly the Day 1 patch added the ability to do barrel rolls but fuck if I know how to do it in game, there's no button prompt or anything for it

Are there planets without life?

You can rolle with l1 and r1. The panetary flight sucks horribly though. Getting near a planet activates a magnet-like autopilot that drags your nose towards the ground, and getting too high in the atmosphere triggers the same effect pulling you upward. You can't get close to the ground, the game wont let you.

You're constantly fighting with the controls flying on and around planets.

This one seems more focused on space combat, which is something about that no one seems to care about in the game.

I like it - most of the other threads are shitposting about multiplayer.

That's a real bummer. I've spent countless hours free flying in games like Ace Combat and IL2 Sturmovik/Birds of Prey.

Okay I just tried it out, started a fight with some atlas ships too in order to see its usefulness. My god this feels so shitty, it just feels like you're not the one actually rolling but instead you're making the whole space around you rotate. It's not even useful to do, unless i'm being tricked all enemy ships miss you entirely for show or they magnetically draw to you and hit you no matter what. I don't mean to bring up Star Fox again but it made the maneuvers not only useful but it felt good doing them, how do you fuck up this bad? They really did just shove it into the game at the last minute.

>paying 60 bucks for a mildly interesting tech demo with dishonest devs and publisher

I'll give it a torrent on Friday

So I bought this because I thought why not

I don't get it. I've been playing for about two hours now, I have visited three planets and a space station, that includes my starting planet. All I've done is mine resources, found some aliens and sold the random items that do nothing and fly around in space shooting meteors. Each planet I find some little area, I collect loot and resources that I need to have so I can fly around some to collect more of the same resources. I tried to shooting a couple of random ships in space, obviously they got pissed and started shooting back, then some sentinel nigger showed up killed me. The planets themselves offer nothing that makes it worth exploring. I found a couple of docile animals. Some alien trading posts. And resources. One planet appeared to be completely devoid of life.

I just don't get it. There's no incentive to do anything. It's horribly boring. There seems to be some sort of story going on with the aliens, they have this standing, so far I've only met neutral or co-conspirators. But the game offers absolutely no other information on this, none of the aliens really tell any story, they're all just merchants. Even if there is some kind of story the game makes no effort to make me even remotely interested.

I get that its an exploration game, not a story driven game, but there's just nothing to explore

I'm not even mad about wasting money, I don't live off of autismbux so the $60 isn't really that huge a deal to me. I'm just trying to understand the purpose behind this seemingly pointless game.

It's a walking simulator. Do you not enjoy walking in a video game environment?

Actually, this. I hate this in general. People should focus more on the work - on the material - on the game itself - and not on personalities.

OP I hear ya. Forget the handling of the ship, and the physics. Space. Space itself. It looks terrible. It is like a cloudy aquarium, into which food coloring has been mixed. And then tons of debris has been stirred up.

Space is fucking FILLED with debris. Giant rocks everywhere. Fucking debris throughout solar systems. Debris and more debris.

And the solar systems. Terrestrial planet after terrestrial planet. Atmosphere, biological life, the shole shebang. Every one. Sometimes you encounter a big planet, which seems to hurt more when you fall on, or a "toxic" planet, which has green rain. But it's not like venus or anything, just keep your suit okay and it's fine.

Our own small solar system has vastly more variety in its planets than this vast universe Sean sold us on, the fucking lying piece of shit. The only variety in this game is cosmetic. Colors, and certain very limited characteristics for the planets/solar systems, and for the animals.. I mean...

The wildlife, I was so interested in seeing all the potential, but they are really again just minor variations from a very limited imagination. This is not even a good use of procedural generation. It's something I would expect on a tablet app that I might pay 5 bucks for, not something I paid AAA prices for. I mean seeing the same animal faces on 3 different solar systems, and then in multiple other players games, jesus.... on the first day? That's TERRIBLE.

Fuck, what a waste.

To people who don't understand the game:

It's meant to be played on LSD. Anyone who has dropped acid will understand that this is a near perfect game for it.

Thanks for understanding.

I've taken acid. Definitely still think this game is boring shit


neck yourself normie

If you've ever dropped acid, you'd know there's a lot of better stuff to do for free while tripping than this shit.

You've never dropped acid.

>Our own small solar system has vastly more variety in its planets
>Mercury has a day longer than its year, the usual smattering of craters that an vacuum body has, ancient volcanic flows and hidden ice
>Venus has an atmosphere that changes dramatically as you drop down into it, ranging from acid rain in fairly survivable temperatures, to the melts-metal-and-higher-pressure-than-oceans hell that is the surface
>Earth has life, a huge amount of variation on the surface (thanks to biomes), oceans
>Mars has gigantic and varied geological features from continent sized canyons to continent sized volcanos with enormous cliffs and humongous lava tunnels, a fair variation in other features from sandy deserts to icecaps
>Jupiter is the largest, with beautiful cloud patterns and deadly radiation belts
>Saturn has its very visible rings
>Uranus is tipped on its god damn side

That's not even including the shitload of moons that have a hell of a lot of variation in and of themselves

Yes, exactly. The procedural equasion we have here produces the same planet over and over, billions of times over, with only cosmetic variation. Our solar system alone illustrates just some of the beauty out there in the universe, something this game could have tried to at least some degree to bring, but they didn't even make an effort. Instead we get a browser game or web app full of depth in an engine for something which could have been much more.

If anything, it's more for when you're bedlocked on shrooms, but then again music is too, or anything stimulating. Point is, don't buy something to experience it on drugs.

>The wildlife, I was so interested in seeing all the potential, but they are really again just minor variations from a very limited imagination
Procedural Generation. Not even once


I bought it off Neweggs eBay today page since its 20% off and I don't have Amazon Prime right this moment, but mostly because i'm fucking bored and have had nothing to play for months. If this interests me for a good while its done its job. I don't really play multiplayer anyways and the footage i've been watching up to the point where I decided to buy makes it seem like it'd be up my alley. Due to the hype of the game i can probably trade it for a little less than I paid if I decide I don't like it within a few days.


like I believe that and gonna reply

I don't think that was a good decision. It's going to be in the bargain bins soon. Sony bankrolled it, and will want to get what little money they can out of it, that might mean pushing to clean out inventories quick.

You can use the space mining laser to attack star ships as well. Plus, you can modify the property of the ship weapons.