>post yfw this happened
Post yfw this happened
Other urls found in this thread:
>Vol'jin killed by a literal quest mob
>Vol'jin rekt by a literal quest mob from behind in one shot even
>Gnome man aimbots an ambushing demon with his mech
>while all this is happening Thrall is doing his best DBNO Gears of War impression
>Horde deal with a bunch of trash mobs while the Alliance has to deal with 99% of the named cast of demons in WoW history
>Horde lose their Warchief and run away scared leaving the Alliance to die
>Varian blows out the Infernal-Fel Reaper hybrid in one shot
>explodes to death
Allybro here, who had such a hate boner for the Horde on Blizzard all of a sudden? This isn't even Alliance pandering, this is just next level Horde bashing.
>You will be remembered as the king who died for nothing
>No, for the Alliance
>Starts screaming
>Gul'dan pushes the fel thing in further
>He fucking shrieks
Goddamn I expected the death to be stupid, not emotion inducing.
I didn't expect invasions in contested territory to leave people flagged
Bosses in gadgetzan are a complete shitshow of everyone getting slaughtered in everyone else's crossfire while the boss oneshots everyone who's lagging out
Tirion and Varian's screams were a little intense.
This game, man.
I barely thought it would live up to the hype, let alone exceed it. I've been playing for four hours straight across only two systems and about five planets/moons, and it has been absolutely and utterly humbling. My breath is being taken away at every turn.
I just drowned trying desperately to make my way out of a dark underwater cave on a cold, lonely, massive planet, with ominous growling startling me from far across some rocky, eroded mountains against the backdrop of a massive dark blue system. Earlier I was marveling at a herd of grazing antelope-like creatures on a little yellow paradise of a moon with a pink sky. Creatures were screeching in the distance and tinkling piano chords played in the background.
I very much appreciate the technical and leveling aspects such as mining and trading, but most of all, this game has been an extremely emotional experience for me so far. I could barely pull myself away from my first system once I acquired the warp cell. No matter what I'm looking at, I have this excitement and this wonder and frustration that I am inevitably missing so much. I have never, EVER felt this lost. Space just beckons, wordlessly. What a beautiful, beautiful, titanic game. I have no words.
Enjoy, everyone. And thank you Blizzard Entertainment. Jeez Louise.
Nigga didn't get the out he deserved. We didn't get to see him cleave through demons, we just saw him get ganked by some asshole
>be Alliance
>help fend off demon invasion at Crossroads
>if you hang around for too long after the invasion ends the guards go batshit and murder you just after you saved their lives
Yeah, you're welcome.
Can someone link the cinematics plx?
>spoofeed pls ;_;
>L-lok'tar ogar
post the vid
>cutting out the fight with the named demons just before they reach you
Fuck off Blizzard. Let the players fight them for a while and show us the cinematic when we're nearly dead. The events after already shows you injured and just waking up anyway. What a cockblock.
I seriously thought they were going to leave it ambiguous that Varian could've survived after dropping. I didn't expect him to be exploded immediately afterwards. I'm mad but at least he went out like a champ.
It's evolving.
>h-horde favouritism
>vol'jin dies to quest mob
>horde broken shore cinematic is us retreating
>horde broken shore cinematic is more than half about varian
>varian dies a heroic death
epic for the win
>Play WC3
>Tribal themes, Orcs, tauren, trolls, gobbos. Honor and fury
>Play Vanilla WoW
>Mostly keeps to this theme but with asshole undead shitting it up
>Then comes TBC
>Alliance re rollers dump themselves into the majority
>But its okay because belfs are light enslaving mana drug addicts so it kinda fits
>Then they get cured
>Belfs now make up 60% of the user base
>Belfs now make up 70% but we got a proper warchief rolling around orcing it up
>80 elves and a kung fu panda asthetic for some reason
>Last remnants of the WC3 horde have died and you are effectively killing the guys you joined your faction to helpo
>undead elf is warchief, Orcs are seldom ever even seen. Player base is now completely blood elf with the dh class being added
You know, WoW is a shit game but I come back every few months to dick around. I really cant say I'm ever going to come back. They've completely destroyed the horde.
was there even a single night elf at this battle? Did Varian really only have Greymane and Mekkatorque at his back?
>yfw thrall just lies there like a dumb useless faggot
play Alliance you dirty ooga booga
>Horde's fault that the assault failed completely
>Genn will be rightfully pissed that they couldn't hold the line
>We'll have to kill Genn for killing Sylvanas because Horde dindu nuffin
Can someone tell me why Sylvanas would ever deserve to be warchief?
anyone have links to these cutscenes? I could have sworn i saw a thread with all of the new cutscenes posted.
Stay on your side of the planet. No one asked for your help
Who was in the wrong here?
>horde favouritism
>Thought WoD was so bad I wouldn't be tempted to return to WoW
>Legion's pre-expansion content is fucking amazing
Fuck Blizzard. Where was this effort with WoD?
>you will never be Alliance IRL
>bc lore
Altruis is right
>new retconned lore
Kayn is right
The blood elf for being illidans buttbuddy.
i think vol'jin is insane desu
>not siding with loyal Kayn
>being such a cuck that you choose someone who will undermine you outwardly and in secret
>Last remnants of the WC3 horde have died and you are effectively killing the guys you joined your faction to helpo
This is the strangest part about the story to me. If we're just looking at events that take place, in practical terms, the horde's entire reason for existing was to essentially kill itself.
>Literal definition for a demon hunter is altruism
night elf fag for not being illidans buttbuddy
Illidan was being a massive cockfag in Outland, but he did blow up several Legion planets, including the Nathrezim homeworld.
I chose Altruis cus he's my bro for eternity.
Also because the "Illidan did nothing wrong" retconned bullshit is infuriating me.
>tfw horde would be better if it were just the Orcs, Trolls and Tauren
But game balance into 2 factions trumps everything I guess.
If you're on a pvp server, contested territory will remain contested territory even when both sides are trying to fight the invading demons
So each side cleaves the other to death without even meaning to
biggest army
shes good at warfare
saurfang is to old
in times on shit not hitting the fan shed be a poor choice but right now it makes sense
Considering Blizz plans to replace green jesus thrall with purple jesus illidan, Altruis looks like a complete fucking moron.
I think Blizzard killed off Vol'jin just so people wouldn't cry "horde bias"
Who leads the Alliance now?
This is our fourth Warchief, how many expansions will she last?
>Kayn boasts he's sacrificed everything, will sacrifice anything for the good of Azeroth
>Won't sacrifice his pride and work with Altruis
What a cowardly nigger. Altruis all day.
>only Elves can be Demon Hunters
>cant play as big butt Draenei Demon Hunter
That's what he gets for being a cheating faggot.
>working with someone thats completely against you
>Be Alliance
>Fight an Invasion on my side
>Can't attack Horde players
>Go to their side
>Be able to attack Horde players on their side
Too bad Spriest is shit in PvP
Anduin or Genn
>Same ideals, different methods
>Completely against you
The Legion wants her in-charge to piss off the Alliance. Also Jaina is the avatar of Sargeras, it's how she survived the mana bomb.
Gayboy, who so far has shown nothing but disappointment and not living up to his namesake
>working with a traitor who killed your comrades
The new "lore" is making Altruis look like an idiot anyway so it's moot at this point.
>He hasn't watched the animated shorts
Anduin 1v1's a Dreadlord and wins.
No dwarves either
They wanna make it easier for Raid leaders from guilds, so now they only have to ignore female Nelf/Belfs instead of Both Female Draenei and the other two
>all those elves standing around contemplating
Which set is that?
Will he be the greatest king ever?
>tfw 50 years left of Warcraft
Ah thank you, stopped playing during panda
>You're a guardsman fighting orcs
>a local quester is sent to help you
>it's a woman
>in shit gear
>ontop of all this she's a warrior
>you're fighting bloodthirsty orcs that are bigger and stronger than you and they let a 5'9" 120lb woman cobble together chainlink fencing, pans, and old towels as a set of armor and then told her to help you fight 7 foot tall barbarians
>Too bad Spriest is shit in PvP
I just resubbed and used the 100 boost on a priest because it's what I used in WOTLK. Goddamn what a disappointment in pvp. Pretty fun in pve though.
Even as a horde player, that death really got me for some reason.
Though there should of been a funeral cutscene with this music.
Wasted potential.
Find Strelok
Kill Strelok
Wow, that's kind of arrogant, don't you think? To write that far into the future? Especially after all the fucking retcons that already happen.
so this is 100% canon?
You are Strelok
I think Blizzard went a little too far, that shit is gonna give me nightmares.
canon doesnt have much meaning in warcraft
i cried seeing all my Horde buddies dying
>players still can't have swag ass overcoats like that
Playing a Male Mage is suffering.
He got his "one last blessing" from the Light during the fight with Arthas
But it's okay that he dies since he comes back as one of the new Four Horsemen
>She kicks their fucking asses
Hordecucks a shit
I wish the stormwind guardsman helmet actually obscured your face like that
Doesn't matter.
Blizzard has pretty much pulled the plug on "continuity" by pulling a star trek with time travel bullshit.
Once time travel has been used in any storyline all continuity pretty much goes out the door and everything becomes a 'what if'
Should I go Jewelcrafting or Alchemy in Legion?
>guards die
>woman fucks the orcs to survive
Darrowshire is still one of his best
I sided with the Night Elf.
Yes, Illidan was right and he his methods worked. But he went too far at times and went complete overkill.
I'm starting to understand Malfurion's point of view.
At least now they're hopefully going to fix Illidan's story after they ruined it in TBC.
Especially since Chris Metzen is actually in charge of writing the character this time.
>has quests in BC where he makes you kills other illidari
>Not working against you
at least he died a hero instead of cowering on the ground like a certain green Jesus did
When did Altruis get captured? We saw him in outland, is it ever explained how he ended up at the vault?
In the context of those quests though, Illidan was going off his rocker. Altrius was completely in the right back then and I immediately picked him over the brown noser.
>big bad talking shit
thrall then
>roars and attacks
thrall now
>some sappy feelgood speech about how bad guys are bad and good guys are gonna win
>in BC
Which is pre-"Army of the Light" horseshit
That's what happens when your best friend gets killed and you get chained to some broad.
Marriage sucks the soul out of a man
>Alliance's greatest champion defeated while outnumbered and surrounded by the greatest demons Azeroth has ever faced and Gul'Dan, after defeating a massive demon mech to save his people, still has time to outbanter the most powerful warlock in history
>Horde's greatest champion bested by two mooks and forced to crawl away while their dank ganja leader gets stabbed to death by one mook
>choosing a literal traitor who would just betray you again
You shouldve been able to execute that faggot on the spot