Fuck No Man's Sky

Fuck No Man's Sky.

Are there ANY multiplayer dogfighting games that aren't dead at the moment?

Help me, Sup Forums. I just want to dogfight players in real time.

War thunder

There's wings.io
I guess

Elite Dangerous

Although getting a ship good enough to PvP can take a while, then double that to actually find some PvP.

I've done it, the PVP is all right, but so gimbal-heavy. I wish there were more weapons that encouraged actual aiming and leading.

Star Citizen

Is eve valkyrie out yet?

Elite: Dangerous
War Thunder
Star Citizen

Meant "space" sims, but I'd definitely give this a try. Been meaning to for awhile.

There are reviews. Is it?

I've heard hardly anything about it.

the best

Yes, it is the best. But do people still play the multiplayer?

wtf i hate nms now

I've been playing it for the past 7 months. New updates coming in all the time. It's unfinished, but it has infinitely more depth than No Multiplayer Sky

>FTL travel
>Engines and on-board computers to achieve FTL
>Giant space stations spread across hundreds and thousands of lightyears

>No on-board computer to aim your weapons


p2w garbage

save your HD space

Allegiance (or free allegiance nowadays) has a small but active community. It is a team based game though.

Sup Forums tried to get into this years ago, but most people were too casual and went freelancer instead (and you have to admit that freelancer combat is extremely simplified compared to other space games)

why can't we get another game as good as freelancer

>Sup Forums

We already do user.

Multi-crewed ships and aliens will be coming soon.

I meant Sup Forums, I don't know why I typed Sup Forums

This was WAAY back mind you, before Sup Forumslancer was a thing.

Why on earth hasn't there been a Colony Wars revival or reboot yet? Who owns the IP? Imagine a new colony wars with online multi-player. It would be sick.

nah it's no where near as good, universe feels so much emptier and didn't have to wait for cool alien systems in freelancer

War Thunder

> Shitty F2P garbage. Plus no space ships

Star Citizen

> Will never be released

Elite Dangerous

> Too bad no-one plays this shitty grinding sim

Star Wars Battlefront

> Dogfighting is boring and casualized. Flips and other moves have been reduced to pressing one button. And no space battles

There are none OP

Psygnosis is dead

Sony probably owns the IP, but I don't think other internal studios would want to develop it.

Made me kek.

Ughh and I remember what they did when they rebooted Warhawk. So disappointing.

tfw there will never be another game quite like it

Git gud

Is Sup Forumslancer still alive?

Well you could get turreted guns, but thats just reducing DPS when you should be increasing your skill at flying / aiming

Gimballed are "ok" but if you're doing PVP you should really git gud and learn to use targeted instead of gimballed, the do more damage too.

I don't care so much for realism. Star-wars-style dogfighting (needing to lead the ships with lasers) is more interesting to me, anyway.

Oh shit, this. Colony Wars is the greatest console space sim ever made, and honestly stands among the ranks of PC ones.