Do you even Shoryuken, Sup Forums? Why don't you play fightan gaems anymore...

Do you even Shoryuken, Sup Forums? Why don't you play fightan gaems anymore? How much are you scared of this simple Z-motion input? I bet you can't do it without pissing your own pants, or should I say...'sure you can't'?

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But I play SFV and Mahvel, user.

>calling it a shoryuken
Its a fucking dp you fucking gay

did you know you could make a thread about video games without being a passive aggressive faggot trying to incite vitriol

Yes, my DPs are inconsistent. That's why I specifically avoid any characters with DP motions.

>smashfags will say their not fighting game has the most technical inputs and then say that a DP motion is archaic and overly difficult

Well, I have a 3ds and a pc, what fighting game do I play?

How are your DPs inconsistent if you even play moderately play fighting games?
It's only slightly more complex than a fire ball.
It would make sense if your 360s were inconsistent because only people who play Gief really use them, but anyone who's even mediocre are fighting games should be able to execute those consistently.

>Do you even Shoryuken, Sup Forums?
today I will remind them

This level of casual is why shit like Smash Bros and Mortal Kombat is considered "fighting games" around here.

3DS has SSF4 and BlazBlue, both are worthless ports, so don't bother. If you have a decent machine you can play technically everything pre-2014, Melty Blood, USF4, BlazBlue, or even Tatsunoko vs Capcom which runs almost perfectly on Dolphin.

Yeah I've heard playing shit on 3ds is pointless as much as I'd like to play on it. Getting a new pc soon so that shouldn't be an issue

Got bored of shitty SF5.

Played it for like 20 hours last week, came back to it after hating it in beta.

I got up to ultra silver and realized everybody plays like idiots and that some characters were so gimmicky that it wasn't even fun.

There arent any good fighting games atm

You have a choice between those shitty tsg fighters


Or something dead

Waiting for KoF or soul caliber 6

I'm a smash/SFV scrub and even I know that the correct term is DP

but yeah Sup Forums as a majority sucks at fighting games they just refuse to admit it

Tekken 7 is coming out soon isn't it? Also Revelator is getting ported at some point.


I'm playing UNIEL and I like it a lot, but I only find the same people online over and over. How many people bought this game? 5?

the only popular fighting game on pc is street fighter and even then the community is no where near as big,if you want to get some matches you should probably check somewhere like dustloop

If the game isn't Street Fighter or Tekken, you won't be finding any people playing. Or random people anyway. Did you buy uniel on pc or ps3?

>Do you even Shoryuken, Sup Forums?

I'm a shitty Cammy in SFV; I Shoryu as much as your average Ken

>Why don't you play fightan gaems anymore?
I try to, but they're pretty scary/huge time sinks if you truly want to improve your skills. I have 2 friends who play seriously and they're easily Gold and above. My most hardcore friend just spammed me with messages saying how he's been doing really well and is now a solid Ultra Gold. He certainly deserves it since he has well over 200 hours logged in, but it's certainly discouraging looking at him play when I'm a Super Bronze and can't comprehend a fraction of what goes through truly great players' minds mid-game

>How much are you scared of this simple Z-motion input?
I'm not. If anything, I love it way too much. Wakeup Shoryu all day erry day

it's clearly a zp, can you not read?

I never really got how the combo system in games like SF and KoF work. Others have easy to understand combo systems, like Skullgirls and others, but whenever I try to play a new character in a new KOF or SF I always feel lost. I especially felt this while playing the KOF demo. You know what I mean? At least the new KOF has an auto-combo button, but that's not quite what I wanted. More like an universal easy to understand system.

Sometimes I feel like playing fighting games to have fun but then I have to put a not insignificant amount of effort in order to be decent and enjoy fighting games. I could just jump-in, but then I wouldn't understand anything (or would just take longer to get it). Have you ever played a fighting game with a friend and then you beat them and they never played with you again? That happens a lot with fighting games, I feel.


(No, I don't play smash)

What I ultimately mean is that I get more enjoyment playing other games than I do playing fighting games most of the time. And they don't take as long to understand and get better fast.

>Wakeup Shoryu all day erry day
Have you made it out of Bronze?

Although to be fair I prefer single-player games most of the time.

What do you think

You can quote me on scrubquotes.

>Playing makoto at the local third strike cabinet
>wrecking the pre-bonus stage ai
>getting wrecked by the post-bonus stage ai
>autist joins me as dudley
>beat him all 3 matches
>he goes to get more quarters
>switches to ken and wrecks me hard

my timing is getting a little better but i still freeze up under heavy pressure, fuck ken

Stop calling it a z-motion. You have return to neutral to do it correctly, and "z-motion" suggests otherwise.

The Z confuses me. I grew up playing fighting games and always learned with arrows. Why do not use arrows they are so much more easy to understand.

u wot

I don't actually play characters that have a DP motion, so i don't have a ton of experience doing it
looking forward to finally getting the new guilty gear, but i'm not looking forwards to being literally forced to git gud

It's pretty easy once you learn what this fucking Z symbol actually means. That's the biggest problem.

You can do Hadouken, right? Press down, slide to forward and press punch. Shoryuken is similar except you press forward first, then let go so the stick flips back to neutral. Then press down and slide to forward, same as Hadouken. Forward, down->forward+punch.


I'm working on mastering this input.

I'd tried explaining to some old friends of mine how to do fighting game motions every few years and it was always trying to speak to them in a different language.

One day I thought to explain it to one of them using keypad notation and now he can do everything no problem.

Just wondering. Last time I played I just made it into bronze.
SFV is the first game I've really tried to get better at. I think my research has paid off, though. I have yet to meet many people I can't download in the bronze or lower category.

the real bitch is 360s desu

The correct motion is forward, neutral, down, down-forward.

360s you just need to know a trick or two. Mine is to start on a horizontal and end diagonally up, and pressing the button a little earlier than you think.

It's just 623. No 5.

Good on you for taking the time to learn the game. After they changed Juri in SFV, I just decided to learn charge characters like Balrog and Guile after all these years of playing. They were always guilty pleasure characters I played shits and giggles, but I just never learned them until now.

Though I really hate people that jump a lot when I play online


That's not how a shoryuken is done you fucking mouth breathing mongoloid, it's actually 623+p not 6236+p

I played Super Turbo and Marvel for like 15 years. The genre is dead to me in its current form.

I've never had a problem with Z motions but half circles fuck me raw.

That shit is easy, first used by Geese and later used by Tetsuo

Being a beginner, I play mostly Ryu online, but I've always wanted to be good with Balrog. I'm not very good with consistent charge inputs, though, especially down to up.
With Ryu, however, people who jump in a lot barely touch me and I force them to play differently because I just down strong all day. Then you just pepper in Air+MK cross ups into low MK XX Hadoken.

Pretzels aren't really too hard, just a little weird to do at first do to being uncommon.

Shit like pick related is a bit wonky too, but they just require a bit of practice.

the trick is to keep doing quarter circles until you rip your thumb apart and shed yourself of all the skin that is too weak to depend on

Just do two quarter circle back then hit down forward and punch button. There now everyone know how to do that dumb move.

My 360s suck. The moment I get a little nervous I look like a retard jump-punching. I've been playing fightans (casually) all my life. Please kill me.

More annoying than deltas.

I have a huge problem where when I go from a launcher to a mid-air attack I accidentally do a z-command when moving upwards and forward

I draw the line at shit like that. At that point, it's very much an execution contest.
SF has a decent balance of execution and tactics as do most of the really popular fighting games these days.

super dbz really deserves more love

It isn't that hard yeah, but it just feels awkward to me to get it out consistantly since I've never had to use it before.

I still get PTSD flashbacks to Hayate's Raijin in DoA4.

You'll be glad to know it's still there in 5. And now you can even pick Akira and Jackie if you want to do the knee and flash sword horseshit.

im silver in sfv

I've been playing Xrd since it came out and I still have trouble with this one input. I use Chipp and he has an air super where he throws a bunch of kunai below him, and if you use it while you're directly above your opponent after you knock them down you get some really good mix-ups and it can be really hard for them to block.

But this input always make me feel like I have ham hands, half the time I try to do it it comes out in the wrong direction, or I do it too fast and get a super jump with no super, or I somehow get his teleport. It something that I have to practice doing in training mode for at least 15-20 minutes every time I play or else I'm almost guaranteed to mess it up in a real match.

I might just have really bad execution, does anyone else do stuff like this?

Kek, good luck getting that on point since the move is always a reversal, Tetsuo is useless without mastery of pretzels on reaction

That looks like you can just do a 360 and go an extra 90 degrees rather than thinking about the little skip from 4 to 9 at the beginning

Guess I'm not buying Revelator then.

How can people complain about dps when 360s exist ?

No, I wish I could do that. The input for the super is 214214K in the air, but the 2149 is required because you need to be over the opponent's body for it to be effective. doing 2147 or a circle motion would make Chipp jump backwards, away from the opponent

The execution in Xrd really isn't that tough, I think there are just some extreme cases like with Chipp and some instant air dash stuff

>not something actually difficult like half circle forward twice in midair or standing double circle. Or this

No kidding, I've learned that the hard way many times already. I don't really want to give up though, I don't expect to be good overnight.

I'm glad I play Jam. No performance anxiety. I just have to deal with playing as Jam.

Standing double circle can only be done through cancels and jumps consistently so it really isn't that bad.

Yeah I'm just saying as far as things that actually are difficult to execute for the uninitiated. Though I'll never be able to use or land Bang Shishigami's astral finish in my lifetime

KOF and SF are more link based.

W-why do you need those 963? Isn't kunai super just 214214K?

So it's just TK version?

Technically you don't need the 63. The only thing you would need to do is 2149214.

It's easier to roll the motion, though. Going from 9 to 2 is a pretty awkward thing.

Right, pretty much. But only after jumping forward.

I'm just fucking shit at fighting games. I try to play 3rd strike to get better, but i'm still ass.

I knew shit was gonna be like that so I pirated it. They need to put fucking ST on PC or at least on console

Where can i find my local FGC scene?

3rd strike is probably at the bottom of the list of shit that you should play to learn starting out.

I've given up trying to get better.

Is guilty gear beginner friendly? I'm trying to get into fighters.

Check out Fightcade. You can play ST and other old arcade fighting games online for free.

There is also HD Remix for PS360 but I don't think anyone plays that anymore.

If you're in a big city, look for "arcades". If not, then look at your local university, or college.

There was a website for this kind of shit, if I recall correctly.


Yes in that its tutorial and help menus are actually the best in the genre.
No in that actually playing it requires much more than what is standard. It's HARD to play. Plus, as all anime games, it won't really teach you neutral.

>anime games don't have neutral

nice meme friend

Oh wait I'm dumb you mean UNIEL ST not Super Turbo my bad.

It's not the same type of neutral. Sorry if I offended you, friend. Didn't mean to.

What's your name on steam so i know if I've seen you

What do you mean by neutral?

Killer Instinct

Generally speaking, a given round in a fighting game can be in three states: Either (1) you're putting on pressure, (2) you're getting pressured by the opponent, or (3) you're in neutral, when neither is at an advantage.
Neutral is considered the most important state, as it is where you both start, and where most of the mind-games that are the heart of the genre happen.
Essentially, it's where both you and your opponent are trying to "get in", which requires knowledge of your character's tools, as well as theirs.

SFV on PC is crossplay you idiot

Wait people actually have trouble with that motion? I played Ryu USF4 for like 4 days, with a controller, and I could do that shit consistently. What the fuck FGCucks????

>took you four days to do something consistently
I think you underestimate how willing modern casuals are to drop a game without trying. It took me about the same amount of time to master it and less than a week later I can execute it every time. But most people wouldn't bother trying.

Four days of playing casually against bots for half an hour before getting bored and going back to Melee, every day the same

How the fuck do you go from 3 to 6 without going through 5?

You press slightly upwards.

I mean 6 to 2 without going through either 5 or 3.

Serious question here,
I am new blood and have been training ryu for a couple hours but cannot do his super or ultra, whatever its called. You know, double quater circle forward. Any hints how to train it? I'm on a quanba.