What does Sup Forums think of the new Lara Croft? Just finished the newest game and I like her new look

What does Sup Forums think of the new Lara Croft? Just finished the newest game and I like her new look.

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kill yourself beta loser

Nice ass. Shitty voice. Needs sexier clothes.

Tomb Raider 2013 Lara > RotTR Lara
Not sure why they redesigned here, I liked the sort of Asian look she had in the reboot.

I like her too. Girls with the hoodie and leather jacket outfit make me diamonds. I don't know why though.

It lacks something important.


RotTR has a weird case of manjaw imo. Not to mention that the 2013 Lara had really nerfed the body but RotTR decided to nerf it even more

don't see any body nerfs here man.

I liked her appearance in 2013 more than Rise. She looked younger and more vulnerable, which made her stealth archering people to death even funner for some reason.


always easy to spot the virgin

i just wanted to say prove me wrong so I could get more pics of lara :3

I liked how visceral the reboot was. All the death scenes were kinda shocking, I wasn't expecting that shot. Wading through rivers of sewage with open wounds and the a river of blood was pretty crazy. RotTR was toned down a bit I feel like, they should have kept going balls to the wall with the gore.

I don't hate her but I'm still not happy about confidence and unbreakability. There was somethign incredibly sexy about old Lara that had nothing to do with sex appeal and new Lara's "realism" isn't hitting those notes in any capacity.

About the only thing they improved was the hair and face.


>I'm still not happy about losing old Lara's confidence and unbreakability.


Do you have a problem with facts?

As a matter of fact I do :^)

I was correcting a typo you little shit.

I think she's really pretty and it gets hard to play the newest games because I know she isn't a real person

She's supposed to be pure British lady.
And she looks like jew.

name 1 pure british lady who is attractive and doesn't have fucked up teeth.

she looks delicious imo

hows this game on 360

implying upper class Brits aren't all Jews now

She was a lot cuter in the first 1 2bhonest

Fuck reboots, and everyone who supports this garbage. That is not Lara Croft.

They didn't redesign her at all though. She still looks like a mongoloid, she just has more polygons.

Her mum in an ay-rab.

omg I hate laura now


I found the reboot's abundance of gore to be kind of jarring actually. The game pushes Lara as this vulnerable, sensitive girl that has to pep-talk her way through death-defying situations but then has you driving an ice-axe into a dudes face and setting people on fire without ever suffering any kind of mental anguish.
Games like Mortal Kombat or Gears of War have over-the-top gore but never take themselves seriously (or maybe they take on the appearance of trying - which itself makes it even more farcical), which kind of help to balance it out.
I think what made the reboot so dissonant for me was that it made Lara into a ridiculously brutal killing machine but still tried to maintain her innocence.
Yeah, Nathan Drake is a mass murderer too but he never got an +5 XP Slice n Dice bonus for tearing a dude's throat out with a climbing pick.


Than who really is "Lara Croft" user?

AKA action video games make for shit vehicles for any story mildly approaching reality.

This is

This is SJW Croft.

Do you guys think that that her parents regret introducing her to horseriding, considering her recent exploits in the fields of equestrian relief?

She's cute, but she sure the fuck isn't Lara Croft. This one is some lesbian who is impervious to being harmed, yet still cries about how she's weak.

Lora a qt
games a shit

thought this was common knowledge by now

also, requesting that cosplay gif where old lara stares intimidating at new lara, who submissively whimpers




I like her

thanks for the heads up

I love how people call TR2013 an "SJW" game but it's one of the most violent, gory AAA games around. I don't know many SJW games where you get to see women impaled on a spear or their throat sliced.

wtf i love arabs now

Dude SJW is just a cool meme, don't take it too seriously bro

Her face was redone for RotTR. It was also redone for the re-release on consoles. Three faces for three games.

Better than old Lara Croft.


That has nothing to do with the SJW movement in video games.

SJW please leave.

Jane Douglas.

Guys. I'm completely in love with her, been watching all of the outsidexbox videos just to see her and hear her talking with that beautiful accent. Help.

she's barely a c cup now. lara was the original big boobs video game girl. her shorts are probably never coming back either.

When it comes to godess tier women, I prefer watching them getting hard fucked by a sex machine, to be honest.

It's not that I'm a bad lover, but I'm average (like most people), and I feel like it would be a waste if I fucked her myself.

I rather watch so I can appreciate every detail of her body... every moan, every lip bite, every time her toes curl...

It's not being a "cuck", it's being humble enough to know your place and get the most out of it.

It was redesigned for the re-release but ROTTR is just an improvement over the TR2013 design. Like I said she still looks like a mongoloid.



>woman who's clearly some sort of Asian mongrel




>You will never gush our horse semen out your prolapsed anus like Lara

Stop saying this. She has three faces. 2013, 2013 on X1/ps4, and then RotTR.

Pic related. Original on left. Redone on right. Both from TR13.

I just wanted to post her.

Sup Forums removed photo. Here is another. Compare with your face.

Engine is the same since 2013 with minor changes. They remade her.

hearing a qt british girl say "bum" is the best thing ever

>It's not being a "cuck", it's being humble enough to know your place and get the most out of it.

No, that's just being a cuck

>Lara with horse

Can you even read? Are you saying Nathan Drake was redesigned 4 times too? The design(mongoloid) is the same.

>Engine is the same since 2013 with minor changes.
>with minor changes.
Haha good one.

Very cute

How did this piece of shit manage to kill an entire island of heavily armed men?

Yeah, Drake was redesigned 4 times and then some. Learn what design means, keep your adhominem to yourself, kid.

>ywn strangle Lora as your cock slides in and out of her sweaty pussy

Are you implying there were major changes? kek. That is why there are several of the same animations in rottr and even better some of the same jumping and grappling glitches.

I won't argue that the animation system was changed drastically but visually it's changed tremendously. One of the few games that actually looks next-gen compared to its last-gen prequel.

He wasn't, the model was merely improved.

> keep your adhominem to yourself
You're actually retarded.

What's going on in this scene anyways?

did they?


>hooded eyelids
my fucking dick!!!!!!!

she looks A LOT like my lil cousin. I keep having dreams about her when I don't want to

It's her telling everything to the poorly written villain slowed down.

She's remembering your big, fat cock!

Post pics.

she's underage I think then again she just graduated high school so idk

Post pics.

At least they didn't make her a transgender nigress, or a fucking vegan.....yet!

nice chokeslam

mocapped by the undertaker I think

i like this new Lara because she is cute but she isn't supposed to be female Nathan Drake. She is supposed to be female Indiana Jones.

growing up during the tomb raider series has been weird.
when i think lara croft, i think big boobs in a tight green shirt, dual pistols and a ponytail.

the new lara is attractive but shes nothing like the old lara. its like they did a focus group to make sure shes the least offensive possible by making her super generic.

imagine Lara but a bit brown




basicly this

its a fine game if it wasnt called tomb raider

but the fucking tomb raider elements were big tits ponytail and dual guns/uzi's and one badass girl

Minority? Check.

Average bust? Check.

Inoffensive height? Check.

Over dramatic? Check.

Alright we've made the SJW quota.

don't forget
pro-trans and gay """""rights"""""

the game was boring as hell,didn't even bother to finish the campaign and much less care for the story.

Story was worthless. Combat better than previous game. Climbing is alright. Tomb Raider Anniversary is still a better game.