Hey guys, Sean here!

I hope you're all enjoying my new game No Man's Sky™. I put a lot of love and effort into making the game as expansive of a multiplayer experience as possible!

You guys DID buy it... right?

Other urls found in this thread:


Right after I buy Fallout 4

Nah I'll wait until it's $30 or lower; Probably this winter's Steam sale or something.

>implying this fuck deserves a penny
>implying you wouldn't rather just pirate on day one

you just don't fucking get do you?

This is a worse version of Toddposting. At least Toddposting is somewhat amusing.

It wasn't built to be an expansive multiplayer game though.

Call me when Joe Danger 3.

Fuck off Sean

Fuck you and your kind for ruining beards

Oh but it is, you can go onto the same galaxy as your friends, and even grief them!

>mfw there is literally no downside to pirating No Man's Sky

thanks for removing multiplayer sean

Listen Sean, I respect you, I can empathise with people who are ambitious, and I see you are really passionate about this game, No Mans Sky happened purely because you wanted it to happen, and I give you props for seeing it through.
However it's my opinion that the game is absolutely shit and is shallow as fuck for a universe simulator, fuck, one gun? one ship? All I've seen is soup and pasted planets with different pallets and mix and matched earth animals for aliens, fuck it's bad, you're game is terrible.
love you.

No, I bought another copy of Shantae and the Pirate's Curse instead!

I already own Shantae, but i'd much rather support her and Wayforward than your faggot ass any day!

I'm actually kinda happy that he lied about multiplayer, easier to pirate for me.

god damnit I hope seanposting becomes a thing

Well done, my son.


Jesus, that grammar.
I need sleep.

I wish this game had multiplayer.

Coming soon: No Man's Sky multiplayer expansion! Only $60 extra :^)

So seanposting is a thing now?

Is Sean the new Todd?


Somebody make an image of Todd mutating into Sean.

I am really getting sick of seeing this guy and his fucking beard everywhere.

why this guy always wear checkered shirt?

sorry I'm not into nu-male games


>This is a worse version of Toddposting. At least Toddposting is somewhat arousing.

Buy my game

Buy two copies

>make multiplayer game
>don't put multiplayer in it


That's actually a really good fix. Thanks.


Has the shilling gone too far?

Just tryin to make the 'chan a better place dude

Sean Murray isn't exempt from making mistakes. He's a flawed human being, just like you and me. I can admit that. But this whole "HE LIED ABOUT MULTIPLAYER!!!" thing is insane. You guys are all ballistic. You're like a bunch of savage horny animals. Everywhere I look, it's "SEAN MURRAY IS A LYING TWO FACED BASTARD. KILL HIM. BURN HIM. ROAST HIS CORPSE OVER A FIRE, AND PEEL HIS SKIN OFF".

Did you guys ever stop to think that maybe..Just MAYBE this was a result of a bug? Do you think it's possible..PLAUSIBLE..That Sean Murray isn't infact..The spawn of Satan, here to bring back the Third Reich and finish what Hitler never could? The game hasn't been out for more than a day. Honestly, I think it's likely that this was just a minor hiccup. Lots of games have launch day issues, most of which by AAA developers like EA. Time will tell whether this is a bug or not, but for now..Can we all just chill out? He's delivered on his other promises in the day one patch, hasn't he?

The minute this guy makes a flaw, it's like the goddamn apocalypse. Parents throwing their babies through shop windows, teenagers running through the streets naked, humping everything in anger, helicopters crashing to the ground, and everything is up in flames. THEN THE NEXT DAY COMES, and it's like a goddamn daycare, with everyone hugging eachother, and having fun.

Fuck I love those guys

Fuck off, jewnigger.

Hey there just a procedurally generated game developer here I'd appreciate it if you'd purchase a copy of No Man's Sky or several for you and your friends to play together.

thanks doc

>a bug

I'm calling it, there is gonna be a war between Toddposters and Seanposters.



Does anyone have that video from E3 like a year or two ago where there was a group of guys discussing NMS? One guy was asking what you do in NMS, and everyone else was just attacking him the entire time for it. One of them in particular was extreme autist mode and I remember him saying shit like "SEAN MURRAY WOULD HATE YOU".

I keep thinking it was Gamespot's coverage, but I can't find the video anywhere.

inb4 No Man's Sky: Remastered

Isn't that technically illegal?

That's awfully Reddit of you

There's no war just people having fun with my game!
Where is all this hate coming from?

>No multiplayer
Exploring shit with friends was the only interest I had in this game, and even then I wasn't gonna drop $60 on it. I'll pick it up on Steam when it's $10

The names even rhyme.

At least Seanposting is truly multiplayer :^)


Oh fuck.


I thought he was exempt. Didn't they post a doctors note to the site not that long ago?

Is this pasta?

What's wrong with the picture.?


I have two copies right here come on 1v1 me then you can talk


Must be from GAF it seems to be the only logical solution to that magnitude of delusion.

Sticker cleverly hiding an 'online play' Icon.

But then he wouldn't be able to play multiplayer

Put one on his ugly foot.

What a handsome man!

Okay. What are the rules?

Whoever comes up with the best galaxy name wins?


The problem is, he never promised multilayer in the first place.

What's your point? People have confirmed that you don't need to be online to play the game.

Hide and seek. I hide, you seek.
You have 1 week.

How can finding you be real if the multiplayer isn't real?


You can go to where he is. You just won't be able to see his model. Or see any changes he makes to the area. Or interact at all, really.

Why yes, of course I did. I love the immersive approach to multiplayer. It adds a unique depth not yet seen in video games. Day 1 buy for sure.

The point is Sean lied about the online. Which was a reason a ton of people bought the game.

Oh, man! I sure am loving this multiplayer experience! I am so excited to look for my friends in billions of worlds!

WTF? I hate Arby's now.

A neckbeard is a neckbeard.

It does have online support though!

please stop

Why? There aren't enough threads yet.

Okay, Sean here, again.

Did I make it too big, guys? A complaint my wife has never made, but...err...I guess I thought that creating a big sandbox was all I had to do, you know?

I mean...putting in interesting things to discover, why would I need to do that?


Did it bump off an overwatch thread user?

Why would you buy No Man's Sky for the online?

That's like buying R-Type for the story.

>too many threads waaaahh

Just go to a different board or never come here again fucking faggot

You shouldn't have bought it for any reason. Because there are none. Multiplayer was the only thing the game had that could technically be called a "feature" and it doesn't even have that.


Half Genie Hero is so close I can almost taste it.


>Wahhhhhh I can't make a choice
>Can't skip over a thread
>Must read it

>tfw i dont trust Sup Forums's taste
>tfw i like a lot of games that Sup Forums shits on
>tfw avoided watching any streams or trailers so no high expectations but very interested
>tfw don't wanna spend $60 on a game i might not enjoy

im gonna need to see this

So I spent 13 hours playing on the PS4 version with a buddy. Here's why I'm cancelling my PC preorder.

The entire animal and planet systems are generated from a limited pool of resources (textures, models, etc). You'll go to different planets that look slightly different from others, as in color palette swaps. I've seen plenty of animals that I've seen on other planets, just renamed and recolored. Sure you have 18 billion or whatever planets, but that doesn't matter. Most of them just repeat each other with a few different things.

Creatures, as I said, show up on other planets looking exactly the same, except with a new name or color. They also have no depth. You can feed one to have it spot resources for you (useless) or make them poop out items. That's it. Unless they're hostile, then they just run at you and hit you with no interesting fight mechanics.

The UI is love it or hate it. Inventory management sucks post-patch still. Needing resources to power your suit, and multiple resources for different types of flight kills exploration. I get it's supposed to be "survival" based, but it's like they don't want you exploring (and finding out planets barely differ).

Combat is bad. It's clunky and simplistic. Not enjoyable at all.

Visually, on PS4, it looks bad. Pop-in like crazy, horrible FOV, textures that look like they came from an early last-gen game, or worse. Sometimes it can look okay, such as in orbit, but that's it. I'd imagine PC to look better but don't get your hopes up. Space also doesn't look like space. Doesn't look like the empty void it is. Instead, it looks like a fishtank or a tub full of bath bombs, with solid colors instead of blackness.

As it is right now, it's just not interesting or engaging to play.

tl;dr NMS is as wide as an ocean with the depth of a puddle.

As am I


It is not. All you can do is name things.

So is sean posting above or below todd posting?

>paying 30 fucking dollars for lies

Why not just rent the game?