No Man's Sky Thread detailing the lack of Multiplayer, has been locked by mods on Reddit.
The censorship is real
No Man's Sky Thread detailing the lack of Multiplayer, has been locked by mods on Reddit.
The censorship is real
Look at the top of the webpage, you fucking nigger. Does it say Sup Forums - Twitter and Reddit Screenshots? No, it doesn't. Fuck off.
first post best post
nothing more to be said, go home everyone
censorship of a video-game product is pretty relevant to everyone. you should care. also its not a screenshot dumbasss
Why do normos always make this lolsoquirky face?
>another fucking no man's sky thread
Fuck this, this board has gone to shit now that the game is out. Half the threads are now NMS threads. We fucking get it, the game is shit. We don't need all these threads to be told the same thing over and over again. I'm going to reddit, don't even try to tell me the website is shit, because as far as I'm concerned, it's a whole lot better than Sup Forums right now.
Call me when you guys finally shut up about this game.
This only affects you if you use reddit, and if you use reddit I'm going to have to ask you to neck yourself. Get the fuck out of here. This isn't discussion about a videogame.
we always know reddit is filled with shills and shit, its damage control, the game is and was always overhyped
just torrent it on pc and see if you are into that
Fucking /thread
You must be new here.
i'm seriously considering creating a random lebbit account just to downvote all the nu-males
Would be totally epic bro haha you'll show them
It's because people are threatening to harass the devs. Internet raids aren't allowed here nor there. The thread was fine until Gloopy Gloppers started taking arms with fake twitter accounts and crude pepe the frog images.
When you see a nms thread, don't click it. Holy fucking shit you are literally retarded. Please end your life.
if you want to undertake an exercise in futility, you might as well try to raid Sup Forums
i gave no shits about multiplayer, so im still excited to pick up the game tomorrow.
convince me why i shouldnt, Sup Forums. im waiting.
Last edit stated they finally saw each other, any footage?
If you buy this game I will laugh at you.
This. I'm glad it's not a multiplayer game. I don't want to suddenly engage in a "dog fight" while coasting the solar system's edge. I don't want to see a shrub named "*****outforharmbe". I don't want to impede on someone else having a serene moment as they bring a beached whale back to the ocean. Lastly, I don't want to share my game with the shitty people in these threads. Glad I'm over it because I could give a fuck what they think now.
No it didn't you dumb anime faggot
>Source: My ass
Welcome to any time a new game releases, on Sup Forums.
You must be new here.
That was the moderator updating the posts. They got called out, they banned a few people on the way out, and now they've been terminated.
>this board has gone to shit now
You're the problem.
Fuck off you beta nu male autist
It does have multiplayer. You can see what other people have visited.
And *maybe* it even has a ghost/Dark Souls-like "blood stain" feature where you can see an AI of another player zipping around if you happen to be on the same planet. LIKE AN EASTER EGG (which Sean has directly said).
Like something rare and amazing and exciting. Like something mysterious that you wouldn't be able to explain.
But nooooo, you guys take the fun out of everything.
Is there multiplayer? In a sense, yes.
No,not in the sense you're thinking like a MMO where you can do stuff together.
Sup Forums losing calories by jumping to conclusions
Fuck off dumb frogposter.
stop supporting Nu-Male's Sky
Is there going to be good multiplayer?
I think you need more buzzwords
>Yes, you may meet other players on your No Man's Sky journey
>Me and Psytokat beat the odds and found each other already!
Reminder to not eat the pasta.
Epic anime reaction post XD you sure out meme'd me, senpai.
That's better.
This. He fucking spelled it out clearly and everyone is acting like he tricked people into buying an MMO. Fucking ridiculous and pathetic idiots who can't or are unwilling to read so they make up shit about a game they don't like.
YOU DO. You meet their AI "ghost" or whatever. The fact is, we don't know yet. The game has been out for LESS THAN A DAY. Go experience it organically. Stop ruining the game for yourself.
nice anime avatar, really showed him!
You think no multiplayer is the worst part? You're literally going to explore the same planet with different colors on PS2 graphics.
>You meet their AI "ghost" or whatever
You can literally stand in the exact same spot as another player and won't see them
1 in 18 Quintilian chances of running into each other and it happened. These guys need to buy some lottery tickets!
But there's literally 0% chance to meet together in this game! How could 2 people be in the same place!
There's clearly no multiplayer because there's a 0% chance to meet other players!
This has to be a lie!
They don't spawn in the same place necessarily. Maybe it's on the other side of the planet. I'm just saying, we don't know.
Sean Murray isn't exempt from making mistakes. He's a flawed human being, just like you and me. I can admit that. But this whole "HE LIED ABOUT MULTIPLAYER!!!" thing is insane. You guys are all ballistic. You're like a bunch of savage horny animals. Everywhere I look, it's "SEAN MURRAY IS A LYING TWO FACED BASTARD. KILL HIM. BURN HIM. ROAST HIS CORPSE OVER A FIRE, AND PEEL HIS SKIN OFF".
Did you guys ever stop to think that maybe..Just MAYBE this was a result of a bug? Do you think it's possible..PLAUSIBLE..That Sean Murray isn't infact..The spawn of Satan, here to bring back the Third Reich and finish what Hitler never could? The game hasn't been out for more than a day. Honestly, I think it's likely that this was just a minor hiccup. Lots of games have launch day issues, most of which by AAA developers like EA. Time will tell whether this is a bug or not, but for now..Can we all just chill out? He's delivered on his other promises in the day one patch, hasn't he?
The minute this guy makes a flaw, it's like the goddamn apocalypse. Parents throwing their babies through shop windows, teenagers running through the streets naked, humping everything in anger, helicopters crashing to the ground, and everything is up in flames. THEN THE NEXT DAY COMES, and it's like a goddamn daycare, with everyone hugging eachother, and having fun.
>delusional cuck
>Maybe it's on the other side of the planet
The side that looks exactly the same as the other?
But they didn't see each other. They had no way to interact in the game, the only 'meeting' was that they were both streaming at the same area on the same planet.
Yeah, the nondescript hut next to the nondescript hill in the nondescript area. Fuck off.
This game, man.
I barely thought it would live up to the hype, let alone exceed it. I've been playing for four hours straight across only two systems and about five planets/moons, and it has been absolutely and utterly humbling. My breath is being taken away at every turn.
I just drowned trying desperately to make my way out of a dark underwater cave on a cold, lonely, massive planet, with ominous growling startling me from far across some rocky, eroded mountains against the backdrop of a massive dark blue system. Earlier I was marveling at a herd of grazing antelope-like creatures on a little yellow paradise of a moon with a pink sky. Creatures were screeching in the distance and tinkling piano chords played in the background.
I very much appreciate the technical and leveling aspects such as mining and trading, but most of all, this game has been an extremely emotional experience for me so far. I could barely pull myself away from my first system once I acquired the warp cell. No matter what I'm looking at, I have this excitement and this wonder and frustration that I am inevitably missing so much. I have never, EVER felt this lost. Space just beckons, wordlessly. What a beautiful, beautiful, titanic game. I have no words.
Enjoy, everyone. And thank you, Sean and Hello Games. Jeez Louise.
No, that's stupid. He stated that there would be multiplayer and now states that there is not, how could that be a bug? He's not a robot.
We must invite those redditors here. We must be the refuge for internet censorship
The funny thing is the game isn't all that bad and Sup Forums largely hates it because it's "too hyped", but most of the hype has been on Sup Forums.
>Reddit in charge of determining whether you're allowed to talk about stuff or not
Holy shit you sound like a dev trying to do damage control
He fucked up, he claimed that players could meet but that the chance would be very slim due to the sheer size of the galaxy, a claim that was proven to be false by two people going to the exact same place and not being able to see each other.
He made huge promises and couldn't keep them, either due to incompetence or console limitations
>lol Sup Forums was always shit
It wasn't. Yeah I went there. There was indeed a time when Sup Forums wasn't a board dedicated to alt right propaganda, sucking corporate cock, posting twitter screencaps, and crying about shilling. Just because you weren't there doesn't mean it didn't exist.
Nice memes m8 go back to hell
So as someone who doesn't give a flying fuck about multiplayer, am I supposed to care about this? I don't even get the outrage
>some people were inherently retarded and now are sad because of how stupid they were
It's called capitalism. If you're stupid with your money, you deserve to lose it.
I didn't say it was always shit, you need to learn to read you illiterate faggot.
You sound like someone who hates video games and comes here more to jerk off over how right he is about nothing.
>People were looking forward to this game
>People fell for the procedural generation meme
You did, retard
This is a blatant implication that "now" is somehow incorrect. The only way that is correct, is if you believe Sup Forums was always bad. Which it wasn't. Stop trying to apply a Sup Forums meme to Sup Forums
user, if you go to the park at 2pm and leave at 3pm, and I go to the park at 5pm and leave at 6pm, we would not see each other. But by your shitty pissbaby logic, we would. Look at your fucking picture. Different. Times. Of. Day. Part of the procedural generation. Don't like it? Don't play it. Excuse me while I rescue some abandoned space dogs and take them to a planet where the water gives them the ability to fucking fly.
Hi there. Longtime lurker, first time poster.
Can I be real for a second?
This community is fucking atrocious right now. You're all acting like a bunch of whiny, entitled little babies.
A tiny team of people made an entire universe for you to explore. They made it for YOU, and they're going to wake up tomorrow morning and see that instead of enjoying it, this community of "fans" picked out the 3 or 4 things that weren't perfect and are using that to fucking riot.
Guess what? The game was never going to be perfect. It was never going to live up to your hype. It was never going to be everything you'd ever want in a game.
What it WAS going to be was an impossibly big universe filled with mysteries and weird shit. I just played it for 2 hours and it was exactly that. What more do you want?
Is it buggy? Sure. Is it repetitive? Maybe. Is the inventory system imperfect and the multiplayer feature questionable and the structure unclear? Sure, fine.
But holy shit what do these people OWE YOU?
How fucking entitled do you have to be to explore an infinite universe in a spaceship and then say "yeah but..."
We should all be fucking weeping in our chairs right now at the sheer size and scale of the achievement. We should be showering the people behind this thing with the praise they deserve for pulling off one of the most inspiring games in recent memory.
Hello Games doesn't owe you the world. Yet they gave you 18 QUINTILLION of them.
If you have the fucking audacity to complain about it then you don't deserve it and you were never fans in the first place.
>tfw your genitals are vectorized
>Online activated on both games - both have relogged, time looks be synced up so they see the same planet/time of day - still no indication of them seeing each other - or seeing each other's planet destruction. We are back to square one
Read his post. He's using this one single event with
Sup Forums went to shit long before a couple days ago.
see No one fucking cares.
you can't bring beached "whales" back to the ocean
My point is that you don't see other character in Dark Souls the moment they are playing. You see their "souls" walking around.
I dont give a fuck about this game, I just like seeing the delusion of fanboys insisting that its just a bug and devs would totally never lie to drum up sales
Question however.
Wouldn't this game be more fun if playing with friends was a thing?
I don't see when CO OP and or PVP bring down a game. Like a dedicated planet that is just a nuclear war zone or w.e and people can go visit that planet to fight in the op or sign up for various game modes against dedicated teams.
That would of been cooler and I doubt any harder to do.
t. angsty autist who speed ran the game and was confused by the ending
I implore you to actually try enjoying the game on NG+, dude.
Apparently some people care enough to spend hours trying to meet with another person, people cared enough to repeatedly question the dev about whether or not you can meet others in game
One person saying he doesn't want multiplayer doesn't mean everyone who bought the game doesn't want multiplayer
One person saying he does want multiplayer doesn't mean everyone does
However, the devs have said time and time again that it is possible to meet others in game
>Will I meet other players?
>Yes, you may meet other players on your No Man's Sky journey
>Can you run into other people - other players, on the game?
>Yes, but the chances of that are incredibly rare just because of the size of what we're building
Why are you defending this? He clearly stated that you should be able to meet another player, not some ghost like in dark souls
>it's not a mutliplayer game don't go in expecting that -sean
Sorry psychokat and the other weirdo can't into twitter.
>No,not in the sense you're thinking like a MMO where you can do stuff together.
fuckin lol
that's what multiplayer means -- doing stuff together. if you can't do that it's not multiplayer
MMO means doing stuff with ~thousands~ of people
of course it would be better. fanboys are just kidding themselves.
But even if he said that, he's clearly contradicting himself and setting unrealistic expectations for potential customers.
He's still contradicting himself
Several times he said you could meet other people playing the game, he rushed the game and couldn't implement this feature so he threw that up on twitter
>sean murray will never post on Sup Forums
I hope not
Everyone would be just terrible to him
Update 3: 8/10/2016 12:42AM. Thank you to all the people who tuned in to my stream you really made my week! I was so nervous when I found another player I was barely able to function but we did it! Me and Psytokat beat the odds and found each other already! I will try again soon to see if we can try again when the servers are more stable. Stay tuned!
As butthurt as I am about being wrong, I honestly think it either will or should be possible to see other players. The guy might be a shit but you'd have to be one almighty fucking idiot to say the chances were "almost zero" when they're literally non existent.
The whole dev team apparently overlooked the ability to message people you were on the trail of though so that's probably the case.
And that's why he's said many times there isn't multiplayer but you can do things with othe rplayers.
Which isn't true, because Sean has now confirmed you can't do that.
no you retard...
I-is this pasta
he already does
It's from le reddit
it reads an actual press release
I've never seen shilling this transparent before
>redd it raid in disguise
>Sup Forums eat it up
Proof that this doesn't happen? Screenshots from day 1 don't count, as they haven't experimented enough to fully see all the features. Maybe you can't always see the other person's ghost, and maybe it's not always in the exact spot.
I feel like people got hyped about this game for the dumbest reasons. I was interested in this game for one reason only, you can go from planet to orbit to space without a single fucking loading bar.
The point is that he lied not only about the difficulty of finding other players but also that it could happen at all. There also was no "easter egg" to show they were ever near each other. This means a lot more than just OMG NO MULTIPLAYER and that's not what everybody is mad about. Let me break it down for you.
Sean says the game is about cool "moments".
Sean also says meeting another player is possible but the chance is next to 0, thus making it one of those "cool moments" and being some big impressive thing that you were lucky enough to see it happen.
It was not only easy to make happen but nothing came of it at all, making what was supposed to be one of the most incredible of these "cool moments" that the game features not only trivial to get but also not even in the game.
He lied specifically about a feature in the game (the supposed "cool moment")
What does that say about the rest of these supposed "cool moments" that might exist? We've seen the center of the galaxy already and that also wound up being fucking nothing so what else is there? This game has nothing more than "oh, that's kinda neat" moments but they are all essentially the same thing with a different look. It wears thin quickly when you're only ever impressed in the exact same way so exploration just becomes the same dull lather, rinse, repeat process with nothing truly unique to look forward to.
Do I get honorable mention for Spore?
>We've seen the center of the galaxy already and that also wound up being fucking nothing
What was it?