Nintendo NX Console

>Lead, Retail Marketing "Consoles"
>Lead, Retail Marketing "Portables"

Shitposters on suicide watch. Now you know it's not a hybrid and it's going to be in two separate forms. Are you ready for Nintendo's strongest console?

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LOL if you think the NX is going anywhere, its going to be an even bigger failure than the Wii U regardless of its state.

They have already stated it's not going to be a portable console.

They have already stated it's going to be a portable console.

You just pulled that statement from your ass. No evidence to back your claim.

Awww shit, i don't know who to believe

They have already stated it's not going to be a portable console.

I think they talked about the NX coming in different devices. I don't know what did they mean by this, but it's interesting. So expect it to have an NX Portable.

They have already stated it's going to be a portable console.

Have they stated it's a "home console" officially?

All I recall is hearing "a third pillar", nothing specific.

> are you ready for Nintendo's strangest console?
Fixed, and yes I am. Cautiously excited as well., and bough I'll most likely wait a year before buying it.


The next gen nintendo is my mobile phone man. That new pokemahn game sure is fun.

Grow up dave

Except the hybrid would be amazing and would save Nintendo.

I figured it would come as a two piece set, and that the "dock" would be a console in and of itself.

At this point I think the most likely scenario is that they've made a downgrading protocol to port console games to the handheld (sold separately, probably), all marketed under the NX brand.

The only downside is if it makes things more complicated for third-party devs, which would certainly be Nintendo's MO.

>port console games to the handheld (sold separately, probably)
Whoops, that came out wrong. Meant to say that the console and handheld would be sold separately. The games themselves would have to be a package deal.

Please make the handheld fit in a grown man's hands, the 3DS fucks my shit up.

I agree. 3DS is so uncomfortable to play with for long time.

One can understand that they try and focus on children but come on, big part of their userbase are 20-30 years old.

Even the 3dsxl gives me cramps just below my thumb.

Luckily someone got me a super neat circle pad pro with big handles for monhun.

>a graphical DOWNGRADE from the Wii U, a console a generation behind when released
so its uh... 3 generations behind?

They have consoled already it's going to be a portable state

>Math is hard





What's on the 14th?

>one moth left

It hasn't been downgraded. We haven't seen any footage till E3. They talked about the previous trailers and that they used a different engine to make it look great. The footage in the trailer wasn't for Wii U.

It's also confirmed that the NX version will look better. Even though the Wii U version is already looking great.

I've been waiting since last year in April when they announced it way too early

I'm so fucking tired of waiting. I don't even care if it's some underpowered gimmicky hybrid bullshit ipad knockoff. I just want it to be done. I want to stop waiting.

Had plans of buying a piss poor four neo for bloodborne and FFXV but now they say FFXV will come to pc I might as well just get the NX instead if it looks interesting.

Reggie changed his mindset on that as of recent.

>NX is a console or a platform?

>Always a platform.

Seems to be the case that NX will come in many form factors.

Perhaps the idea that NX will be both a portable you plug in and a dedicated home console isn't too farfetched.

At the very least with this idea devs won't have to worry about making 2-3 seperate versions of games per platform ala Sony's PS Vita, PS3 and PS4 multi-platform releases.

Bloodborne is fantastic, though I'd hesitate to buy a whole console for it, particularly now that the community has seriously died down. Square has said that they're considering a port of FFXV, but also consider that their ports of VII, VIII, IX, and the XIII games are all rush jobs and they even said it won't be until after they release XV. So it could be a year.

Part of me hopes they release for the NX but I have a feeling it won't be powerful enough to run it.

wii u was -1 generation on release
nx is next generation, so wii u will be -2 generations
nx is 1 generation behind the wii u with downgraded graphics, making it -3 generations


fucking gamecube graphics in 2017 lmao

Nintendo calls all of their systems platforms, it's not conclusive.

>cherrypicking a shoddy twitch / youtube stream when we already have direct feed footage that shows the better image quality of everything in the game.

The strongest argument against the game is the amount of pop-in due to how many objects it has to render.

how hard can it be to render 2d copy/pasted identical trees?
speedtree was released in 2002

What is this footage? None of this is rendered on an NX so why is it relevent? Or am I missign something?

>Wii u = Wii
>NX < Wii U
Yeah I see how you could come to that conclusion as long as you abandon all traces of logic and reason

The Wii U is underpowered, it's not something new. But to shitpost about the footage with good looking graphics as it was made for Wii U, no. They said they used a separate engine to make that for the trailer only.

>that pic
>what is lod

>>Wii u = Wii

just because the wii u is 1 generation behind doesn't mean the wii was current generation
when the wii was released, it was 1 generation behind

gamecube was the last nintendo console released with current gen graphics. Wii had no upgrade over gamecube, and wii u was only a marginal upgrade over wii, and now nx is taking a step backwards so it can be an ebin handheld

none of what you said is true

>The NX will be on par with the playstation 1

I really hope it isn't a hybrid of portable and home console , because I think it will end up doing both worse than if it were just one. It will be a 3ds with better graphics, but no second screen or 3d, or any other new feature. As a home console, it might have better graphics than wii u, and maybe motion controls, but no new features so it will just be an updated wii.

Gamecube had 1080p games?
Dont remember that desu

Fingers crossed it ends up being something like pic related.

ps1 is 4 generations behind the neo/scorpio/nx

no nintendo console has had 1080p full 3d games
sorry but 2d perspective sidescrolling games don't count, you could make minesweeper have 16k resolution and 120 fps refresh rate and it wouldn't mean anything

The whole NX deal is starting to remind of the Sega Nomad and Genesis. I'd be down for that shit.

>ps1 is 4 generations behind the neo/scorpio/nx

That would be pretty nice.
I feel like at this point they really have to put out both portable and home products even if it's a single thing. The 3ds is pushing 6 and was unimpressive on release. It's way past due a proper replacement.

>Thinking neo and Scorpio are their own generation.

No, fuck you.

>this entire post

Announce a console first and then the handheld letter? Maybe a 5 month gap? I'd be ok with that so long as they tell us it's coming.

I think you mean to direct that at

Yep. Fuck that guy.

They could, but that would be a big financial risk if they're going to then push ports or broadly similar things (a bunch of Mario spam since they can't make new zelda/metroid/etc that fast) on entirely different platforms.

If it can be released before the holiday season then they could totally pull it off with enough advertising. That and throw a console + portable bundle with zelda or some mario game.

the neo/scorpion/nx is the official 9th generation of consoles
don't like it? just come to grips with the fact that consoles have stopped being in a GPU arms race and gimmicks like VR and handheld are going to define the next gen

Then I will just get the portable since I've been done with their consoles since the GameCube.

>The 3ds is pushing 6 and was unimpressive on release.
If I recall the Metal Gear Solid 3 remake screenshots looked absolutely amazing for a handheld game (even though the port was dogshit)

Not until I need a new disc to play games on those systems, Not fucking happening. Fucko

>full price for handheld
>full price for consol
>full price for NX

It has a few instances that look surprisingly good, yes, but for the most part the games have looked like ass from the start, and it's always been a hand toaster. It's hard to imagine it maintaining decent sales for another year or two, especially with how little of note is coming out.

Ow, the edge.



>it's always been a hand toaster
That sounds extremely painful.

The 3DS still has a decent amount of releases for a 6-year old system. Or maybe I'm just looking at it as a comparison to the Wii U's lineup which is absolutely nothing

14th what?

>not having a hand toaster for cold winter mornings and dining emergencies
True, but the shortage looks to me more like prepping for a new release.

>DQX on PS4 and NX being the definitive versions
>NX is a handheld
All game confirmations point to NX being a PS4-like console.

DQX is an old game that was on the Wii at one point, it's not a graphically-impressive game.

What part of definitive versions did you not understand?

You do for NX and Scorpio.

>last year in April when they announced it way too early

They didn't announce shit, except for saying "hey don't worry we're working on a new console" so the investors didn't shit their pants after the Wii U disaster.

but b-b-backwards compatability
thats why wii wasn't a generation apart from gamecube, because it could run minidiscs


Didn't they say after that that it'd be 'up to the devs' if they want to make it Xbone compatible or not?

Then they should've just said "We're still working on consoles" not "There's a new console called the NX we're working on".

Honestly, I think it's going to be something like that, yes. Especially since they most likely want to do Splatoon 2 and more than likely want to keep those gyro controls, which by the way are fucking superb.

They said BOtW will look better on the nx

So there's still hope for another dual screen handheld?


are you ducking autistic? There are rumors that say the exact oppisite. They even stated BOtW LOOKS BETTER on nx


So, Sup Forums, how do we polish this turd?

Ask Sony

They couldn't make the MiniDisc any good no matter how hard they tried. So, how does Nintendo polish a turd?

Don't make a turd?
>inb4 it's going to be a turd anywaybecause nintendo XDDD

they said it would look different, and that their showroom wasn't using the final build
didn't say it would be BETTER


It's not like Nintendo don't have a record of it.

Are you saying its going to look worse on the NX?

>-1 generation
I had a shit week, but reading that nonsense at least makes me glad I'm not a fucking retard like you.

The only thing that would make sense is a portable console.
Theyll never be able to recreate the success they had with the wii and tucked up things with the wii u.
Their only line up that has been consistent is the DS/3DS line up.
If they really want to recover they just need to make it portable so atleast kids will buy it.

Pls don't fuck up again Nintendo, I really wanna have another animal crossing thats not shit

when the NX turns out to be a handheld with less power than the wii u, yes.
>inb4 delusional shits convincing themselves it will get a tegra x2


All that "it needs the same power as the ps4" is bullshit.
How much power did the wii have in comparison to the ps3?

Give it 1080p and it's fine, it needs a good line up of games, not crazy specs

>so its uh... 3 generations behind?
You are a fucking idiot, just stop posting please.

Man, whoever the fuck this "They" asshole is needs to get a fucking Twitter. He's a smart guy.