I'm gonna have to get a 3ds now so I can challenge little kids with my team of 6 harambes.
I'm gonna have to get a 3ds now so I can challenge little kids with my team of 6 harambes
The fuck is going on with all these dumbass posts about harambe lately. It's a fucking gorilla that got shot after a kid fell into his enclosure. People are acting like their mother died.
I had never heard of him before, and wouldn't given this much of a shit regardless. Animals and people die by the thousands everyday.
Either that or this is one of the dumbest memes in the past year or 5.
You wish.
>type: ghost
It's a normie meme.
It shouldn't have been a zoo in the first place.
Why would you jail animals?
>Meat Shield
>that imgur post
What in the flying fuck?
Holy shit, are people that mentally retarded nowadays? This is almost as bad as the people that say they value a dog over a human, as in, if their building was burning down, they would save their dog rather than a child.
How long can you fall as a species, there are shooting and terrorist attacks, yet they obsess and cry about a gorilla as if it was the gentlest creature, as I quote:
> By placing a hand on the child, it can be assumed Harambe is trying to comfort and calm the child during this stressful ordeal.
This comes from the people that would 100% beg crying to shoot the animal if they were in the same position as the kid.
because animals dindu nuffin
Ebin. nice sage pick.
We should really only be keeping endangered animals. I think it pretty shitty to put animals in prison for our sick enjoy.
It's a meme, son.
A particularly forced, Facebook meme at that.
It's a meme you fucking autist
>wanted to watch the video
>This video is unavailable
Preservation and educational reasons.
They're not exactly circuses or Sea World.
it's not a good one.
I've never seen the actual video.
>character is not very attractive or slightly pudgy
>porn of her is gorgeous and thin
I'm not complaining about the porn (it's good fap material), but when daisyfags want daisy in games so badly but only post fanart of her, that just annoys me.
>black kid
Why'd we kill an endangered animal to save overpopulated vermin?
Being coherent and rational means you're autistic?
Don't throw around buzzwords out of context, might aswell just shout cuck half the time.
Ghost/fighting seems like a terrible combination
is this real or
I haven't seen the whole video but I watched other more shorter ones and they're moments where he's dragging the kid on the water whilst running. The kid was nearly drowning in a shallow pool.
because if the niglet got hurt the zoo would get sued for a lot of money
>they would save their dog rather than a child.
is this implying that the dog is my own but the child is someone else's? Because if so I'd save the dog
Are you actually retarded? If the child managed to get in the gorilla pen that easily, then who's to blame?
>inb4 the parents
They are pretty irresponsible but the zoo should be sued for not having better safety or better ways of preventing idiots from entering the animal habitats. The gorilla was simply following his instincts, the zoo should be up to blame, but nope, idiots like you who pride yourself for being born in a self-destructive species blame the captive instead of the culprit who got off Scott-free. If a kid can get in a gorilla pen that easily, then it would even easier for an idiot like yourself to trip in the gorilla pen.
She used to be pretty tan and fit. Not sure why they made her look like a retarded alien, but they did.
Its actually really good offensively.
Hits everything neutral other than a hypothetical Normal/Ghost type.
>There are literally thousands of millions of babby humans
>Gorillas are a fucking endangered species
I mean, I'm all about the meemoos but you're acting like the kid's life was worth more than an endangered limited collector's edition animal's life.
Fairy will still rape it sideways.
Pic on the left looks shop as fuck.
clearly the zoo would have one more gorilla if they tried to accommodate the stupidity of niggers, but acting like it's their moral obligation to do something more than fencing to accommodate the stupidity of niggers is just obviously false
If it was in america then knowing american the zoos getting sued anyway
Like all the dragon types that are still everywhere?
probably, but the net difference would still be worth it for the zoo
>culprit who got off Scott-free
In this case, a 4 year old kid that fell into the pen? Can you actually read that line again?
If this was a grown male being a retard, I understand, but going "oh the parents weren't paying attention and let him fall into the pen, and the zoo should be sued because it wasn't completely safe", then in that situation, wouldn't the parents of the "culprit that got off scott free" be the one that sues, and not the city?
> idiots like you who pride yourself for being born in a self-destructive species
The fuck are you smoking? This is a kid that's under a meter tall, and this is the first incident I heard about that specific zoo and a kid falling in.
Lemme guess, enlightened atheist?
Still, a human life goes over an animal life in pretty much all circumstances.
If you fell out of a boat, and someone had to choose between shooting the hammerhead endangered shark heading towards you, I assume you'd be alright with them letting the shark eat you, to avoid killing more endangered species.
Considering they would have been sued for millions if the kid died, it was probably much cheaper to shoot the gorilla.
The difference is Dragon didn't just have no hard counters before Fairy, it also almost always had pseudo-legendary level stats. Even with the fairy counter, dragon types are still absurdly powerful. That's not something that applies to most fighting or ghost.
>If you fell out of a boat, and someone had to choose between shooting the hammerhead endangered shark heading towards you, I assume you'd be alright with them letting the shark eat you, to avoid killing more endangered species.
If I was a nigger I hope I'd have at least that much humility.
whoops, wrong thread
>Lemme guess, enlightened atheist?
nicely memed
Hammerhead sharks are neither endangered nor known to attack humans. So.
Mence at least has to look over its shoulder for things other than an occasional ice attack from something that's very likely 4x weak to at least one of its moves now, and other dragons dropped noticeably. The planes also took a little bit of a hit.
Too bad Garchomp has consistently stayed cancerous since its inception. Gamefreak should stop beating around the bush and just give its mega Contrary or something.
Read the rest autist. Animals showing empathy isn't uncommon so it's very possible harambe was doing it for that reason but the important matter is that it escalated and he ran around dragging the child with him screaming at the audience which is why they found it necessary to kill him.
I'd train him
That's the fucking joke you moron, jokes like that are cropping up now to make fun of people who initially mourning a gorilla they never heard of before. Do you seriously think people saying #dicksoutforharambe are seriously mourning him?
because the kid was a nigger and the gorilla's life was literally more valuable.
this desu, that kid is going to amount to nothing
Watch him grow up and murder someone.
>Animals showing empathy isn't uncommon
Would you stand within 10 feet of a gorilla without any protection/bulletproof glass inbetween you?
You think if the kid had drowned/they didn't shoot the gorilla and the kid got killed that this would have been a better situation? Shit was fucked regardless, the gorilla wouldn't just go >"mowgli my son, it is time to return to the humans"
This is a wild animal, wild animals do not have the cognitive mental capacity like humans do, no matter what people might tell you, this is a primal animal more dangerous than man. I've seen how fucked up people can be, let alone an actual animal that could strangle you with his paws, or break ribs with a slap.
It would make BLM implode.
This game, man.
I barely thought it would live up to the hype, let alone exceed it. I've been playing for four hours straight across only two systems and about five planets/moons, and it has been absolutely and utterly humbling. My breath is being taken away at every turn.
I just drowned trying desperately to make my way out of a dark underwater cave on a cold, lonely, massive planet, with ominous growling startling me from far across some rocky, eroded mountains against the backdrop of a massive dark blue system. Earlier I was marveling at a herd of grazing antelope-like creatures on a little yellow paradise of a moon with a pink sky. Creatures were screeching in the distance and tinkling piano chords played in the background.
I very much appreciate the technical and leveling aspects such as mining and trading, but most of all, this game has been an extremely emotional experience for me so far. I could barely pull myself away from my first system once I acquired the warp cell. No matter what I'm looking at, I have this excitement and this wonder and frustration that I am inevitably missing so much. I have never, EVER felt this lost. Space just beckons, wordlessly. What a beautiful, beautiful, titanic game. I have no words.
Enjoy, everyone. And thank you, Shigura and Nintendo. Jeez Louise.
Well I guess all animals should be extinct given they have no empathy, oh wait. Basic instinct isn't exclusive to humans.
youre a retarded sperg
Animals literally do not have the mental capacity to be as fucked and evil as humans.
Gorillas are people too. Legally and morally.
Yup, you completely understood my lines, and interpreted it correctly. Astute observation.
Look up dolphin rape
user, the ""culprit"" sure won't be going off Scott-free if that experience didn't give him serious life-long trauma.
I don't care who sues, the zoo should be facing consequences for their shitty safety control. Have you ever been to your local zoo user? It's pretty fucking easy for anyone to climb over the fence that the zoo puts around animal pens.
Dolphins. ducks, literally every form of primate
>Not training a team of Harambes and Krookodiles
Are humans not animals? Fuck off you anthropocentric faggot.
A species that's genitals have evolved to both counter rape and overcome anti-rape vaginas.
such a shame it's fake
that would definitely be my main
Dolphin rape is a hoax. These majestic creatures could never hurt anyone.
You haven't seen the webm of the baboon giving zero fucks eating a baby gazelle alive while it's split in half screaming as it tries to get away have you? Nature is way more fucked up than the sheltered types like to think.
>Ghost type
Made me chuckle
Yes they do. The difference here is that humans are much more smarter and have a bigger arsenal and options to cause more havoc, therefore they are more prone to be a lot more self-destructive and demented than regular animals.
Nice try DIDF
This is the dumbest shit i've read here all month, and that's an actual achievement. Look up "100 deadliest creatures", they do operate on morals, being a lot more dangerous than humans.
That's a cartoon, user. Dolphin rape isn't a thing in real life.
Dolphin rape is a myth otherwise it would be more widespread and warnings would be issued against them.
If only.
Coincidentally the goatse site was apparently a website about how to have sex with dolphins if you could get past the front page.
>dolphins post on Sup Forums now
You are so fucking dumb. The imgur post was obviously on the side of the zoo. It stated that shooting the gorilla was the right and necessary thing to do, and people should blame the careless parents instead of the zoo.
lel, that /vp/ fakemon actually looks like it could be a real pokemon
good job faggots
Wait that's who harambe is? I thought Harambe was the "good looking" gorilla in some japan zoo.
Fucking hell I'm out of the loop.
>Still, a human life goes over an animal life in pretty much all circumstances.
That's retarded because we are all animals.
>if their building was burning down, they would save their dog rather than a child.
Yes, of course, only a dumbass would save some kid over their dog.
I think he croaked after that one.
Nice try, can't fool me
ITT: memes that socially inept Sup Forums losers will NEVER EVER understand
lol go practice misogyny and casual racism on your bigot board you necklards.
Stop this nonsense, user. Dolphins have never and will never rape anyone.
mirin those digits
love u FF
Dude, I thought Harambe is a special politics government guy
When I heard people saying "justice for harambe", I thought it was war killings again
>mfw its all for a fucking gorilla from a case ages ago
Not defending his "ALL HUMANS ARE EVIL MONSTERS" argument, cause it's cancer. But none of those examples work. Evil is a human concept. No animal on Earth besides humans have conceptualized something like evil (ie; purposefully doing horrible shit) nor consciously perform evil deeds. Horrible shit that animals besides humans do are just their natural actions.
I see through your lies and your trips, dolphin.
>it's another tumblr/whatever meme shits up Sup Forums
Dogs are cool. People are cunts. Like you, cunt. I'd save a chihuahua before I'd save your entitled ass. Cry about it.
>what is a meme
I hope you die next
Then why is it evil when we do it?
child post.
post your best animal gifs
Man, you just don't get memes. You're just an old man, user.
Yeah, most of what you said had nothing to do with what I had said about it not being ridiculous to say the gorilla may have been trying to comfort it at the start but then things escalated to the point where it was needed to kill it
I treat your autistic statement as what it is, a statement made by someone barely able to read that thinks I don't agree with haram be being put down when I never stated I was against him being put down.