This is a Japanese wyvern
Monster Hunter thread
This is a Japanese wyvern
Monster Hunter thread
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"Fanged" wyvern thank you very much.
Totally makes all the difference.
how do I into ranged weapons
worst dog
worst theme
Why is sparkle puppy so fun to fight?
Shoot at the monster until it dies.
Get a HBG
Pierce Up
Crit Eye
Crit Boost
Weakness Exploit
Stun lock for 1 min
Quest Completed
Stand at critical range, you can tell because the screen shakes when you hit
This is a Wyvern cheese grater.
New lobby up for assorted hunting
Adept that shit.
It's literally the one true style for Bow and HBG. Don't know about LBG but it should be as good.
I fought this guy for the first time today
How does his charge-up mechanic work?
Does he charge more when I'm hitting him or should I absolutely be hitting him when he's charging?
Fuck his shit up before he gets in charged mode.
He will get in charged mode no matter what you do anyway.
Fuck his shit up while he's trying to charge up. He'll get to it no matter what, but the best you can do is at least stall him from it.
>your last hunt's performance was recorded
>they will be your judges
What is the best HBG and why is it the Crab Buster?
When he's in that standing stance and howling away he's charging up.
After a set amount of charge, that you can stagger him out of, he'll go into the fully charged state.
When in that state he has access to his actual rage mode when he roars and glows a bit brighter.
For fun stagger times, bring flashes as they will automatically stop his charging stance.
This is a proud and mighty Japanese dragon.
2 M I L L I O N
This is a Japanese
>flying wyvern
What a dumb and annoying fight. Slut wear was barely worth it.
>there are people on Sup Forums who actively defend mounting
Monster Hunter is dead. Come back to FU, P3rd, or 3U. I don't care which since they're all fantastic games.
How do I break Deviant Arzuros' head? He's way to tall to hit it normaly
Clockwise High Rank turns room
33 3247 2977 3800
>just hunted my 50's redhelm
Does anyone still play 4U
Pitfall trap.
Actually that is a Japanese Groudon.
It's fun if you have punish draw with GS.
Your weapon basically turns into a hammer.
Does someone have a folder of all this guy's art they could share with me?
This is a flying beast.
He sure is flying alright.
Just grab them from his pixiv account.
Let's not be hasty now. You can shit on mounting all you want, hell I dislike 4u for the most part as well mostly for all the shit old monsters it brought back and gq's being a stupid idea altogether, but p3rd is still the easiest game in the franchise.
This is an autistic wyvern
who is "this guy" anyway
never found out
Sure, it was easy. You're absolutely right.
However, it was still a really good game despite being so easy. A lot of people hold that game in high regard because everything in that game felt so right.
I don't even get why he's clasified as a wyvern. He has nothing in common with any of the other ones. Just call him a bird of some bullshit made up name like a Koladen or shit like that. He's just a big fuckoff bird. Even moreso than Peco was.
Check the bowgun guide on gamefaqs out. The MHFU and MHP3rd by Mazeron are excellent, the MH4U one is pretty good too. Definitely make sure you know how the various ammo types work in the game you're playing.
Primitive with god awful hitboxes.
Baby-tier difficulty. No content.
Easy. Slime is hilariously broken. Swimming still the worst addition to the series.
Why are people talking as if hitboxes are """fixed"""?
Because apparently touching an enemy's attack without being hit by it is the good kind of wonky hitboxes.
Placebo effect.
>FU has bad hitboxes meme
Literally just plessy and tigrex. But considering using GS on Tigrex is the great monhun entertainment, plesioth is the only atrocious outlier.
Literally git gud 4Fetus
Or the other way around in MHX, hitboxes so small you don't get hit even when monsters pass through you.
>your cat carves the rarest drop off a monster
Nigga, have you played the games or are you just parroting a meme born due to the fact that Tri and FU were significantly harder? From LR to HR 3u, 4, 4u and Gen have been easier. it is only through post HR content that they come with something slightly harder.
Even then all came with magnificent ways to cheese content thanks to adept, slime and IGs.
i really should work on training them plundercats
>use hunter art that says "youre invulnerable while using this"
>still get hit
The only monster I can think of where that's actually the case to the point where it's just silly is Mizu
Out of the new monsters, half of Gammoth's attacks are poorly defined AoEs and Glaveneus is just too damn tall to hit you with most horizontal swings, which has nothing to do with wonky hitboxes. Astalos, Malfestio, and Maccao are pretty normal.
So what you're saying is that all the other games are harder.
Good post.
I'm trying to sum up every style for each weapon with one image
Could I get a hand?
Astalos is as bad as Mizu. The wing attacks never hit you.
more snake wyverns when?
remobradrome when
to avoid Glavenus' super tail spin attack (where it grinds its tail in its mouth for a couple seconds), where's the safest spot?
Like literally right in front of it?
>Rathalos' heat seeking claw swipe
All these years, and I've never learned the proper timing to dodge that. I'm convinced the only way is to either panic dive or use a weapon that can block.
Stand near his left leg
Back in 2nd gen it was as easy as rolling forward when he dived, if you weren't already dead under him.
But now his claws extend a good 4 feet behind his actual claws.
Behind it. Right in front might be fine, too. The sound cues are good enough and the attack is quick enough that it isn't too tough to dodge through, though.
can I still be outside of his tail or do I need to be 'encircled' by him
>The wing attacks never hit you.
They're not hard to dodge but I haven't noticed anything off with the hitboxes for em, I've gotten nailed just fine when I fuck up
>Aerial DB
holy kek my sides
What's Striker HH?
Glad to see you have a shitty reading comprehension then. Saves me the need tor ead your shitpost.
I'm an aerial shitter and I still don't quite have the iframes down combined with the timing on his spin
Stand here
Really anywhere close to his feet is pretty safe.
Never tried dodging through with aerial, I can imagine that would be tricky.
You're actually invulnerable for most of the hop part of your roll, you can jump off of fireballs and shit
So does attacking a mounted monster do any damage? What about status?
>aerial switch axe
>remobradrome when
Tri and beyond sees to like the 'Great' prefix instead
I actually wouldn't mind big versions of obnoxious small monsters
The Deus Ex prod
You see, Striker HH remaps the poke onto A and allows you to do it three times in succession rapidly, whilst losing the flourish and having the right swing onto X I believe? It's been a while since I last tested it out in the demo but man the moveset is gutted
It help increases the meter by a small amount. I'd rather sharpen, prepare arts, craft ammo, reposition, etc.
This, also, if a monster is poisoned, and then gets mounted... Does it still take poison damage during the mount animation?
What will you do when Capcom kills off the moofah in MH5?
when your legs reach the apex of the jump and start dropping that's the iframe. It's pretty useful if you get the timing right
I'm not sure how Evasion+ or Evade Distance+ affect aerial dodges
I need that Shagaru
Guild Lance
No and no.
They do build your HA, makes the mount finish faster and wastes your sharpness/coatings/Ammo
pass: 7423
clockwise turns, come hunt anything.
Right back at to you. Learn how to properly formulate your thoughts before making a fool of yourself in a public space.
Adept Charge Blade
No and no
Attacking a mounted monster only builds up the mount meter. Nothing else.
It's a nice fix from 4U, but otherwise not entirely needed. Mostly, you're gonna be sharpening or something during those few seconds of downtime.
>Forgot Cold Drinks
>Got hit by nearly every Rajang beam
>Dodged directly into Jho's breath
It's hunts like that that let you know it's bedtime
Zinogre is the most fun to fight.
Fuck Duramboros and Uragaan. Shit that huge shouldn't be so damn mobile.
for all LS versions
You only help build the mount gauge, which can be useful if it's being a piece of shit that just struggles 3 times in a row.
If you don't need to sharpen or heal up then it's not a bad idea since you can't knock people off anymore.
Does MHG improve the N3DS nipple control at all? I remember just using ZL and ZR instead for MH4U.
Basically only attack the monster if your mounter will need help, if you need to build gauge (LS/DB/CB), or have a ton of sharpness left and just want some more Hunter Art bar.
He's much less bullshit than other monsters. Are you telling me he doesn't actually fly?
Sure user. Good one :)
for fucks sake what is stopping capcom from giving hunters the DmC3 dante clothing (and hair) as armour.
I don't get aerial hammer.