You see that mountain? You can climb it.
You see that planet? You can mine it.
You see that player? Oh, wait...
You see that mountain? You can climb it.
You see that planet? You can mine it.
You see that player? Oh, wait...
You can see them when the servers are stable.
So this is the power of the Sony shill... woah...
the nms subreddit is fucking hilarious right now
a new, young generation of video game enthusiasts are being molyneuxed for the first time and it's god damn glorious
i don't understand how they didn't see that the game had blunders and empty promises written all over it but i guess that's reddit for ya lmao
Buying on PC dumb retard.
Saying no doesn't change reality.
Pic related the easy explanation why you cant see somebody
> the game had blunders and empty promises written all over it
so far, the only big lie is that there is no multiplayer, and that wasnt known until it was released.
how exactly were 'blunders and empty promises written all over it'?
And even that's been proven wrong by
And this guy and his friend are the only people who have been talking about the multiplayer and where these Sup Forumseddit retards have gotten their information.
>vague goals in the game like "just do whatever" and "get to the center of the universe... it will take weeks"
>selling points are dumb shit like procedural generation and ~experience of space travel~
>extremely shady descriptions of multiplayer
seems like a molyneux marketing to me
>vague goals
"get to the center of the galaxy" sounds pretty concrete to me. they marketed the game properly, idiots just didn't temper their expectations well enough
god the tears of that post were so fucking real
These copy pastas are delicious.
Nice pasta faggot.
it's a vague goal because it's not fun at all to drive from point a to point b
they marketed it as something more than the sum of their parts but it's really just boring
I really want to suck his dick
ITT: People that don't understand high server loads and shitty coding.
When the server decides that you're in the same area as another player, it places the two of you into a joint session and you can do multiplayer shit. The problem is, there's so many goddamn people playing the game, it's hard for the server to tell when two people are close to each other, let alone put you in server together, so it can't even get to the point where you would be playing together. The multiplayer functionality is there, it's just broken as shit.
Sean you fucking nigger, there was only ten people on. The fucking game wasn't released yet.
>it's a vague goal because it's not fun at all to drive from point a to point b
You should probably look up the definition of "vague". Telling somebody to go from Point A to Point B is one of the least vague things you could tell a person.
Are they at least doing the Journey approach to multiplayer where you can see phantoms of other players? Even though they cant interact with you.
Oh I had no idea that only the PC release counts and the PS4 release doesn't.
Do you know where you are?
We did it! Two players: me and Psytokat met! The odds were not in our favour though, but we pulled it off! After warping for the first time I stumbled into the starting system of another player... instantly, I messaged him, he backtracked, and we met at the same space station! Although we never actually saw eachother (we tried almost everything) the fact that we met is absolutely amazing!
I wanted to say thank you to everyone who tuned in and all of our moderators on twitch! You viewers were super cool and funny and made the experience entertaining. I also appreciate nobody pointing out my awkward voice and how I was clearly super nervous, I've never been watched by that many people before. You guys told me to keep streaming in the future and to start making youtube videos. So I will! I still can't believe this happened and I really enjoyed my 15 minutes of fame xD I was so surprised when sites like Kotaku and IGN reported on it.
I also wanted to say don't assume Sean Murray lied to us... as of right now I'm 86% sure it was a glitch and if not he will probably add it in a future update. Such a small team made such a massive and great game... that's what really defied the odds.
Stay awesome everybody!
Love, Andrew (Cactus)
>the game's not shitty, it's just shitty!
At least Molyneux helped make a bunch of good games and it seemed like he wanted to fulfill grand promises, all this krumpet fucking faggot did was scam and lie about basic shit like multiplayer.
>just casually add MP in a fucking patch
This is such a great meme.
If you're going to be angry about something, at least have a basic understanding of what it is you're angry about. Otherwise, you just look like an idiot.
Do you? Let me tell you about the flat earth friend.
do you idiots not realize that there would be parallel universes? its pretty simple geography, not sure why any of you wouldn't expect sean to put it in
I can't believe people bought into the Sony funded hype around this game. The phrases "Indie" and "Procedurally Generated" should have shot up a red flag in everyone's mind almost instantly, and the development hell since then should have clued everyone in.
I just want a good space sim goddammit, and I want game like No Mans Sky and Star Citizen to stop taking a massive piss on top of the genre's potential.
Is Elite Dangerous and it's expansions any good?
If you can't sense that you're getting meme'd on maybe you need to leave.
how about point a being where you are now, to point b being the literal "center of the universe" which depending on your description of center; could literally be fucking anything, you fucking retard.
Kill yourself, please.
Fuckers in school telling me, always on the imageboards Sean Murray ain't bout this, Sean Murray ain't bout that My boy a nu-male from fucking Straya and them He, he they say that nigga don't be putting in no work SHUT THE FUCK UP! Y'all niggas ain't know shit All ya motherfuckers talk about Sean Murray ain't no real man Sean Murray ain't this Sean Murray a cuck SHUT THE FUCK UP Y'all don't live with that nigga Y'all know that nigga got caught tellin' lies talkin' bout he got multiplayer and shit Nigga been lyin' since fuckin', I don't know when! Motherfuckers stop fuckin' playin' him like that Them niggas savages out there If I catch another motherfucker talking sweet about Sean Murray I'm fucking reporting they ass! I'm not fucking playing no more You know those niggas role with Sony and them
Oy vey goyim don't talk bad about Sony™!
Infinity: Quest for Earth.
and if you're the guy from the last thread talking about it, you were talking about the battle demo called Battlescape, they're still doing the full game.
Your 'understanding' of something doesn't make the functionality (or in this case, reality) any less true, you fucking dumbass
why you hiding the multiplayer tags then
Why do people always mention they got kids or wifes and all that shit? You never hear that irl
elite is a DLC money milker that splits the player base, stay away from it.
It's no mans sky with better space combat and trading but even more empty, less content, etc
>want to buy a new console when the Neo and Scorpio comes out after biting the bullet this generation and going with the Wii U
>Xbox has no good exclusive deals and I'm too smart to fall for Sony's PR tricks, with only about 2 or 3 PS exclusive titles looking interesting
I don't want to be an exclusively PC fag, but I also fail to see the point of buying a console only to use it on so little games.
>but I also fail to see the point of buying a console only to use it on so little games
>buys a Wii U
Can you faggot shitposters please put no man's sky somewhere in your OP so this shit hits my filters?
Fuck off
>They are on the planet, exact same spot and they can't see each other. So not multiplayer confirmed.
This is my territory alright Sean? I've been doing this for a long time and I can tell you that this board only has enough room for one marketeer and that is me. I will give you one warning
I'm older and wiser now, and owning a Wii U has brought me to this revelation.
The Wii U's first party exclusives are pretty slick, but that doesn't excuse how little games there actually are and how shit the controller is.
The Wii U has pretty much turned me off from Nintendo products forever.
Hello Sup Forums. I want to set the record straight in regards to my new video game, No Man's Sky™. This entertainment product spans 100 fucktillion individual planets. There is multiplayer. There is an endless variety of land and life awaiting you. I am not kidding when I say that No Man's Sky™ is literally bigger than the internet. I sold my house to build this game, all for you, the players.
With all of this in mind, would you give No Man's Sky™ a chance, and throw a pre-order or two its way? It's only $60 plus tax. That measly amount and you get an entire existence to discover and enjoy. If you don't you're really missing out on something special. This is this century's equivalent to The Moon Landing; a historic achievement in understanding the greater universe around us. No amount of other video games or distractions are ever going to live up to that.
This fucker belongs in jail
But you're wrong.
He didn't expect his scam to get found out this early. Probably shouldn't have delayed that PC launch. No everyone's cancelling their preorders.
But it may change your perception of reality. Believing a machine is out of order because of false advertising is different from believing a machine is out of order because of a temporary malfunction. Popular multiplayer games often have fucked online experiences during launch, and this is hardly different. But, for some reason, because it isn't the focus of the game, it is somehow an even more egregious example of lying to the public? What? You nerds are so silly, sometimes.
Neither of those things say you can see other players. You are believing what you want to.
Except they didn't find each other at all? That was the whole point?
Why is he still and blatantly fucking lying through his teeth?
this makes no sense at al