Man oh man, how could Sean Murray lie to everyone like that? What an asshole! I mean who would lie to the consumer just to get more money? Well at least we still have fallout 4 to play, an open world game that is actually done right!
Man oh man, how could Sean Murray lie to everyone like that...
Buy my game guys
Why does Sup Forums always obsess more over the people who make the videogames rather than the videogames themselves?
Serious question
Who's Sean Murray and why should I care?
Because Sup Forums is an underage eceleb obsessed cesspit
God dammit, I hate this place
Implying its not just a small group of memesters.
it's the next generation with the person-cults.
Let me explain:
if you make a photo or video of something nowadays, you use a selfie stick because your face must cover half the screen for whatever reason
you tubers, let's players and all that shit flourishes with popularity
it's all about people, faces, status etc.
That doesn't always happen, it's just that when the game is shit and somebody on the development team draws attention to themself then they're a really easy target to ridicule and blame for the game being shit.
8/10 made me giggle
>i liked the game
>I'll check the dev team for more or similar experience
And vice versa. Is it that hard to figure out?
Why I like Sup Forums
Thank you OP
Well memed, friend.
I wish to set the record straight, "Anonymous", if that is your real name. No Man's Sky™ spans 100 fucktillion individual planets. There is multiplayer. There is an endless variety of land and life awaiting you. I am not kidding when I say that No Man's Sky™ is literally bigger than the internet. I-- um, I mean... Sean Murray, sold his house to build this game, all for you, the players.
He wasn't lying about that. Fallout 4 is an okay product, but No Man's Sky™ is bigger, better, and worth pre-ordering. Todd Howard's days are coming to an end. Hello Games just out Bethesda'd Bethesda. Suck it Todd. You're old news. I'm the shit now.
Ironically, I just started playing Fallout 4 again today
They're the reason why video games exist, and because they're interesting people.
Same here, the dlc looks great
>You're old news. I'm the shit now.
Come on user, clearly the premise here is Sean Murray is trying to hide behind the mask. Why would he say that? Meme properly
I think Sean is new to the marketing game. He's not the best liar after all.
but Fallout 4 was terrible.
And with it being on sale recently, I of course purchased it. Bethesda really outdid themselves this time.
its pretty damn good once you install like 100 mods
I want more seanposting. Make more sean memes.
Hes the guy who does the audio engineering for Madcast media and The Dick Show. Also did that old "Biggest Problem in the Universe" podcast
>Sup Forums points out that the game is going to be shit for x reason
>neo-Sup Forums claims they're wrong because dev said y reason
>Sup Forums points out other devs using same type of bait
>neo-Sup Forums doesn't believe
Game releases, is shit
>Sup Forums we told you so
>neo-Sup Forums but you mocked the dev, not the game!
Same I stopped because i got bored a while ago but decided to diverge from my save and just make my guy run around taking every drug/food and beating shit up with a powerfist.