
how dead is this game?

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not very.

also as far as mobas go its probably the most complex you are going to get to master.

but the community
as with all mobas
is cancer so don't play it.

>tfw you played the fuck out of it during beta, 500+ hours
>as it went to the full version, interest slowly faded, international became less interesting to me

I used to love this game. Not sure what happened. Stopped playing it all the time around the end of 2014.

sounds like 6.82 to me, same reason I quit playing

the player base is in decline right now but there's still a lot of players so who knows if it will get healthy again.

it's +70,000 avg over last year July.

still the most played game on steam and hasn't lost no more than 30 thousand players since the beginning of the year to now
despite all the major releases like overwatch and stuff

It's still quite lively, just be prepared to deal with cyka and chingchong

Yep but it's been an unprecedented extended decline over the last 6 months and this TI only got 19 million which I bet is a lot less than Valve wanted.

>like Dota 2
>is complete fucking ASS
>feel terrible after every game

Anybody else like this?

>10 000 hats
>still no pit lord
>still no HL3

They need to tone down all the cosmetics and the hideously overbloated shit they've been pumping out recently

Right here

Still has 3 days to go, it's at 20 million, and the venue and event makes fucking loads of money in ticket and merch sales. This is easily a 40 Mil cash in for valve and they do fucking nothing.

this international is the best. tnc going to win

it hit 20 mil a few days ago, but that was without stretch goals that used to drive the growth of previous TI pools.

HA. No.

It will be EHOME or EG.

I'm okay with Ehome/Newbee/Wings

>doubting meme magic

I'd be ok with EG/TNC/Wings/Ehome/MVP/Newbee (but only because Chuan is a qt)

Anything but the gookshit MVP or TNC.

Same for me, played it a lot during beta and soon after it ended some day it just wasn't the same and quit. Now I just play it when a friend ask me.

I feel ya senpai, now those kikes changed most of my favorite heroes into more generic ones.

>tfw when playing on and off since day one

>unprecedented extended decline
What are you even talking about?

I'd play Dota again if it weren't for turn rates

Once I played league I really loved how fast it was in comparison. Now I can't go back

well i would post it but you did. you're obviously a fanboy who still plays the game a lot so is there really any point in arguing further? probably not. but i guarantee this is the first time ever they've lost players in the weeks immediately after a major patch.

Ever since Overwatch came out, I really haven't touched it. Hell I used to be ready to shitpost in the generals every internationals and now I'm not.

I'll go back someday, Overwatch is just something new for me and the group.

They lost 300k after New Bloom ended, that was a much bigger hit than gaining and then losing people.

The big boost in Feb/March is the Winter Battle Pass, and when that ended not even 50k people left.

You're putting one hell of a spin on it. The game has never ever bled players like this and if the game continues losing players in the wake of TI even Valvedrones on Reddit will be posting about this bleeding of players.

>TI only got 19 million

very dead. You should play better moba like overwatch.

it's hit 20.2m and it's still increasing.

IceFrog caved in and now is Reddit's little bitch.
Game is gonna become increasingly shittier as all patches will now be balanced by r/dota2 kids.

Give it a year and it will start dying..

They can never tone down the cosmetics because then they wouldn't sell. They will constantly push the boundaries out on what is acceptable for cosmetic because they lack creativity. They also cant change or remove any cosmetics either. Everything is going to get worse as were going to see even more characters looks too similar and have horrible gaudy attention seeking special snowflake cosmetics.

Just look at what happened to TF2, and now you know why the F2P model is inherently cancer.

>Twenty million dollar tournament happening literally right now
>how dead is this game

Yes I know it's a big number for us wage slaves but please, please, try to think before posting next time.

that's not how you spell MVP. Gook is dominating in every e-sport

>check out TI6
>OG comes out top in group stages and is already eliminated
wut ahpen

Dota 2 loved symbiotically with LoL's hype in that normie's love for MoBAS' popularity generated interest and demand for every game in the niche.

Unfortunately for Valve, Dots might sink a little. But they might yet recover. Too soon to tell from this interest sink wether Dota's at the end of the life cycle for good or about to bounce right back.

Valve now has to do something LoL used to do for them- make MoBAS seem desirable and 'in' for normies and generate continuous hype.

Bad drafts = instantly out at this point.

I do, you on the other hand don't.

Look at the first tournament on this list that isn't TI and tell me 20 million is not a shitload of money.

It's a game that will always have players, just like Counter-Strike. Trendy games come and go but some are so deeply rooted in cultures (in russia for example) that they will never die for real. There are people in this world who do nothing but play Dota 2, they have never played any other games than Dota 2 and WC3 (and dota) and probably never will.

honestly, fucking kill yourself. you are so fucking stupid you are not worth the time of day

It's almost as if releasing a new hero every 6 months,year, whenever they feel like it makes people lose interest

Not sure why we need normies. People have been playing Dota for a decade or more now. It will never die.


If you alienate the original player base the game can die.

Seriously, you are under 18. Kill yourself.

what am i doing with my life?
>my PC build cost $700
>literally spent more than half what i paid for my PC on this stupid game
send help

You'll get used to it, you just have to take a long break from LoL first so you kinda "forget" the fast movement. I had the same problem (also the camera zoom is another thing that feels better in LoL but it's like that for a reason in Dota)

n0tail being a burden as usual. Most of the the teamfight is either n0tail can't do shit or feed like a retard.

people have been playing dota for a very long time, and dota was still alive on garena and bnet even in the dark ages around 2008-2009 when HoN and early league were battling it out

dota will keep going regardless of how people who only learned about its existence in 2013 feel. if you want to play the hip exciting games go jump on overwatch/no man's sky/smite/darksouls/undertale/whatever the fotm game is


this game is for children, retards and near flawless people, too hard to deal with emotionally so fuck it

That's just it. The original player base aren't normies. They're the crustiest of Gregors who have been playing this goddamn game for 10 years now.

Do you wanna declare Brood War dead too because it doesn't appeal to normies?

>desirable for normie
There's custom game like wc3 where you cna fuck around. If only they advertise it too


holy shit

dota 2 customs are fucking awful

i quit playing mid 2014 after playing since closed beta (was super hyped about winning a key in one of the giveaways) andlots of wc3 dota before that. i dont even know why, i just lost interest in the game.


>but the community as with all mobas is cancer so don't play it.

If I had 9 friends (or at least 4) to actually not have to put up with the MOBA community, I feel like I'd probably actually enjoy MOBAs a lot.

SEAmonkey detected.

the only reason the game has actually lasted this long is because icefrog never listens to normies or adhd autismos

that shit is why you get cancer like league having heroes with all 4 skills that are just other hero's skills slightly remixed, but the hero has big tits so she sells hats

they were going to win the lower bracket and face EG in the finals
but they werent prepared for JIMMY "DeMoN" HO and his filipino death squad

and this just makes no sense. If you like the game, why let ragekids stop you?

Wow man, that's fuckin crazy.

in 2009, if you didn't want to play on lordaeron west and deal with shitty ass bnet and all the leavers and faggots on it, garena and dotacash were your only options

you had faggots on garena too but that was what banlist was for

You can still play Brood War, there may come a day where you cannot play anything but Valve's version of Dota, which is VERY different from old Dota and based entirely around team fight execution. It's basically a dead game then, just like WoW died after the expansions, even if it was still around in a zombie like state.

To speak nothing of actual financial death, which again can happen if you alienate the hardcore playerbase.

Well that is exactly what is happening to the game over the past few years.

>bigger payout than some current sports winnings
>i-its not that much!! only twenty million yew ess dollars! th-the game is d-d-dead i swear!

Because MOBAs have interdependencies on other players to allow you to actually perform your role.

The game became worse with every patch and wath they did with Skeleton King feels like a kick in the balls

Post hours

the hats is out of controll at this point

Like every other team game? What's the difference?

Seriously if you can't handle rage then I think it's back to JRPGs or whatever the fuck you like to play.

except no, every new hero added is dramatically different, and new items have interesting and unique mechanics. the hat selling is for already existing heroes

>dota 2 is very different from old dota

fucking please, the meta went from pre-nerf blink ganksquad to push to deathball to teamfight to 4pro1 to smokegank all before dota 2 came out

just because you don't play the game anymore doesn't mean the game is suddenly dying

well it help Valve because they don't have to juggle importing cosmetic from skelly into iron man in chinese server.


>checked mine

>Why we need normies
Normies are the bulk of every serious (as in big) player base.

We're talking about big numbers. Not about hardcore fanboys sticking to the game as it (hypothetically) dies.

The game is not about to die. That's just not happening (soon).

think you have an addiction m8

No. Everything in your post is wrong. You can still play WC3 Dota, and you'll always be able to. It is not notably different from Dota 2 outside of UI things, and WoW is to this day a profitable enterprise otherwise its servers would have shut down.

wow and i thought i had a problem

>Like every other team game?
No. The interdependency is far more pronounced and designed around in MOBAs and basically omnipresent, whereas "other team games" can go as shallow as just being "Team Deathmatch" that's really no different from just Deathmatch except you're scored as a team.

ya have to really like killing other players to feel good in dotes

Shit dude I don't think you've played an entry level pub game of Dota in your life bro.

>I don't play this game any therefor it's dying


dota has never been about the big numbers in the playerbase. the people who wring their hands about playercount are almost always retarded leaguefags

for a decade now you could go to any random internet cafe in pinoy/malay/CN/RU and there would be a pile of people playing dota, and that isn't going to change

What the fuck is the deal with valve? They have one hero left to release, and the one hero I've been wanting to play since the very beginning of dota 2 closed beta, and HE STILL ISN'T IN THE FUCKING GAME. ITS BEEN 8 FUCKING MONTHS SINCE THE LAST HERO

Over the past few years they tried to stamp out similar abilities, like Finger of Death and Laguna, and Drow's Silence and Death Prophet's used to be identical. I can't think of many skills that are exactly the same other than something minute like Centaur's stomp and Slardar's Crush.

deadest game on steam no doubt

No one ever claimed the game was dying anyway (or at least I didn't). I only said the game was in an unprecedented extended decline, which it clearly is. It's still entirely too early to say it will die.

shut the fuck up SEA monkey. Nobody care for your opinion.

>it's an ADHD retards argue about turn rates episode
Here we fucking go again.

When will you league shitters get it into your thick skulls that turn rate singlehandedly balances ranged vs melee

>Like every other team game? What's the difference?

barely any other game (maybe aside from some MMOs) is as reliant on teamplay as dota is. dota is also EXTREMELY frustrating when you're losing, and the very long match duration enhances this even further.
together, these factors often create extreme hostility between teammates, mostly on the losing team. i have never seen this happen to that extent in any other game. only in dota.


PL is now a fundamentally different hero and there is no hero to fill that void. I know you don't care about this, you don't need to tell me.

yeah. thats the only way i would play a moba is I had a full team.

I stopped giving any money for this game when they removed guarantee item on level, and dropped items being marketable and tradeable.
And now i also have to wait 15 days to market or trade anything.

I really did not think it was that bad

you know the funny part is that even the most shitter of retarded malayfag dota player has a more worthwhile opinion than a NA league player who first learned about dota type games in 2014

>unprecedented decline

this is what a game in terminal decline looks like

i don't even play DOTA and I fucking hate MOBA cancer but OP is retarded even though I actually wish he was right