Man valve really just doesn't give a shit anymore
Man valve really just doesn't give a shit anymore
Other urls found in this thread:
>Make an erotic visual novel
>remove all the sex scenes and put it up on steam
>people still blame the west for cutting content
Rise finally got her own videogame
Are they removing all the h-scenes
If so, any word on a developer patch hosted somewhere?
>Rating is 16 years old
well, this is it, im now exclusively using GoG.
it seems valve discovered there's money to be made from pathetic weeaboo virgins, so now there's a +18 section on steam
also, the 'nudity' tag is right there
so i take it that theres a whole other layer of legality issues involving distribution of explicit sexual adult content that valve isn't willing to deal with? we already have the 18+ confirmation thing on some generic action games, does that not cover porn?
there's a BIG difference between Nude and Sex user, you do know you can still have clothed sex right?
>Paying for porn
Besides, the only way these get any real sales is if they raise to meme status.
Finally ...... the future.......... is upon us.......
I think it's more of a soccer mom problem than legal one. It will be there eventually.
>Bazooka Cafe
Please god tell me this isn't shooped
That's pretty fuckin rude senpai
Underwear is only nudity if you're an mormon.
>Man valve really just doesn't give a shit anymore
seriously, look at the coming soon. 22 pages of abject trash, smothering the three of four games that might be decent between now and february 2017
it's fucking shameful how poorly they curate their own storefront. it has more garbage than
>Visual novel
>2D arcade fighter
>3D beat'em up
fuck off, these kinds of games are complete shit and just shit up the steam store
You don't like all these flash/mobile ports?
Looks like your pixel shit got cucked out of votes
if they got aa2 and cm3d2 there with full translations and no japanese locale thing their actions would double overnight
How the fuck is valve supposed to assure the "quality" of these games and decide whether or not they're "good enough"?
if a game works fine, it's objectively "good enough" to be sold, you can't just refuse developers to put their games on steam, because their game doesn't meet some subjective "quality" criteria. Also, there's literally nothing wrong with a 18+ Steam section, as long as they sell actually 18+ with tits and gratuitous sex content and just censored cock-tease bullshit. The censorship really needs to fucking go and stay go.
What exactly did we win?
>and just censored cock-tease bullshit
*and NOT just censored cock-tease bullshit
Weebs are cancer that needs to be erased once and for all.
when you have nu-male cucks like the ones that work at Valve that don't understand the internet community you get the greenlight system. They tried to enforce control but their was way too many whiney babies complaining their shit game wasn't getting attention, then you have absolutely retarded amatuer devs that partnered with publishers to skip the queue. It was a catostrophic failure, now Valve have taken some laxatives and unleashed the floodgate of their anus and all these turds have beeing shitting up the steam store. its a "Free market" as they say.
Thanks to brave and godlike devs fighting that bullshit with out of house patches that's not as much of a problem as it used to be.
Why is it that the devs who make porn are much better devs than the devs who make AAA shit? Is it because they're fellow NEETs?
There's literally nothing wrong with turds being sold at the Steam store, the only problem it creates is that you have to sift through all the trash to find the games you might like, but who the fuck just browses the store without knowing what he's going to buy beforehand anyway?
>Make an erotic visual novel filled to the brim with sex scenes (nukige)
>remove all the sex scenes and put it up on steam
It's happening... and I don't understand how
Bruh, they go on 2chan and talk about how stupid americans are about buying censored eroge games. This is why more and more of them are releasing on steam.
So you're excited that you get to pay for New Grounds tier Meet N Fuck games that you could play for free a decade ago?
>it actually sells
Thats the worst part
correction: Censored Newgrounds tier Meet n Fuck games
There's clearly some kind of market for them.
>weeb trash that nerds will pay full price to jack off
the fuck is tous les jeux and suivre
>He doesn't use JAST
If you're a buyfag, then for what purpose? Half the shit doesn't even have DRM unless the makers are jews.
>using steam
You already lost
Awesome, more shovelware to give a dislike to. Bring it on braindead weeaboos.
>PC "gaming"
Never again.
>not using steam and buying the latest games dirt cheap through G2A
Unless you pirate your shit, there's no reason not to use Steam, as it offers the best prices for vidya.
all the jews
This is why consoles are genuinly better than Steam right now. It's all curated. You practically don't even have to look at reviews because they don't allow trash on their systems.
This should be allowed though.
You can't be all "DUDE WE'LL SELL ANYTHING LMAO" and then for some reason make an exception for erotic content.
It's a dumb double standard.
Good luck goy.
>Buy game
>It requires steam
>It's a physical copy not from valve
Devs love Gaben dick almost as much as the fans.
At this point, I'm sure Gaben is secretly a weeb.
It's their passion. Nips artists and dev are autistically dedicated to their craft even if its boobs and asses. I've seen some female pixiv have the lewdest passion for tits and asses.
I'm glad I got an xbox one now. Steam blows ass
Gotta lust for something you don't have?
not all steam games are DRM, some can just be played with the .exe
>that tumblr link
>leads to this youtube
>a deviant art faggot who plays pixel indie shit
The levels of irony here are far too much to handle.
Then why don't they allow straight up porn games? All of these games are just an excuse to get as close to full on uncensored porn as they can get so horn 12 year olds will spend their parents' money on Steam.
Since when has steam been about "DUDE WE'LL SELL ANYTHING LMAO"? They used to moderate the store better and tried to make sure the games they sold weren't blatant mobile games that don't work on PC, a million copycat meme-simulators that dont work made in 5 minutes in unity, and games that go up to the definition of porn and wave their hands close by yelling "I'm not touching you! I'm not touching you! See I'm not really porn! I have a shit story that weebs are going to skip through to wank to 2d tits that they could have just Googled!"
Then they all converted to judism and opened up steam greenlight, we're strict at first, then opened the floodgates and let almost anything be sold as long as they get a cut.
>See thumbnail from catalog
>Think it's fucking Love Plus in english
>Shit pants
>It's some random other shit
Fuck anime
>paying the fucking absurd Jlist prices
He can go fuck himself.
can't you just watch hentai porn?
or just torrent these games? why do you need to buy them
>Simplified Chinese
>Traditional Chinese
This is a chink knock-off, isn't it?
You mean fuck chink knockoffs.
I'm a pathetic weeb and I'd never even consider giving Valve money for any games or otherwise where they cut the content from the versions that can be pirated for free.
If more developers did h-game releases like Nekopara Vol.2 I would buy a lot more.
The developers cut the price of the censored version by $10, released the official patch on their website for $10 to patch all the sex scenes back in.
This is the way it should be done if steam really will not allow that content on their store. People who are cool with the censored version get a discount and everyone else can just play the uncensored version on Steam for retail price.
I would kill for Eushully to release Kamidori and all their other shit.
Maybe for Fukumaaya, but Karma Tatsurou is one lewd MILF who writes about her housewife neighbors' sexual exploits and fantasies
Same but I thought it was amagami.
People buying these censored VNs are probably playing them for the "story" or "characters". I have no other explanation apart from them being also closet cucks.
I'm not disagreeing with you, but Steam has been selling almost fucking anything for a long time.
They should just create an alternative adult only version and just sell porn, but stuff like this is likely the first step.
Classic meme
>"Someone" uploads a patch that makes all the sex scenes available
There's no future without Rance Games being on Steam
>Tfw the best VN of all time will never be on Steam
Not that it matters because they'd censor and ruin it.
>Then why don't they allow straight up porn games?
Because Steam works with various payment systems from various countries, and not all of them are cool to work with store which sells porn.
You son of a bitch. I thought this was some loli shit at first. Censored so well I didn't even notice.
Why does anyone care about buying VNs on steam? I don't get it. Why would you pay for a butchered game?
How do you get the Genres and Demos tabs? I have been trying to figure it out for a pretty long time now. Is it because I am not using skins?
muh. played the jp version and i will for sure buy the steam version then patch it
pink is gr8
with the exception of the strapon scene that is
Perhaps the same can be said of all games.
Because they're young teenagers that haven't realized you can get all these VNs for free online, and with actual sex.
Is Valve still using bots to answer support-tickets or have they hired humans by now?
>valve doing something that costs them money merely because it would improve the user experience
It took them over a decade to enable basic refunds. What do you think?
What do you think? Go buy this year's compendium and keep praising Gabe and everything Valve shits out
wait, you mean i can got it for free but i must do actual sex with oldman first?
Damn...... Imagine .......
no there is already your mum for that.
>eroge games
Are you the guy behind pic related?
Great game
I came like 14 times in 24 hour period, actually my record
Paypal being the biggest one in that case. Valve would lose them.
fat jew doesnt give a fuck, they just take 30% cut with zero effort - whatever sales is good for them
and millions of plebs are still sucking valves dick
>ever using steam
you asked for this.
>People unironically buying widely-avaliable Naylor comics they could get for free
That's a scary world senpai
>not supporting an artist you like
Sekai Project in a nutshell.
>This is why consoles are genuinly better than Steam right now. It's all curated. You practically don't even have to look at reviews because they don't allow trash on their systems.
>Supporting an artist that get's tens of thousands of dollars a month on patreon and DRMs everything to high hell
>not trap x trap
get this trash out of here
>trap x trap
I bet you like vagina you fucking nonfaggot
>release no game
>no trash games on console
pls gib
>chink shit being allowed on Steam now
To think it wouldn't get any worse.