All these threads about a shitty new indie game

All these threads about a shitty new indie game.

Meanwhile, I just finished pic related for the first time. What a brilliant game, they definitely don't make them like this anymore. And that OST! God damn,

Although people who say Chrono Trigger is better than FF7 are quite obviously talking out of their asses. CT is great and all, but FF7 beats it in just about every area.

Other urls found in this thread:

CT is possibly the best game of all time that still holds up today, it aged like a tasty wine.

You can't say the same about OoT though. It brought a lot of innovations to the genre back in 1998. It just aged pretty bad in the performance, graphic and gameplay (camera control) deparment.

Are you really so autistic that you'll play and enjoy Japanese console RPGs?

Also, FF7 didn't age that well. You can still play CT today and it still feels like a 2D game made a year or two ago. FF7 assets, cutscenes and 3D models overall aged pretty badly and desperately screamed for a remake or HD port to be properly enjoyed in current machines.

Unless you play it on PS1 using a 14'-21' CRT display.

What is so good about it as a game?


>time-travelling between ages of the same planet
>that twist near the end
>item hunting in different ages (sealed boxes)
>New Game+
>controls incredibly smooth for a 1995 game
>battle system is great although difficulty could be improved

You have awful taste.

>>time-travelling between ages of the same planet
>>that twist near the end
I said 'as a game' for a reason. None of those things matter in games, they only matter in story books for children.

I'm not the autist who plays Japanese console RPGs.


Story and characters fall under writing, but don't bother elaborating because the guy you're responding to is a filthy troll.
See and maybe also

Tell that to Telltale and their story-based games my friend. Games aren't all about gameplay.

Anyway, take these out and you still have a solid battle system, a solid gameplay, a solid party system and a pretty damn good skill system.

I meant characters as a design perspective. Their skills, their assets, traits, and of course their writing on top of that.

Story =/= writing. You may have a nice story with poor dialogue everywhere.

Sup Forums is in a sorry state if you legitimately think stories matter in games. Stories only mater to children and the illiterate. Stories are IRRELEVANT in literary fiction. You are a pleb. Games are more like sports than story books.

>There's a huge variety of console games out now, but to me, the majority of them aren't actually "games". The word "game" means something competitive, where you can win or you can lose. When I look at recent games, I see that quality has been declining, and what I'm seeing more and more of are games that want to give you the experience of a short story or a movie. This is most obvious with role-playing games, where the "game" portion isn't the main focus, and I get the feeling that the developers really just want you to experience the story they've written. So when you ask what I think of games today, well, it's a very difficult question for me. I end up having to say that games today just aren't games to me. The essence of games is competition, and I think that's a remnant of our past as animals, and the competition of the survival of the fittest. I think you see it reflected all through human history, how people with wealth and power want to have harems, acquire women… that kind of thing is at the root of humanity.
- Gunpei Yokoi

>Games aren't all about gameplay
Do you know why they're called games?

A lot of JRPGs in general save for the earliest JRPGs hold up for decades because JRPG artstyles are very style over graphics and combat has generally stayed very similar for nearly three decades now.

Plus 90s vidya pixel art still looks good even today.

I won't keep wasting my time, you clearly have some shitty taste or refuses to understand what videogames are.

Nice bait though.

Games have a history of being story driven or just simply mindless action. It's really only recently that retarded, illiterate kids with zero attention span can't handle story driven elements.

I'm sure some teenage autistic who plays Japanese console RPGs has a better idea on what games are than Gunpei Yokoi.

Yeah, Joust, Pac Man, Space Invaders, New Zealand Story, and Wizard of Wor were cinematic masterpieces. The best early games were arcade games, text adventures were and are shit.

Wow this place really has become a haven for casual scum.

get your head out of your ass gameplay-firstie
games can be whatever the creator wants them to be, you don't get to decide anything about that

Threadly reminder that if you didn't get at least this ending credits theme, you need to go replay that shit and get a proper ending

How does Chrono Trigger hold up to FF6?

Most overrated game of all time, has been for an eternity

>The best early games were arcade games
Yep, and we clearly still play them now and haven't in any way shape or form moved on to more advanced tech.

The nature of gaming has evolved since then, and games take on the form of what the creator chooses them to be.

Aren't you that same troll who whines, screams, and bitches like a toddler in need of nappy-time every so often about stories and games because you're illiterate and have to use a speaking program to post here?

Yes, yes you are.

I'll take CT over FFVII, and I've played FFVII first. No random encounters, a more engrossing universe (FFVII really loses its pace after nibelheim IMO), a more satisfactory ending. I also prefer CT's combat system, although FFVII's materia upgrade and customization system is better. Both are great games but I think CT holds up better.

CT also ages like fine wine, the 2D graphics are still brilliant to this day. FFVII's 3D models, not so much.

dumb faggot should've taken his own advice and played some racing games
maybe then he wouldn't have ended up as roadkill LMAO

no thanks.

It's sad that you're too young to have experience the golden age of JRPGs. I can't really hold it against you though if you've only experience the awful modern ones.

Careful mate...

If they don't have gameplay, they're not games.
I still play arcade games, lots of people do. There are arcade cabinet rental businesses doing well.
The Yakuza killed him.
I'm older than JRPGs. I experienced the golden ages of arcade games and home computer games.

>If they don't have gameplay, they're not games.
but JRPGs have gameplay

If you're really that old and you're still wasting your time trolling chrono trigger threads on Sup Forums it's a bit sad man.

CT is overrated as fuck, it's a good game, but there were better JRPGs on SNES like Lufia 2.

>I still play arcade games, lots of people do. There are arcade cabinet rental businesses doing well.
But you're making the retarded argument that every game must be the same as those old arcade games, and can't in now way be different.

It's like listening to an old man complain about >"kids these days..."

Back to rebbit.
Not really.

>every game must be the same as those old arcade games, and can't in now way be different.
Most 70s/80s arcade games are different. I wouldn't say Star Wars is the same as Marble Madness.

>I'm older than JRPGs. I experienced the golden ages of arcade games and home computer games.
Then what the fuck are you even doing on Sup Forums? Is your life such shit that the only thing you have to do with your life is wait for a JRPG thread before you start herpy-derpy?

well then name some games with great gameplay

>that image
When will rebbit leave?

>Back to rebbit.
>is apparently a grown up man
holy shit I hope I don't end up like you

quality post, truly worthy of someone who claims to be older than JRPGs and still hangs around in arcades

Asteroids, Pac-Man, Joust, Galaxian.

Robotron 2084, R Type, Final Fight, Street Fighter II, New Zealand Story, Rainbow Islands, Smash TV, Robocop, Super Contra.

Chrono Trigger is the one JRPG that I could stomach through an entire play-through. I'm not a fan of the genre at all, but I can at least understand where the fags are coming from with this one game.

When will you touch a vagina?

Oh, maybe you're a facebook user.

Sometime after he discovers his penis.

>No random encounters
Oh would you look at this idiot.

>ost matters in a book
>original soundtrack matters in a book

What's your point retard?

You may have autism or you're not a native English speaker.

>finished it for the first time

No you fucking didn't. But I agree, it's a good game.

Point out a SINGLE random encounter in Chrono Trigger. Scripted surprise encounters don't count because they're _scripted_.

>random encounters
you didn't play it huh

Chrono Trigger is definitely a masterpiece, imo.

Many hold up *visually*, but not necessarily gameplay-wise. I recently replayed Sword of Mana (GBA) and Secret of Mana (SNES), and while the former really is still reasonably playable, the latter does show its age.

>implying implications

"An ancient evil has awaken". Generic as fuck.
>Time traveling between ages of the same planet
Would be good if the areas weren't so few, dull and boring.
Good battle system, but after you know the best combos, you stop using everything else.
Lackluster. I can barely remember a single track.
>that twist near the end
Good, but since is solved in a matter of minutes because of the short length of the game, it ends up being a badly done one for the sake of shock value.
>item hunting in different ages (sealed boxes)
Backtracking garbage
>New Game+
One of the few things the game does right.
Bland, mediocre and unmemorable
>controls incredibly smooth for a 1995 game
That's because they're simple. But sure, whatever.
>battle system is great although difficulty could be improved
Nailed it.

Chrono Trigger is a 6/10 game. Fun and decent, but overrated and overshadowed but a lot of games that came after it.

>No you fucking didn't
What the fuck are you talking about aspie? I didn't finish CT until 2010 on DS. Never owned a psychical copy on my SNES and never completed it when I dicked around on emulators. I know 'tism makes it hard to understand, but just because you finished it doesn't mean everyone else did too.

You must be voting for Hillary with all that cognitive dissonance.

Go back to Sup Forums, Trumptard.

>t. millenial piece of shit born in the mid 90's

>Knowingly wrong so must hurl insults to hide idiocy.

I love Chrono Trigger; it's my second favorite SNES game. I would like to point out the flaw that physical attacks are much more useful than magic, meaning a party of Chrono, Ayla, and Robo, spamming Falcon Strike and Rapid-fire Fist annihilates the game.

>Chrono Trigger is a 6/10 game.
Would you at least agree that it's the best RPG of its time, or do you think there were better alternatives around?


>He watches Minecraft YouTubers


>No you fucking didn't.
Why would you disagree with this? Personally, I didn't finish (or even just play at all) Chrono Trigger until last year.

I think the game at least does a good job or forcing you to change up attacks. It's rare that you have a boss that you can just spam physicals against.

Pretty shit taste mate. If CT has "lackluster" OST and "bland, mediocre and unmemorable" character design I'm curious to know what you consider a good game.

>"bland, mediocre and unmemorable" character design
To be fair, it's literally the cast of DBZ.

But is it better than Dragon Quest VI?

>Would you at least agree that it's the best RPG of its time, or do you think there were better alternatives around?

It's probably the best of it's time, I'm not denying that. But after playing other games like FFX, DQVIII, Shadow Hearts Covenant, Rogue Galaxy, Dark Cloud 2 ,Xenosaga/Xenogears,etc it kinda fell flat.

The time traveling setting is interesting and a unique concept that was probably used by a lot of games that followed and I can't deny is a classic, but is just not that good anymore in comparison to those other games I mentioned.

>I said 'as a game' for a reason.
>None of those things matter in games, they only matter in story books for children
>they only matter in story books for children

nah I think you are just retarded but try to appear as a smart kid.

Go play Gone Home, you autist.

of course not

why don't you accept that you made a flagrant mistake only a 13 y/o would make?

What mistake?

it's great, favourite snes jrpg along with FFIV, Lufia II, Live A Live and Treasure Of The Rudras


It's fantastic, I play it every couple of years and it never stops surprising me how good it is.

I really feel sorry for people that got into videogames with the ps3/xbox 360 generation, because a lot of them folks will never know what a good videogame is.

>if people don't like an overrated JRPG it's bait

CT has most of the problems Sup Forums complains about in modern games. Shallow combat, easy, illusion of choice, extremely linear until you have the option to fight Lavos, story is weak with a lot of contradictions, more focus on uninteractive "cutscenes" than actual playing, shallow and recycled level design, copypaste (Goku) hair, etc.

It's a turn of phrase, you fucking moron.

I honestly can't remember a single track in the game. None. Which is strange, because I usually end up liking at the very least one. Is just doesn't hold a candle in terms of other JRPGs like Nier, Mana Khemia, Ys Oath/Origins, etc.

And I was talking about the characters themselves, not how they look like. The later is just Dragon Ball ripoffs, guy can't draw anything that doesn't look like Bulma or Goku.

>Joust is mindless
>Street Fighter 2 is mindless
>Starcraft is mindless

JRPGs are the the mindless genre.

linearity being bad is a normie meme

>better than CT
Nigga, it ain't even better than Crono Cross. FF7 is such an overrated game. It ain't even close to being the best FF.
Simple != shallow
>story is weak
>complaining about an artstyle as an actual issue with the game
If you're gonna bitch at least bitch about things that matter or that you're right about.

It's bad when the game has shit level design. SNES JRPGs have nothing goingbfor them compared to the platformers, fighters, shoot-em ups, and racing games of the time.

When CT finally came out on the west the Saturn was out with VF2 and the Playstation was coming out the next month. Game was dated at launch.

The SNES couldn't handle action oriented games, so it had to make do with JRPGs and colourful, easy, slow platformers.

Sup Forums complains about artstyle all of the time

It's simple and shallow. There is nothing to master and there isn't a hidden skill ceiling players have overlooked.

VII is my favorite FF (and much better than any other FF since then sans Tactics which I haven't played yet) but it isn't anywhere close to CT's level, at least in terms of gameplay, it was way too easy and did nothing new besides the materia system. Not to mention the clunky polygons aged far worse than CT's sprites.

>guy can't draw anything that doesn't look like Bulma or Goku
Which is why only 1 character looks like Bulma and the other looks more like Gohan than Goku.
Sup Forums is also filled with retards. You're part of the proof.

Nah, it's just simple. It promotes team synergy and rewards it when it is done. It's simple and satisfying to use combinations of characters properly. You would have a point about shallowness if the game wasn't a 20 hour JRPG.

>easy, slow JRPGs*

Fixed that for you. Waiting for your Super Ghost and Goblins no death run.

>I honestly can't remember a single track in the game. None.

Sorry about your brain damage m8

>Ys Origin
Honestly would be the worst soundtrack in the series if not for Ys V

It's Super Ghouls N Ghosts and it's the worst in the series. It's also the only one that wasn't an arcade game. The game is borderline unplayable as the SNES couldn't handle it with a consistent framerate.

The whole point of my post was that Sup Forums contradicts itself by praising a game that has all the flaws they bitch about in other games. It should be international law that if you like JRPGs you can't criticize other games.