Am I the only one who's truly happy because this is not a multiplayer game? I mean, I couldn't give a shit about not playing with friends or 14 year old emo fags online. In fact, I don't play to make friends or build relationships. I just like to play.
people get upset because they spent $60 on a "multiplayer" game with no multiplayer and about 2 hours worth of interesting content
Carson Watson
me too
Oliver Wright
I can understand that. If it was falsely advertised, it should be called for.
But I mean, I am happy I don't have to interact with people
Elijah Cruz
I enjoy that I won't come upon any shitters in my space journey too
Carter Young
If this were a feature, you could have just turned the internet off.
Henry Jackson
>d-does anyone else enjoy lonliness as much as me >h-hello
Angel Ross
You don't seem to understand what's going on. It doesn't matter if you like multiplayer or not, the problem is that Sean lied to everyone.
Elijah Gray
itt a bunch of pc shitters try to downplay the rampant shitposting theyve been doing for the past 3 months in attempt to knock it down a few pegs like the cancer they are
Caleb Butler
I haven't been following the hype
I basically know the devs lied about everything
Daniel Foster
Okay Mr. Fourchan hacker, how the f**k do I turn "off" the internet?
Jonathan Russell
>LEL I DONT KNOW ANYTHING BUT..... sure you dont, cancerous shitposter, sure you don't. sure you arent just bumping your cancerous little shitter thread
Matthew Foster
Games conceived as multiplayer or MMOs, like Destiny, don't work the same with the Internet off, though.
Samuel Johnson
>lied about everything No, the main dev said it was tgeoretically possible to meet up with a friend, but that it was difficult and that the game wasn't about that.
Then some people tried to meet up by being on the same planet and same spot, but couldn't see each other because they were on separate servers.
Before, during, and after both events, a shitload of people have been shitposting about the game's "multiplayer" and then people like you come along and accept the glances they've given to the situation at face value, possibly even throwing in a half-assed shitpost on their way through.
Jonathan Jackson
>the devs lied about everything But that's false. They only lied about 50% of the features.
Daniel Campbell
The game was conceived with single player in mind though.
You'd only be missing out on "easter eggs" whatever the hell that actually means.
Ayden Martinez
The Internet connection for your PS4™ system is normally enabled. To disconnect your PS4™ system from the Internet, select (Settings) > [Network], and then clear the checkbox for [Connect to the Internet].