Subscribing to this game is like flipping burgers at McDonalds for 10 years and getting all hyped up once a year when McRib is back
How aren't you tired of it? It's the same old shit all over again
Subscribing to this game is like flipping burgers at McDonalds for 10 years and getting all hyped up once a year when McRib is back
How aren't you tired of it? It's the same old shit all over again
see that shit?
you can climb it
>i came up with this analogy what can i use it for?
When I worked at McDonald's is fucking hate when the mcrib comes back. Fucking sticky ass barbecue sauce everywhere. Sucked ass desu senpai, also
>food analogy
they need a fucking double quarter pounder in this fucking country
Sorry if you feel like I'm bashing your favorite game but this is how I feel man, no need to be mad
Or we could just say the game is shit and the retards who play it are the definition of parasite
I've been unsubbed for 11 months now with no intention of resubbing, but since my mother keeps playing I put my ego aside and plan to play a bit with her at launch
I wish I could just get WoW out of my life, but with a mother that's such an avid player, that's not gonna happen anyway
How is legion compared to Cataclysm and Panda
Does your mom erp?
>Level 100 rogue
>High pop PvP realm
>Gank lowbies for an hour
People are nothing more than a game to me
Both my parents play and I actively tell them its shit and we just bantz with eachother
I'll logged into there account to see the new animations that got boring after about 10 minutes because cosmetics wont suddenly make the game good again.
Are you undead? If not, fuck off.
she's 51 you sick fuck
god I hope she doesn't
yeah my mother knows that I didn't really wanna play and that I had a falling out with blizzard games in general, but I don't wanna be the guy sitting in the corner being grumpy about the game when I can instead use this as a chance to spend time with her
I have felt the urge to play WoW, Sup Forums.
I know it cannot be saved, so hear my plea:
Is there any other? Not FFXIV.
I desire a game that isn't extremely exaggerated with animations and effects, but more low-key. I desire a game that doesn't give you magical skills every level or similar.
In WoW, playing as a warlock was super-exciting whenever you did some quest to get a spell, or visited certain trainers.
It was excellent.
So is there any other?
So is she hot
Post pics
and no
please reevaluate your life
hey man not him but some of the easiest nudes I ever scored in videogames were from 50+ gamer moms, one more reason to miss guild wars
>easiest nudes
what's the point when you only end up with something that will make you blind
It's not like any other games do anything new and wildly different. You've got third person "cinematic" action games, FPSes, MOBAs... It goes on. All those games are essentially the same reskinned shit.
At least with WoW I don't have to start over everytime a new release comes out.
some of them were nice but you're right. most were cwc's infected gooch tier axewounds, it's mostly not that I wanted them but could get them because these women had gone decades starved of attention it took the smallest amount of effort.
OSRS, Guild Wars 1, Ultima Online: Renaissance
women are like dogs
the older that they are, the easier they get to pick up
I just watched the cinematics and now I want to resub
god fucking damn it
and i'm going to I just know it
you ever gotten videos?
Fuck yourself with a rake.
She's 51 man give her a fucking break. She needs the release so let her have it, fuck.
Wait until the actual expansion releases, trust me
Protip: the McRib usually comes back when pork prices are low.