I feel like I'm taking crazy pills . But despite all the negative comments and reviews , I still find this game totally awesome . I've been playing since last Friday and started over with the patch and I can't get enough. Could it have more content ? Yes. Would it be cool too see another player? Yes (which I believe is still in he works) . But as of now , this is the game that was promised and I love it . Anyone out there still feel the way I do ?
Anyone here who still loves this game ?
hiya reddit
>NMS is worth 60 bucks, despite what Sup Forums is saying
My pops has been up since last night playing NMS and I have to keep calling him to see if he's ok lol. Trying to get him to sleep. I talked to him 10 min ago and he's STILL playing. My dad is a retired school principle and has a lot of spare time and cash. I love NMS for this reason. It brought life back into my father. The look in his eyes when I flew into space from a planet gave me chills. This is the power of NMS. Don't know how long he will be addicted but it seems as though he's in for the long run. He said he's always wanted a game that can make him feel like a space explorer. NMS is more than a game, this is life, inspiration, childhood dreams come to fruition, freedom.
Take a breath and remember...
..a group of 10 people made this game, alone, over years. This is not some huge corporation that pumps out games to profit. This is a group of people who have poured their lives into this and it is finally coming to fruition. Just remember that when you want to dump on them over certain things. You may not have been lied to, maybe it's just an oversight that needs fixed.
Don't be critical of the oversights, once again, only 10 people made this.
Reading through the sub, watching streams and reading articles, it seems many of you (I'm waiting for PC) are having amazing moments in this game and are enjoying yourselves.
I understand in a world where we are used to unfinished games, broken promises, and constant money making schemes just remember...
Don't get lost focusing on the negatives and be patient. Don't jump to conclusions.
Don't assume malice. This appears to be a great game and I'm sure it will continue to get better as the team gets through this initial flurry.
TL;DR: Be patient, and remember this was 10 people doing their lifes work. Not "Gaming Corp Inc" trying to fleece you of another $60
>Don't be critical of the oversights
Fuck you they should have made good gameplay
I'm liking the game so far. Why would you take anything people have to say about games here seriously? I can't think of a single game that people here haven't shit all over.
>this is the game that was promised
This, so true. Just bought another game for my wife. She enjoys too.
Guarantee you at least 75% of the people here like the game. But there's a loud minority that likes to ramble on about the shortcomings-however it's not black and white. Some of us who love the game agree with how there's been faults that need to be addressed and fixed
I'm just hoping Hello Games are going to acknowledge these problems too and try to fix them.
And some people were expecting too much, Hello Games is only an Indie Studio, nothing big. But Sony let them look like a super-team or something.
I think they will fix a lot of problems and add new features to the game.
Great singleplayer game, be nice if they originally just said singleplayer, instead they lied to our faces. Idc what anyone says, i was raised in a timeand age when if a small or big company lied to you, you dont give them the time of day. Now a days people defend those that lie not only in gaming but in almost all facets of life. It will only get worse also, but hey that is the standard we have set...
>can you play with your friends
Why must redditors always write like failed english majors?
this thread
you guys got me good
well done
>this is the game that was promised
English 111 please go
Post more CUTE confused animoo girls!
you're simply in the niche that likes procedurally generated content. The problem was this was hyped enough to get the attention of people not in the niche and they all think its dogshit. The game should have been a 15$ title on steam or the digital store but instead it was marketed as a AAA game charging 60$.
This game wouldn't be reviewed so harshly if the pricing was appropriate for what most people will get out of the game.
i'm dumping on them because of the lead developer constantly lying on camera
You can find them at /h/
b-but user I want YOU to post them! :3
>we have 18 gorillion planets
>that consist of a different colored sphere, random shit sprinkled on top + lego animals
>by the way, you can't do anything except travel + simple as fuck combat
>I love the game
am enjoying it. It was amazing in the first system, walking around getting everything I need to move on. Then it got a little overwhelming, not sure how to find another planet after I left the system. Navigating the solar system was confusing. Finally found 2 more planets on the other side of the planet I first landed on. And explored some more.
1-More inventory space (or at least increase what I can hold of each element). I love the walking and wandering, but after 5 minutes I have full inventories and either have to sell it, or make tough decisions on what to drop.
2-Markers you can drop on planets so you can head back to interesting places. I would be fine with having to craft these markers
3-Busier space stations and larger more town like outposts/colonies. Not on every planet, but maybe 1 in 10 planets has a "town", you still need to find it, but it would be awesome to go over a ridge and notice a town of connected pods.
4-Playing off #3, full planets with civilizations, they could be like 1 in 5000 or something crazy, but the awe in finding such a place would be great, or fun going planet to planet to find civilization would be so great.
5-The ability to share you discoveries. You could log in online and view everything you found with real life friends. Right now we can take screen shots and share them, but linking to your discoveries would be nice.
lego animals?
fuck I love nu male's buy
The small inventory space sucks and the gimped multi tool you start with makes mining tedious, but it's a pretty chill game.
I'm on my first star system and running into random ruins with the knowledge stones or the outpost with that weird fungus thing that took over and other random lore is pretty enjoyable.
>First time seeing someone cuck his own wife with a video game
Thank you Sup Forums
lego as in insert random head + body + legs + hands. There is no rhyme or reason to it + it doesn't even go with the planetary environment around them.
>Reach the center of the universe
>This is it, this is the easter egg shit they were talking about, oh boy, oh boy here we go. Something magic is going to happen
>Lights and flares start happening when you reach the center
>Screen goes white
>You literally start a New Game+ but you are put on some other random galaxy and start over from the beginning with all your upgrades and shit.
Lmao what a fucking joke of a game, they couldnt even make the ending be worthwhile or anything, the only ever purpose of the game is.
>Grind resources
>Fly to another planet
>Grind more resources
>Upgrade ship/suit/tools
>Fly to another planet
>Get more blueprints to grind for
>Get to the center of the galaxy
>Start over
I hate that every fucking planet has radiation/toxicity/extreme temperatures that prevent you from doing long excursions on foot. It's even worse than the minecraft hunger mechanic cause at least in minecraft you can pack some steaks.
you can upgrade your suit inventory pretty quickly by finding pods on planets. I agree with everything else though. Space stations are all almost exactly the same.
>tfw just preordered on Steam yesterday
Did I get rused?
they're not doing a good job of it if this is the case.
Wow, I can't see or interact with you in-game at all, but i can totally feel your presence! I'm literally shaking right now.
Refund right the fuck now, trust me, you are going to regret paying those $60.
i'm buying this for my wife's bull's son and there's nothing you can do about it
Guarantee you at least 75% of the people here like the game. But there's a loud minority that likes to ramble on about the shortcomings-however it's not black and white. Some of us who love the game agree with how there's been faults that need to be addressed and fixed
I don't even comprehend it. "All" they needed to do to make the game at least OK was to add specific, interesting things to do sprinkled randomly but frequently around their planets.
Like I don't know, alien towns to destroy and loot. Huge cave systems with rare minerals and cave animals. Gas giants, diamond planets... IDK I'm just spitballing, but stuff like that.
Upgrade your suit. if you mine a bit as you go you can maintain your equipment easily. Also most outposts have the option to call your ship if you have a bypass chip.
In a way yes and in a way no, they did say the game isnt about multiplayer ect, and that its nearly impossible for 2 people to meet up. However they did say up until the last seeming minute that their would atleast multiplayer, he even alluded to players being able to see other players, which is a fuckign given in multiplayer.
However that is not the case, NO multiplayer, sure maybe server issues are preventing it, or some shit, but from what i and many others can tell they lied to hype it up further and said it was multiplayer when it was not.
>if you mine a bit as you go you can maintain your equipment easily.
No. You can add carbon to your life support, but that's a different "health bar" than toxicity, radiation, etc.
oh wow, reddit is so easy to shill. Just fake the upvotes with your fellow shills and the truth is buried.
Has anyone else noticed that the beams meter resets ad soon as the beam stops? When the beam stops you can press the trigger again and it resets. You don't have to wait. A pretty big glitch.
I fucking hate leddit's fanboy subs, especially in the time between the honeymoon period and acceptance that their idolized thing is shit.
You have to be clever as you move. Duck into shelters or caves, or even underwater to recharge your protections. The mechanic you are complaining about is the main reason it feels like you are on a hostile sci-fi planet.
>Still playing shitty survival games
I shiggy diggy
"Jared what the fuck is this garbage"
How can you not LOVE it!? I remember this when witnessing the Battleborn leddit meltdown. Denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance - the 5 stages - followed directly one after the other! You are now seeing stage 1.
Keep visiting that shithole and you will see the other stages unfold. It's extremely interesting to see.
On the one hand:
>Game made on a scale that is literally insane
>"It sucks because it isn't EXACTLY what I expected it to be"
Yeah, ok, you wanted more. Doesn't mean the game is unplayable garbage. Remember your own gaming history. Features were added to games one at a time and, often, certain new features would be the main point of a game. Later, they would become more common. The main attraction for NMS is that it's impossibly huge. Maybe that's enough for you, maybe it isn't. But, surely, you can at least appreciate the accomplishment.
On the other hand:
The game wasn't quite what people were led to believe. They knew that if they said you can't see other players, their sales would have suffered.
Well, they can never get away with that kind of marketing again. That's pretty much the end of it. Time to move on.
I don't know about you but PC has exhausted the survival-crafting genre out of me, so this what it must feel like for console plebs to finally have their own taste of what was predominantly a pc genre.
Whats happening with NMS is the same thing that's happening with Trump, notably on Sup Forums. You'd think that a majority of the people really truly are that belligerent, but it's really just a loud minority that feels they need to be heard. Just ignore them.
>Would it be cool too see another player? Yes (which I believe is still in he works)
>Well, they can never get away with that kind of marketing again
What about your wife's son?
Don't they deserve to experience this revolution in gaming?
If you want to charge major publisher prices then you will (deservedly) be compared to a major publisher.
Business doesn't care about how many people made it, how cool they are, etc, it cares about the quality of the product.
TL:DR If you charge for a fully featured game, it needs to be a fully featured game.
I dunno, I look forward to the base building aspect when they add it.
In general, the first toy seems very interesting. But in the future quickly tired of the lack of diversity. I can not advise to play it, but the taste and color of comrades there. Who will explain why.
1. First and foremost, probably minus in the game - the standard plot. To describe it, I will not, for those who are interested - Will play will understand what I mean. The storyline does not cling, do not have enough of its disclosure and understandable narrative scheme, which is why the game is lost meaning and the essence of our actions.
2. Graphics. Yes, I do not argue, in the gaming industry to sin zhalvatsya graphics in a computer game, but it's just a nightmare. Guys, even in Serios Sam schedule was better, seriously.
3. The same type of combat system. Oh, this is generally a separate topic. Where have you seen a blunt poking the mouse button? Your gerogy will produce the same attack, no matter where your opponent to what he outfit, its growth, and so on.
4. Gameplay. In general, what can be said about the gameplay ... He is not. And it did not exist. Maps are based on the same scheme, the world is boring and monotonous.
And finally, 5. Artificial Intelligence. Guys, local AI is so stupid that, I'm sorry of course, children 4 years of age are smarter than NPC here.
So, what I say Mogo. Ten criteria.
1. Theme. -
2. Gameplay. -
3. Artificial Intelligence. -
4. World. -
5. Graphics. -
6. Musical arrangement (the only thing that I somehow liked it). +
7. Interest. -
8. playability. -
9. To kill time. +
10. Spend money on something worthwhile. -
Total 2/10.
>don't be critical of the oversights
I'll be critical of whatever I want if they're charging $60
If they refuse to answer straightforward questions on their next project, far fewer people will buy it.
Yes, OP. Been playing nearly nonstop since Tuesday. This game really is great, despite it's critics. It's not for everyone, sure, but I think that's because a lot of people don't understand it. People tend to attack things they don't understand.
But this game... the panic and confusion of that first planet, wandering around looking for heridium; the first time you realize the scope of just the first system; slowly learning to speak an alien language; working and building and improving your ship, and finally taking down a squad of pirates; finding a herd of flying wyrmbeasts peacefully gliding over a green valley of giant red trees; climbing a red mountain to watch a sunset, the blood red sand turning dark purple as the shadow of the mountain crawls over the world; dropping down through a green atmosphere to discover your first planet that's almost entirely ocean... these are just some of the moments I've had in two days of playing. I love this game.
You don't seem to understand.
It doesn't matter. They already got their money. People who buy games have the memory of a goldfish, which is why devs are able to get away with it in the first place. This isn't even the first time a dev mislead people about their game and got away with it. It's not going to stop happening
>dude why don't you demand all games have aliens to shoot and a cinematic story!?