Critics are trying their hardest to downplay just how bad this game is, just because it's a Playstation exclusive

Critics are trying their hardest to downplay just how bad this game is, just because it's a Playstation exclusive.


Because ironically, critics jobs are to avoid being CRITICAL, and shill the game to people.

Otherwise they lose out on ad revenue

Anyone blasting NMS is going to piss off sony.


Its on pc though. Comes out tomorrow.

>No PC exclusive nad Denuvo on Steam
>No multi FPS with my friends Not on xbone
>Not on wiiu
>Not Mincreaft in the space
Summerfags in a nutshell

around blacks never relax

When are you going to realize that its not everyone else who has bad taste, its you faggots?

He went to Jail anyways. His friends snitched on him after the dude and his girlfriend contacted the authorities. Since he was 16 and the dude he clocked was 12 he pretty much was fucked.

Like seriously? What 16 year old thinks sucker punching a 12 year old with fucking brass knuckles makes you cool?

Fucking faggot. Glad his ass is in Juvy for armed assault.



A psychopath. Seriously, I wonder what causes someone to be that way?

I knew some pretty crazy black and white guys but not brass knuckle attack crazy a 12 year old crazy.

Nice fucking picture retard.


>He went to Jail

Parental issues?

Social media?

Maybe he thought being a gangster and surprise attack prepubescent boys with weapons was cool?

I have no fucking idea? Sucker punching someone to begin with is pretty fucking cowardly, but with brass knuckles? It was almost like he wore them for insurance just incase that 12 year old skinny ass white kid got back up and actually fought back.

God I'm so pissed, I wish they would just fucking stick this kid in a cell and microwave his ass to death.

look at his fingers

Uncharted 4 is the highest rated game this year. I don't think that's the issue. Maybe critics just don't like the game.



I wish 2 people would hold down sean and a third guy furiously masturbates over his beard

It's a place where your father is currently spending time in.

Give that faggot a procedurally generated cum stain

no stop