ITT: Games in which the bad ending is canon

ITT: Games in which the bad ending is canon.

And then he gets hit on by his mother. Yuri had a hard life.

ooh i bet it was hard

I don't have any photos, but Drakengard is a thing

>thinks he's half Russian
>is actually half German
I didn't know how to feel about this.

That game doesn't have any possible good ending though. Also different endings lead to the different sequels including Nier.

He could have ruled the Galaxy.


Nobody lives forever.

Darkseed 2
From a Certain Point of View

You call that a bad ending?

Well, for anyone that isn't Kain, anyway.


If you count a second game and its ending then both endings of SH1 are canon.

>If you count a second game and its ending then both endings of SH1 are canon.


nazi baby.

Witch's House


bros > hoes

Ocarina of Time, kinda.

Final Fantasy Tactics Advance

This. And the Stealth Camo is a better prize anyway


time travel and shit

You turn out to be a traitor, you rampage your way through the final level to save Katrina, but then just fucking shoot yourself in the head because you haven't got the balls to end her suffering. She then kills herself anyway.

Shame it was so patchy, we need more properly flawed characters like Mason.