>ERPing with people who post anime girls and stutterspeak
protip: they're fat weebs irl
>ERPing with people who post anime girls and stutterspeak
protip: they're fat weebs irl
yeah but you're gonna give me sauve
What video game is this?
Abigaile johnson and some chink
You know the rules. Deliver the sauce.
Cute cunny.
Women always make getting fucked look ao hot
>this is why I bought an HTC Vive
Nvm I got it. abigaile Johnson gets jap dick
She's cosplaying Mari Ohara, right?
czech my 7
off by alot my dude
Mmm Abigaile Johnson is so hot
whoa...she actually look better than 2D anime
What's the point of this thread?
>protip: they're fat weebs irl
nigga I don't care what they look like at this point anything pretending they want to suck my dick gets me off
No she doesn't
Hey, I think you dropped your 6. Here it is
>by the time i get a VR headset and everything I'll have a boatload of porn content to go through
it's gonna be great. My dick might actually fall off for real.
>caring what the other person is like if you're roleplaying
That's the whole fucking purpose of roleplaying you faggot.
Yes she does stupid virgin weeb.
grossest thing I've seen all week
me irl
>tfw I've had a WoW account active for the past 4 years just for ERP
Those are some nasty fucking tits.
>protip: they're fat weebs irl
Proof or it didn't happen.
semen demon
How can I stop masturbating?
You ARE gonna use an onahole/fleshlight/tenga, right? Just using your hand would ruin the immersion, IMO
then why you post a pic that contradicts your point?
mantits don't count you fat fuck
ye she does
cut your penis off
fuck off
Hitomi's areolae really are her downfall
What's the best game for ERP?
Get off of the internet/computer and do something else.
fuck you
>thread still up
Same, one day.
what sort of hypernormalfag cares about irl.
you faggots are getting better and better
those arent the rules idiot
What is wrong with that girl's pussy?
Hey man, can you not return my things to me upside-down? Thanks. Here's your 4.
I'm pretty sure that's CP.
>people constantly on the Internet are obese or skinny fat dorks
To show how worthless Sup Forums mods are.
Only a 5 can save us now, Yugi
by not being in this thread for a start
Its like a child pussy :3
Its cute :3
but I am actually 5'6' 110 pounds.
I'll have you know I'm quite thin
quick post the last thing you fapped to
No she doesn't
You fucker
Praise kek.
>laughing intensifies
jesus fuck
large areolae's are hot as fuck tho.
mods perma ban this pedophile scum
What's the point of those bags of fat?
why is this thread still real
rudk you
name one thing more pathetic than ERPing with other fat weebs on steam pretending to be girls
hardmode: no cuckolding or scat