I'm at the golf course in GTA Vice City. Anyone want to meet up around there?
I'm at the golf course in GTA Vice City. Anyone want to meet up around there?
I'm here where are you?
7th hole. Come quick
That's what she said haha!
>there are probably people in this world so lonely and poor they roleplay with npcs in outdated games
Ugh my heart hurts
Dude. Where have you been the last 2 weeks?
Is there a vice city MP mod or something?
Dude I'm here, using Vice City Stories. Where are you?
I used to get into a golf cart and drive around the city picking up my money with my bodyguards in my pinstripe suit
Sounds lame but I had fun doing it
Holy fuck this is incredible. I'm literally shaking.
Vice City has always had multiplayer, you just don't see the other players
Another meme?
My oh my I have trouble keeping up with you kids and your memes these days... I remember the time before the Eternal September. The days when memes only came once and a while. These days we are bombarded with them left and right.
At first it was once a month
then once a week
now it's even more than once a day. My how time flies...
I havent been to Sup Forums for the last four months
Whats the joke
Well it clearly had multiplayer when it needed money to develop anyway.
Some nu male sky shit
No Man's Sky apparently.
I fucking did it. I met with OP we killed some dumb golf players together it was fucking mind blowing altough we never saw each other.
Nice bike
Stop doing this to me user.
To the No Man's Sky Haters...
Yes, you. The one screaming, "There's no multiplayer!" and "Sean Murray lied to us!" and other slurs I dare not mention.
Tread lightly.
You are one. We are hundreds, thousands. Millions. You aren't just IN the minority; you ARE the minority.
I don't feel awkward or anxious playing No Man's Sky around others, and your words don't affect me. Many others, however, are coming out of their shells for the first time in their lives. This is the first time many are enjoying the beautiful world that has been procedurally generated for us - and it IS beautiful. Incredibly so. DON'T ruin this for them. We No Man's Sky fans may have our differences, but we will not hesitate to come to the aid of our fellow explorers, especially against someone who so virulently slurs that which has brought us all together.
Don't take this the wrong way. I don't hate you. I don't fear you.
I pity you.
I'm sorry that you feel this way towards us. I'm sorry that No Man's Sky is such a bane to your existence. And I'm sorry that you are missing out on such a wonderful experience. Mostly, though, I'm sorry that you feel the need to go around and publicly chastise and berate others. I'm sorry that, to ensure your own validity, you need to make others feel invalid. I'm sorry that your self-worth is so infinitesimally miniscule that you have to make others feel less-than-human, at least in your own denatured mind, just to feel whole. I am truly sorry that day-in and day-out you have to put up with your worthless, meaningless, Shakespearean tragedy of a life.
I ask you politely to cease your unnecessary cries for attention, and instead invite you to join our ranks. Uninstall Call of Duty, start up No Man's Sky, and breathe in the splendour and the amazement of your first planet, and then, maybe, just maybe, you'll see what you've been so hopelessly searching for this whole time.
>tfw I actually used to believe that GTA has some of the NPCs planted as real people and tried to meet others
My evidence of it was that sometimes if you hit a police car, they don't react to it. I assumed that this meant they were real people.
woah... really makes u think...
>someone took their sweet time to write all this
No Mans Sky has MULTIPLAYER DUDE!!!!
Long story short, Sean Murrays(?) advertised his game for a couple years saying it had multiplayer, less than a week before it came out he made a twitter post saying that it didn't have multiplayer but has network features. BUT he claimed that players will still meet, just not in the conventional sense.
Two players bought the game when it came out, started their own streams, immediately found out where each other were, and 'met up'.
Thing is though, neither of their games were connected, there was no sense of game syncing going on, no signs of interacting with each others worlds and they were very clearly playing separate games.
One of the players went to reddit saying "wow we actually met up that's awesome" and then the creator of the game, Sean, went to twitter and pretty much said that what they did is the game's multiplayer.
So really what he is saying is, two people playing the same single player game, going to the same area, and doing shit in their own single player game is what makes a multiplayer experience.
People are meeting with each other. Totally amazing.
Part 1 of 2
I have been playing Pokemon Go avidly the past couple of weeks. I'm a 33 year old Server Administrator, with a side business, health goals and am very busy. I don't have time to play games much anymore, except Pokemon because I figured I could walk and get exercise while enjoying myself. I purchased No Man's Sky to add to my collection of games that "I'm going to get around to playing and enjoy", but in reality I buy them, play a few times and then put them on the shelf and never look back at them because I really don't have the time.
I got sick yesterday, body aches all over the place and I told myself I shouldn't work out or go out and that I would have to just stay home, break diet and have some ramen, then play No Man's Sky. At least I can give it a go.
Like Pokemon, there wasn't much in the explanation of what to do, so I loaded it up and played. I got confused during the opening screen where all the stars whiz past you and i'm like "Do I press something here?"
I finally got into the game and started playing. I mined a bit too much only to barely fight off those drone things because apparently I pissed them off, and I barely survived. I started exploring and while looking for minerals and such, I started to check out other parts of the planet and those '?' boxes.
What I realized was have vast the planet was which was pretty cool. I then jumped into my ship and flew out to another planet once it was fixed. I watched the counter seeing it said 1:31 to the next planet, but the seconds timer wasn't moving. Then I saw "boost your ship with o''". Then "light speed (could be wrong here) your ship with R1 + L1". I realized that 1:31 was one hour and thirty one minutes, not one minute thirty one seconds. As I got to the other planet, I found I needed Heridium or whatever, which was in abudance at the previous planet so I went back. I ended up landing on some totally different part.. And then as I went looking for the mineral it hit me.
That's pretty funny tbqh
I got very scared. I realized how small I was. How tiny I was in the vast galaxy, how big this one planet was that I was standing on, and the fact that the other planet was so huge, with so much to do, but then there was another planet and more and more... My mind became blown all in one moment. I was totally immersed. I realized this isn't a "game". This was an alternate reality. It scared me. It scared me as a casual gamer and someone who can conceptualize the logic it takes to generate something so immense, so visually powerful.
At a minor glance, it feels like there is not much to do, or this is ordinarily repetitive, but to me that's a small part. I think this game speaks to my inner innocent self, wanting to be the Adventurer as a child; reading about space, deep oceans, lands never discovered. I still get excited to this day on reddit when they post some new discovery from ancient times and read the article with secret fascination. In reality, there is so much to do and sadly I can't get enough time in the world to do it all.
To me, the filthy casual, this is not a video game in the traditional sense. I can only compare it to a "jacking into the Matrix" type of effect. This is me exploring the universe, and not having to face reality. To be something and someone I can't really be on earth, only my imagination.
I have a lot of gratitude to the creators of this game and the effect this game has had on me.
Thank you......
From now on when NMS is mentioned someone will post "wanna meet up?". Another game got the WE treatment.
I really think about this every day. Every time I see a large male, every time I think about a plane, every time somebody mentions the CIA, every time somebody asks about a mask, every time I weigh on the scale, every time somebody mentions the want to be a Dr. , every time somebody says they're not their friends, every time somebody mentions loyalty, every time somebody mentions Batman.
Holy shit. It's a part of me now. This scene is a big guy for me, and taking over my brain must have been a part of it's plan. Of course, Bravo Nolan you're a real human being and a true detective. I don't know what to do anymore. I wake up in the middle of the night and immediately yell FOR YOU! I just can't help it. Every dream I can remember for the past 6 months has had to do with this fucking scene. Even if it's just the faintest sound of the plane. Oh my God. Please save me. Somebody. I can't take it. My life is crashing with no survivors.
I have ordered the game on PC and have to wait until tomorrow to start my journey. Everything you have said is exactly what I expect; you just said it better than I could. I don't much care if it ever gets multiplayer (i can play a FPS for that) but a fully immersive universe is something that comes along once in a lifetime; in my lifetime at least. I too look forward to seeing all the awe and mystery there is out there. Well said!
I am also very thankful they made this game. I wouldn't rate it as one of my favorite games, but so many games are just rehashes of old, or even highly polished, slightly improved rehashes of old, using the same trite character and gameplay archetypes. Yet they manage to snag 85+ scores on metacritic. At least NMS does something a little different on a bigger scale (many gameplay archetypes are still in this game, but the overarching aspect is unique).
hey guys I'm playing No Mans Sky™ anyone wanna meet up near the space station in Galaxy Zetta145?
So I played for like 12 hours and was hooked, decided to try and get my teenage daughter to try it out. She started finding the things to fix the starter ship, but started on a rocky, desolate planet that wasn't very cool to her. So she gets her ship fixed, travels to the 3 other planets in this system, they're all desolate chunks of rock, I can see her interest starting to wane.....I promise her there's more she's just getting a run of dry rocks that are toxic, frozen etc. Have patience (being a teenager, ummm no) So she gets the warp drive, warps to new system, goes to first planet, toxic barren rock....shit. She leaves that one, goes to next one, overheated dry barren rock, shit again. She's ready to give up, so I was like OK, go to that last planet and if it sucks (for her, different strokes for different folks) then you can quit cause I wanna play anyway. So she gets to the third planet and it's FUCKING. BEAUTIFUL. Green lush grass, trees everywhere, animals abound, no aggressive sentinels, no harmful atmosphere, it's absolutely perfect. Her eyes light up, she gets all excited, starts running around cataloging animals and trees and rocks and all that stuff. Then she found a crashed ship that was way better than the starter, she asked "are there more of these?" I was like yep, just keep going. She was hooked. Was still up playing when I got up to come to work today... I was like really? All night? She said yep, and gonna keep going!
TL;DR If you aren't sure about the game, just keep going a bit longer.
It's not about the game itself. It's about making a promise and ask money based on that promise. And then after all the money is in, the promise is broken.
So basically like almost any kickstarter project.
We, the customer, have to stand up for this. We need to send a signal that it's not okay to bluntly lie to your customers. If we let this slip, more people will do it and it will fuck up the enitre branche.
This is why I come to Sup Forums. you guys are great.
desu he pretty much described those fucking log books and it's also funny
Hello Sup Forums, I am waiting in Sanctuary in my favorite game, Fallout 4. Who would like to meet up using legitimate copies bought from Gamestop.
>decided to try and get my teenage daughter to try it out.
>not 'wife's son'
Is this the most pasta-inducing game to be recently released? I've lost track of all the pasta made in the last few days regarding this game. I'm almost convinced it's all procedurally generated.
Hi Todd!
Sean here, I'll meet you at the Sanctuary in Fallout 4™ if you promise to meet me later in No Mans Sky™
I also didn't even have Internet back then. I don't know how the fuck I assumed it worked, but I sustained the lie for quite some time. I actually called people and asked them to go to a certain place and then tried to find them fruitlessly.
It will take you a million years to read all the pasta and reach the center of the pastaverse.
what if I told you the "pasta" you're reading are real comments from leddit
when i was like five years old I thought that if you wrote the name of the game on the label of the 5.25 inch disk it would be that game. Like it was the label that determined what was on the fucking disk. I really wanted to play that harrier game I saw at the store on my dad's commodore64.
Kids are dumb, don't feel bad about having been a dumb kid.
At first I thought someone used the random copypaste gen based off NMS's gen for this post, but its not in the pastebin.
Is this shit new?
Meanwhile, on the homepage..
Its just super autistic shit written by redditors to try and justify their purchase.
Im on /r/nomansskythegame right now, its a good way to get fresh memes and make yourself grateful for Sup Forums. Pic related is a real post that 141 people thought was good enough to upvote
You should use this with it aswell for that """random gen"""
you cant make this shit up
AI can't pathfinding is shit can't get to player.
>This monster is stalking me OMG
Got a message from a guy telling me I had named his spawn planet. And the only planet I have named is my spawn planet. So we both started our game in the same system on the same planet. What are the odds!?
So I backtrack because I had already left the system when he messaged me to try and meetup. But got the same result as other people who have tried. We couldn't see each other. Still felt like I met someone. Did some talking while trying to navigate to each other and then saying our goodbyes as we continued our individual journeys.
All in all it was a 10/10 experience. Would do a meetup again.
>We couldn't see eachother
>Still felt like I met someone
I'm just having a hard time understanding what all the hate for this game is receiving is for. People saying you at most get 8 hours or of it. It's not worth $60. It's a glorified tech demo. There is zero depth. It's a walking simulator. Etc...
As far as I'm concerned, the game have exactly what I expected. Exactly. I bases my expectations on everything that was told to me. I would be able to explore an indicate procedurally generated universe, with the general goal of trying to get to the center off the universe. I would have s ship and multitool that I would be able to upgrade through mining resources, discovering new ones, or commerce. And would be some ground combat and space combat.
Perfect! That's exactly what I want. And, that's exactly what I got!
In think given the general openness of this game a lot of people used their imagination to fill in what they wanted to do, and created in their mind what kind of game it was going to be. And that will never have good results.
I think this game delivered on everything it said it would. I don't feel cheated, lied to, or let down. I feel I got exactly what I was and that's wonderful. And, I'm excited about all the future updates, and additions seem to be planning on adding.
I get, that the game is not for everybody. But I don't understand why people need to feel like they have to bash it. If it's not for you, accept that, and move on.
I don't like the term "lies".
I'm not getting mad at you, just saying, I'm stating my opinion.
Most of the reviews where posted during development. A lot can change. Some features may have been dropped, and some may have been changed.
As for "lies" which I'm assuming is referencing multiplayer, just because it's not a feature at launch doesn't mean it's not a feature. I personally think they disabled it on day 1 patch as to avoid server overload. I think they will enable it next patch.
And yeah, if anyone thought it was gunna me MMO Minecraft in space, that's their problem. The devs have told us 100 times the number of planets in the game, "It's not multiplayer"
So this is the power of the PS4. Woah...
i watch the trailers and i see beautiful colorful planets with loads of grass and plants and trees, it all looks so exotic, then i buy the game and play for damn near 3 whole days and all ive seen is a bunch of crappy rocks, no grass aside from maybe a random patch here and there, and resource deposits and stuff, but nothing like in the trailers, hell i still havent seen those crystal pillars sean was shooting at on the colbert report... has anyone else found some crazy tropical oasis in this dead universe? because im holding out hoping that maybe they are just rare... WHERE ARE MY GIANT SAND WORMS!?!?!