Was this the most embarrassing moment in Sup Forums history?

Was this the most embarrassing moment in Sup Forums history?

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When Sup Forums actually played against Reddit in Tribes.

I know we won, but still, Sup Forums shouldn't have acknowledged Reddit's existence.

>Sup Forumsgas
>Sup Forums sings/musicals

Not by a longshot.

>the glorious moment when even a BR could beat a "hardcore" reddit team

Also, What is GamerGate for $500?

why is this site so shit now? No one can find fun in stuff like this anymore, it's all "HURR CANCER" or "DURR REDDIT"
hell I remember when an average thread was filled with shitty memes like "PWNAGE" and rage comics.

love this meme where we act like we weren't all in on gamergate


The Sup Forums muscials are great.

>it's about ethics

popularity kills everything, Sup Forums is so afraid that the next child it bears will be cancer incarnate that it shuts down everything that has a chance to make sure.

Most of us were in on Chanology too, and that was embarrassing as fuck.

m-muh fun

fuck off, reddit

>I take internet site wars very seriously

No point in making memes anymore when all the hard work will get stolen by Reddit/9gag/Facebook and make someone else money or fame. The well has dried up. The dream is dead.

See thats a dead giveaway that you are a reddit faggot. No matter how many valid points the thing had it doesnt change the fact that your kind flooded this place and never left.

>nobody called out faggots using rage comics
l bet you think you are an oldfag too

Still embarrassing/cringe.

Gamergate was made to push infinity ch and give EvaXephon more jew bucks. Idiots fell for the con.

Because the Reddit scare of 2010. All the newfags from that era came on Sup Forums when everyone was basically in the process of "burning the crops" because they're were shocked and horrified that places like 9gag and Reddit were taking our content and posting here.

These people view anything that Reddit stole as being Reddit in nature so shit like memes are frowned upon and shitposting is worshiped.

>most embarrassing moment
>not "actually its about ethics in game journalism"


I hate people who project themselves on the rest of the site.

>Using hitscan sniper

I'm actually one of the faggots that used to play with seph, and he was the absolute worst player to play with. He always ALWAYS went sniper (back when sniper was the only real hit-scan weapon) And his shitty 150ms ping meant that he was constantly shooting people around corners.

It was basically fucking cheating.

>fuck off Reddit
Exactly what I'm talking about. Why is it that everyone has to act like monotone fucking robots now? No one can be caught having even an ounce of enjoyment here anymore

every single day in this shit hole os the most embarrassing moment in Sup Forums history

this is a pretty scary point, back in "the day" people just had fun without worrying that your shit will be stolen by anyone but ebaums and everyone hated ebaums. Now there are so many idiots that when someone steals something no one gives a shit

Gamergate, maybe getting trolled by tumblr's "what is air" and actually getting butthurt. I'm missing a ton but that's all I remember.

that's not chanology

le gamergate was so cringey xD

like ugh!!!! we were being totes problematic !!!!

Furry trans gay BR rubber band of at 500 ping

HOW can REDDIT even compete?

I'm not saying that no one called it out, I'm just saying it was there. Try posting a rage comic nonironically now. All you're gonna get is people yelling to fuck off to reddit

>Old Sup Forums
>"Nobody will ever go on our south korean festival art forum and take our memes or content"
>"Copywriting our own shit is terrible, it belongs to everyone!"

Do you see the problem here? As soon as brazilian hue monkeys started making money off memes people should have copywrited the fuck out of them.

>not the moot is a total beta cuck fag who wouldn't stand up for himself

at least hiroshimoot is better good riddance to that waste of fuck founder.

The amount of content this single event created is more than most months these days. OC is fucking dead.

GooberGate is the most embarrassing moment in Sup Forums history hands down. What the fuck were you dumb niggers thinking.

Sup Forumsorons

Hey guys isn't Treehouse fucking epic?

>Now there are so many idiots that when someone steals something no one gives a shit

Nothing would make me more mad than if I made some stupid MS Paint comic and someone turned it into a shirt. Innocent people wouldn't even realize their money went to some thief because they only browse Tumblr or whatever.

The creator of Pepe dodged a bullet because the frog was taken from his actual webcomic (Boy's Club)

when they sent cards to treehouse

The problem is they do give a shit, they have this belief that if some other site uses it the exclusivity is lost and that using it will only attract undesirables here.

We already lost the war, if we ever want to be happy with this shithole again we can't go sit around on Reddit and facebook and shed tears everytime they post some normie version of it.

all the "sonyntendo alliance" shit after the xbone was announced was pretty terrible

>tribes will never be alive again



when people do things i dont like

Every year you faggots say this. Fuck off with your nostalgia.

Most here don't even know what you're talking about.

Which is sort of sad. For all parties involved.

I see posts and replys here that manage to outdo eachother in retardation every time.

This place is a constant swirl of embarassment, and the most embarassing posts are the ones made every minute.

>inb4 some nintoddler says they deserved it

If it weren't for Gamergate to give me a rude awakening I'd probably be a braindead Sup Forums cool kid calling people "cucks" by now.

Internet culture, not even once


funny part was it only lasted like 3 days then they went back at each other's throats lmao

I think Sup Forums sings thing wins for me. like, in terms of raw embarrassment

Yeah dude. Before Gamergate I wouldn't let my girlfriend go near another guy but I realized if I wanted to fight harassment against women I'd have to share her.

>Sup Forums raids Sup Forums because moot falls for the Tengen Toppa meme.

It was only epic because the comic and video.

definitely when tumblr arrived en masse around 2 years ago


GG has shit on Chanology, honestly.
GG didn't have autists in Guy Fawkes masks protesting in the street.
The shitty post 2010 Anonymous hacker stereotype in film, TV, and media completely stems from that.

Dunno, but this is THE BEST Sup Forums has ever done.

I still remember the negativity after moot banned it. That type of shit just sweeps you in. I was legitimately confused as to why there were people calling it shit and thought they were shills or some shit. It goes to show that when a big event sweeps Sup Forums everybody is intoxicated by the discourse that goes on in the thread, but once it's gone for too long, out of favor, or forced to another place everybody is level-headed(kek) again and we get to hear the people who never gave a shit about it.

I remember the protests, It was literally masked people sitting around blasting chocolate rain and drinking redbull. Not a single actual statement against Scientology was made at any protest.

>As soon as brazilian hue monkeys started making money off memes people should have copywrited the fuck out of them.

While I agree, that's the equivalent of posting with a tripcode. You think your shitty MSPaint comic is worth copyrighting, and thus better than everyone else's. The anonymous culture from back then couldn't support it. Nowadays, I think people are so used to providing personal information that Sup Forums users wouldn't think twice about someone attaching a name to OC. Then you just run into the problem of watermarks, and keeping a copy of the archived post to prove its yours to keep damn monkeys at bay.

good ol days

when people started saying shitpost and bait instead of trolling. i dont know why that makes me cringe but i always imagine the most nerdliest, weeby, unfunny (but still tries really hard), stick-up-their-ass dork saying it

"(you)" obsession is also something that makes me cringe. i dont really understand why people who post about wanting more replies arent instantly shat upon. its the exact same upvote farming that reddit does but nobody ever complains

l dont know famalam, they are so old that its kinda like a retro meme. l pulled off a duckroll today so anything is possible

launchpad and einstien were always cringey to me because it exposed newfags who were not here a year before during the rigging of the last years polls

>Sup Forums will never be this fun again

There has been worse.

The original idea was that a couple of fags would just copyright the meme and sit on it.

The hue monkeys, seeing that memes had no copyright copyrighted it themselves.

Trollface and most rage faces are property of 9gag and although no true lurker would ever buy a fucking meme shirt 9gag essentially prints money off the shit.

As proof, when Pay Day 2 released their meme masks they had to slightly alter them and change the names around from the standard name because 9gag.

Fun stuff is frowned upon

Back in the day, OC was considered something every board needed to survive. That's why you had so many unfunny memes pop up around boards that were mostly dead. We don't remember them, because they were so unfunny and forced and existed only to give a struggling community some credit.

Now, OC as a concept is dead. If you make something original on Sup Forums? Prepared to be called reddit and 'le ebin' for making something original and trying to share it with the community. Also, if you ever use it more than one time, you are 'forcing' the meme.

The concept of memes has changed from something you did because you wanted to make people laugh to something that other people do because they're trying to influence you.

It's why Sup Forums's main export now is no longer memes, jokes, or good humor. But ms-paint comics about how shitty a person who doesn't think exactly like the comic's author must be.

But Sup Forums isn't the only place, tumblr, reddit, and SA are exactly the same way now: The only difference is that the barrier to entry is lower, as you only need to make a snooty text post about how stupid and uneducated everyone who doesn't think like you must be. Here, at least, requires some working knowledge of Paint.

Dunno man, Launchpad victory was build around Sup Forums recognizing the mistakes made in the previous polls and how to avoid them. Sure newfags banwagoned but most people involved were knew what the deal was.

This, 100%.

I can't get more than 30 seconds into one of those things.

>he's one of those guys that never wants us to do anything ever

I miss the old days when we did shit and everyone got in on it and had fun.

OC is actively deleted by the moderators, don't blame the shitty community.

Copyright doesn't work that way. Troll face, for instance, is owned by a guy on deviantart that fucked up making rape rodent, and could easily sue anyone making money off of it if he cared.

It's iffy on things that were made anonymously and is attributed to whoever made it first.


the term Troll fell out of style as a part of the Reddit scare. There is also the fact that in hindsight "troll culture" irreversibly damaged the website.

Baitfish doesn't really reward you much, it shames you for weak attempts and shitposting.
Trollface encouraged trolling, people posted it to point out trolls but the face was more like a wink or a nudge.

This caused the complete death of sincerity on Sup Forums, I swear from 2008-10 every god damn post was an attempt to ruse someone. Everyone was trying to be ruse master and play 6D-chess around each other.

It's calmed down quite a bit but it pretty much cemented shitposting culture.

Sup Forums has and always will be shit.
Anyone trying to have honest genuine discussions about video games here is like finding a diamond in a pile of shit, deep in another pile of shit, that just so happens to be so shitty no one even bothers to look for it at that point.

you don't have to file for copyright anymore, it's assumed at the time of creation.

which is where it gets bizarre when it comes to memes. No one really owns the rage face or the troll face. if it came down to the courts, 9gag would lose every battle.

It's the definition of a public domain work.

I'd like to see filename threads pruned on sight.

who /regrets ever discovering Sup Forums/ here

the time that everyone chsnged their name to cute tomato and said "you got tricked". nobody else seems to remember that awful day.

that animation was great

shh baby shh

Sup Forums was not always shit. There was a time where we had fun talking about video games without the constant fear of shills, reddit, and SJWs

Remember Japan Time? Remember when we used to discuss, wide in the open, the stupid shit Buckley made today? Remember when we could openly discuss video game news without moderators randomly deciding that it wasn't video game related based on their personal interests? That was the time that Sup Forums was anywhere approaching 'good'. That time has long past.

I wasn't intoxicated by it all. That five guys shit was stupid. For me it came and went. I'm sure it was the same for anyone who's been on Sup Forums since 2006 or before.

>"hey user, I know a site where you wanna see a burning guy?"
I should have said no that faithful day.

i want old Sup Forums back ;-;

Saying trolling is no different. It's as cringe inducing as saying epic.